
Reputation: 33087

Volatile vs. Interlocked vs. lock

Let's say that a class has a public int counter field that is accessed by multiple threads. This int is only incremented or decremented.

To increment this field, which approach should be used, and why?

Now that I've discovered volatile, I've been removing many lock statements and the use of Interlocked. But is there a reason not to do this?

Upvotes: 785

Views: 174817

Answers (10)


Reputation: 21

I'm just here to point out the mistake about volatile in Orion Edwards' answer.

He said:

"If it is volatile, this just ensures the two CPUs see the same data at the same time."

It's wrong. In microsoft' doc about volatile, mentioned:

"On a multiprocessor system, a volatile read operation does not guarantee to obtain the latest value written to that memory location by any processor. Similarly, a volatile write operation does not guarantee that the value written would be immediately visible to other processors."

Upvotes: 2

V. S.
V. S.

Reputation: 1244

I would like to add to mentioned in the other answers the difference between volatile, Interlocked, and lock:

The volatile keyword can be applied to fields of these types:

  • Reference types.
  • Pointer types (in an unsafe context). Note that although the pointer itself can be volatile, the object that it points to cannot. In other words, you cannot declare a "pointer" to be "volatile".
  • Simple types such as sbyte, byte, short, ushort, int, uint, char, float, and bool.
  • An enum type with one of the following base types: byte, sbyte, short, ushort, int, or uint.
  • Generic type parameters known to be reference types.
  • IntPtr and UIntPtr.

Other types, including double and long, cannot be marked "volatile" because reads and writes to fields of those types cannot be guaranteed to be atomic. To protect multi-threaded access to those types of fields, use the Interlocked class members or protect access using the lock statement.

Upvotes: 4

Orion Edwards
Orion Edwards

Reputation: 123662

Worst (won't actually work)

Change the access modifier of counter to public volatile

As other people have mentioned, this on its own isn't actually safe at all. The point of volatile is that multiple threads running on multiple CPUs can and will cache data and re-order instructions.

If it is not volatile, and CPU A increments a value, then CPU B may not actually see that incremented value until some time later, which may cause problems.

If it is volatile, this just ensures the two CPUs see the same data at the same time. It doesn't stop them at all from interleaving their reads and write operations which is the problem you are trying to avoid.

Second Best:

lock( this.counter++;

This is safe to do (provided you remember to lock everywhere else that you access this.counter). It prevents any other threads from executing any other code which is guarded by locker. Using locks also, prevents the multi-CPU reordering problems as above, which is great.

The problem is, locking is slow, and if you re-use the locker in some other place which is not really related then you can end up blocking your other threads for no reason.


Interlocked.Increment(ref this.counter);

This is safe, as it effectively does the read, increment, and write in 'one hit' which can't be interrupted. Because of this, it won't affect any other code, and you don't need to remember to lock elsewhere either. It's also very fast (as MSDN says, on modern CPUs, this is often literally a single CPU instruction).

I'm not entirely sure however if it gets around other CPUs reordering things, or if you also need to combine volatile with the increment.


  2. Interlocked methods apply a full fence around instructions they execute, so reordering does not happen.
  3. Interlocked methods do not need or even do not support access to a volatile field, as volatile is placed a half fence around operations on given field and interlocked is using the full fence.

Footnote: What volatile is actually good for.

As volatile doesn't prevent these kinds of multithreading issues, what's it for? A good example is saying you have two threads, one which always writes to a variable (say queueLength), and one which always reads from that same variable.

If queueLength is not volatile, thread A may write five times, but thread B may see those writes as being delayed (or even potentially in the wrong order).

A solution would be to lock, but you could also use volatile in this situation. This would ensure that thread B will always see the most up-to-date thing that thread A has written. Note however that this logic only works if you have writers who never read, and readers who never write, and if the thing you're writing is an atomic value. As soon as you do a single read-modify-write, you need to go to Interlocked operations or use a Lock.

Upvotes: 1001

Jon Skeet
Jon Skeet

Reputation: 1503140

EDIT: As noted in comments, these days I'm happy to use Interlocked for the cases of a single variable where it's obviously okay. When it gets more complicated, I'll still revert to locking...

Using volatile won't help when you need to increment - because the read and the write are separate instructions. Another thread could change the value after you've read but before you write back.

Personally I almost always just lock - it's easier to get right in a way which is obviously right than either volatility or Interlocked.Increment. As far as I'm concerned, lock-free multi-threading is for real threading experts, of which I'm not one. If Joe Duffy and his team build nice libraries which will parallelise things without as much locking as something I'd build, that's fabulous, and I'll use it in a heartbeat - but when I'm doing the threading myself, I try to keep it simple.

Upvotes: 167

Kenneth Xu
Kenneth Xu

Reputation: 1514

I did some test to see how the theory actually works: My test was more focused on CompareExchnage but the result for Increment is similar. Interlocked is not necessary faster in multi-cpu environment. Here is the test result for Increment on a 2 years old 16 CPU server. Bare in mind that the test also involves the safe read after increase, which is typical in real world.

D:\>InterlockVsMonitor.exe 16
Using 16 threads:
          InterlockAtomic.RunIncrement         (ns):   8355 Average,   8302 Minimal,   8409 Maxmial
    MonitorVolatileAtomic.RunIncrement         (ns):   7077 Average,   6843 Minimal,   7243 Maxmial

D:\>InterlockVsMonitor.exe 4
Using 4 threads:
          InterlockAtomic.RunIncrement         (ns):   4319 Average,   4319 Minimal,   4321 Maxmial
    MonitorVolatileAtomic.RunIncrement         (ns):    933 Average,    802 Minimal,   1018 Maxmial

Upvotes: 10

Zach Saw
Zach Saw

Reputation: 4378

Either lock or interlocked increment is what you are looking for.

Volatile is definitely not what you're after - it simply tells the compiler to treat the variable as always changing even if the current code path allows the compiler to optimize a read from memory otherwise.


while (m_Var)
{ }

if m_Var is set to false in another thread but it's not declared as volatile, the compiler is free to make it an infinite loop (but doesn't mean it always will) by making it check against a CPU register (e.g. EAX because that was what m_Var was fetched into from the very beginning) instead of issuing another read to the memory location of m_Var (this may be cached - we don't know and don't care and that's the point of cache coherency of x86/x64). All the posts earlier by others who mentioned instruction reordering simply show they don't understand x86/x64 architectures. Volatile does not issue read/write barriers as implied by the earlier posts saying 'it prevents reordering'. In fact, thanks again to MESI protocol, we are guaranteed the result we read is always the same across CPUs regardless of whether the actual results have been retired to physical memory or simply reside in the local CPU's cache. I won't go too far into the details of this but rest assured that if this goes wrong, Intel/AMD would likely issue a processor recall! This also means that we do not have to care about out of order execution etc. Results are always guaranteed to retire in order - otherwise we are stuffed!

With Interlocked Increment, the processor needs to go out, fetch the value from the address given, then increment and write it back -- all that while having exclusive ownership of the entire cache line (lock xadd) to make sure no other processors can modify its value.

With volatile, you'll still end up with just 1 instruction (assuming the JIT is efficient as it should) - inc dword ptr [m_Var]. However, the processor (cpuA) doesn't ask for exclusive ownership of the cache line while doing all it did with the interlocked version. As you can imagine, this means other processors could write an updated value back to m_Var after it's been read by cpuA. So instead of now having incremented the value twice, you end up with just once.

Hope this clears up the issue.

For more info, see 'Understand the Impact of Low-Lock Techniques in Multithreaded Apps' -

p.s. What prompted this very late reply? All the replies were so blatantly incorrect (especially the one marked as answer) in their explanation I just had to clear it up for anyone else reading this. shrugs

p.p.s. I'm assuming that the target is x86/x64 and not IA64 (it has a different memory model). Note that Microsoft's ECMA specs is screwed up in that it specifies the weakest memory model instead of the strongest one (it's always better to specify against the strongest memory model so it is consistent across platforms - otherwise code that would run 24-7 on x86/x64 may not run at all on IA64 although Intel has implemented similarly strong memory model for IA64) - Microsoft admitted this themselves -

Upvotes: 45

Michael Damatov
Michael Damatov

Reputation: 15633

"volatile" does not replace Interlocked.Increment! It just makes sure that the variable is not cached, but used directly.

Incrementing a variable requires actually three operations:

  1. read
  2. increment
  3. write

Interlocked.Increment performs all three parts as a single atomic operation.

Upvotes: 48

Lou Franco
Lou Franco

Reputation: 89232

Interlocked functions do not lock. They are atomic, meaning that they can complete without the possibility of a context switch during increment. So there is no chance of deadlock or wait.

I would say that you should always prefer it to a lock and increment.

Volatile is useful if you need writes in one thread to be read in another, and if you want the optimizer to not reorder operations on a variable (because things are happening in another thread that the optimizer doesn't know about). It's an orthogonal choice to how you increment.

This is a really good article if you want to read more about lock-free code, and the right way to approach writing it

Upvotes: 18

Rob Walker
Rob Walker

Reputation: 47482

lock(...) works, but may block a thread, and could cause deadlock if other code is using the same locks in an incompatible way.

Interlocked.* is the correct way to do it ... much less overhead as modern CPUs support this as a primitive.

volatile on its own is not correct. A thread attempting to retrieve and then write back a modified value could still conflict with another thread doing the same.

Upvotes: 13

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