Reputation: 1428
I'm trying to implement django-endless pagination on my project. Simple pagination works (with "show more" ) but twitter style (ajax based) is giving me troubles.
This is my view:
@page_template('userena/profil_page.html') # just add this decorator
def public_details(request, username=None,
template = 'userena/profil.html', extra_context=None):
user = get_object_or_404(get_user_model(), username__iexact=username)
userObjekat = User.objects.get(username=username)
user_profil = userObjekat.get_profile()
context = {
'projekti': user_profil.projekat_set.all(),
if extra_context is not None:
return userena_views.profile_detail(request, extra_context=context, username=username, template_name='userena/profil.html')
As suggested, my templates are broken down into 2 pieces, "main" one and AJAX one. This is a part of the main template, which loads the _page template:
{% include page_template %}
and _page template GETS INCLUDED - I can see the content.
_page template:
{% load endless %}
<li id="projektiTab">
<div class="ten columns">
<ul class="accordion">
{% paginate projekti %}
{% for projekat in projekti %}
<div class="title">
<h6> {{ projekat.naziv }}</h6>
<div class="content">
<p>{{ projekat.opis }}</p>
{% endfor %}
{% show_more %}
Javascripts get loaded also ( STATIC_URL is working ) and in the page source I use:
<script src="/static/js/endless-pagination.js"></script>
paginateOnScroll: true,
paginateOnScrollChunkSize: 5
After all this, pagination by scroll is not working. What am I doing wrong?
Upvotes: 2
Views: 2045
Reputation: 1428
There were a couple of "small" mistakes made by me of course, which seemed insignificant, but they aren't.
Main template, or parent template which holds the page_template, should contain something like this:
<div class="endless_page_template">
{% include page_template %}
{% block js %}
{{ block.super }}
<script src=""></script>
<script src="{{ STATIC_URL }}js/endless-pagination.js"></script>
{% endblock %}
So, it must be in a div with that specific class, which I overlooked yesterday.
page_template looks something like this:
{% load endless %}
{% paginate projekti %}
{% for projekat in projekti %}
{{ }}
{% endfor %}
{% show_pages %}
This of course can be prettified with some HTML (in my case Zurb Foundation's accordion element). And last but not the least - the view:
@page_template('userena/profil_strana.html') # name of the page_template
def public_details(request, username=None,
template = 'userena/profil.html', extra_context=None):
userObjekat = User.objects.get(username=username) # getting user object
user_profil = userObjekat.get_profile() # getting user's profile
context = {
'projekti': user_profil.projekat_set.all(), # and a list of objects to iterate thru
if extra_context is not None:
return userena_views.profile_detail(request, extra_context=context, username=username, template_name=template)
And it works.
Upvotes: 2