
Reputation: 1035

Symfony2 + Capifony

I'm trying to configure Capifony to deploy to my remote servers. What I would like to know is if my uploads directory should be within .gitignore? When running cap development depoy I'm getting a symlink error:

executing "ln -nfs /var/www/ /var/www/"

*** [err ::] ln:
*** [err ::] failed to create symbolic link `/var/www/'
*** [err ::] : No such file or directory
*** [err ::] 

Is this because /web/uploads is within .gitignore so it'll never be pulled from git in order to symlink?

Do I need to clone my repository first on the remote server or does Capifony do this for me?

deploy.rb below:

set :stage_dir, 'app/config/deploy' # needed for Symfony2 only
set :stages, %w(production staging development)
require 'capistrano/ext/multistage'

set :application, ""
set :user, "root"  # The server's user for deploys

set :scm,         :git
set :repository, "[email protected]:test/#{application}.git"
set :keep_releases,  3
set :use_sudo,       false
set :shared_files,      ["app/config/parameters.yml"]
set :shared_children,   [app_path + "/logs", web_path + "/uploads", "vendor"]
set :use_composer, true
set :update_vendors, true
set :dump_assetic_assets, true
set :deploy_via, :copy

logger.level = Logger::MAX_LEVEL

development.rb below:

server '', :app, :web, :primary => true
ssh_options[:port] = xxxx
ssh_options[:forward_agent] = true
set :deploy_to, "/var/www/"
set :symfony_env_prod, "dev"

Upvotes: 2

Views: 1031

Answers (2)


Reputation: 451

There are a couple of ways to achieve this.

Commit the empty folder to git:

Create the file /web/uploads/.gitignore with the following contents:


This will allow the directory to be committed to the repository but all content will be ignored. It will create en empty uploads folder on every deployment.

Create uploads as a shared folder for all deployments

This method has the advantage of preserving your uploads between deployments - probably what you want.

In your deploy.rb create a "firstdeploy" task which only gets executed for the initial deployment, and create the directory at this stage:

run "mkdir -p #{shared_path}/web/uploads"

In your deploy config configure it as a shared path like so

set :web_path,   "web"
set :shared_children, [web_path + "/uploads"]

I posted my deploy script here if it helps.

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 71

I think you can keep it ignored as for /config/parameters.yml

but you should manually create the upload folder inside the shared folder did you do it?

Upvotes: 0

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