Reputation: 3627
Is there a way to insert a single character like when r is used, but to append it after the cursor like when a is used (and return to command mode)?
Some t[e]xt " cursor on e (in command mode)
Some te[x]t " input command I'm looking for, cursor on x and in insert mode
Some te[s]t " type s and go back to command mode
Upvotes: 2
Views: 115
Reputation: 6352
Here's another interesting way it could be done. Unlike other solutions, this one actually lets you type the character in insert mode and automatically reverts back to normal mode:
fun! s:InsertSingle()
aug insertSingle
au CursorMovedI * stopinsert | au! insertSingle
aug END
return 'a'
nnoremap <expr> <space> <SID>InsertSingle()
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 3268
is this what you're looking for?
Upvotes: 3