Reputation: 227
I'm having the following error :
lsqcurvefit stopped because the size of the current step is less than
the default value of the step size tolerance.
The step size tolerance is default (1e-6). The problem is I'm working with huge functions in X (a step in X = 1e7). The lsqcurvefit does not converge at all, as you could guess.
How can I modify the step so it might converge more easily?
Here's the creation of the Lorentzien:
Gamma=[4e6 4e6 4e6];
Amplitude=[1.5 5];
Width=[0.15 0.25];
Offset=[1 2];
Aub = 2e7;
Alb = 5e6;
NUub = FreqR*0.999;
NUlb = FreqR*0.800;
for i=1:Nombre
Ampl(i,1) = Alb + (Aub-Alb).*rand;
Ampl(i,2) = Alb + (Aub-Alb).*rand;
Ampl(i,3) = Alb + (Aub-Alb).*rand;
Pic1 = RoundTo(NUlb + (NUub-NUlb).*rand,-6);
Pic2 = RoundTo(NUlb + (NUub-NUlb).*rand,-6);
Pic3 = RoundTo(NUlb + (NUub-NUlb).*rand,-6);
T0=[Ampl(i,1) Ampl(i,2) Ampl(i,3)];
nurG(i,1) = min([Pic1 Pic2 Pic3]);
nurG(i,2) = median([Pic1 Pic2 Pic3]);
nurG(i,3) = max([Pic1 Pic2 Pic3]);
for j=1:N
XP1 = X1/(FreqR*0.009);
Frequency=[nurG(i,1)/(FreqR*0.009) nurG(i,3)/(FreqR*0.009)];
[yprime params resnorm residual]=lorentzfit3(XP1,Y1,[],[GuessP11(1) GuessP21(1) GuessP31(1) GuessP12(1) GuessP22(1) GuessP32(1) GuessP13(1) GuessP23(1) GuessP33(1) GuessC(1); GuessP11(2) GuessP21(2) GuessP31(2) GuessP12(2) GuessP22(2) GuessP32(2) GuessP13(2) GuessP23(2) GuessP33(2) GuessC(2)]);
In lorentzfit3, there is a series of if to see if the Guess are right. But I'll skip that part. The Guess gives an idea where to start looking.
[params resnorm residual] = lsqcurvefit(@lfun3c,p0,x,y,lb,ub,optimset('MaxFunEvals',200000,'MaxIter',10000,'TolFun',1e-18));
yprime = lfun3c(params,x);
end % MAIN
function F = lfun3c(p,x)
F = p(1)./((x-p(2)).^2+p(3)) + p(4)./((x-p(5)).^2+p(6)) + p(7)./((x-p(8)).^2+p(9)) + p(10);
end % LFUN3C
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Views: 3950
Reputation: 46375
You can rewrite your function so it takes a more reasonably scaled argument:
function f = myfun(x)
f = myBigFun(1e7 * x);
Where myBigFun is your original function - but now myfun has an x that is scaled over a smaller range of steps.
The same is a good idea when you look at the values a function returns; sometimes optimization cannot see changes of the order you are interested in, so again, scaling the output of your function to a "reasonable range" helps ensure "things behave".
Another thing that often makes sense, especially when your optimum is "somewhere around a very big number", is re-centering your function: rather than exploring from 1000000 to 1000001, you center your function so you are searching for a value between -0.5 and 0.5
Just some thoughts that should help you on your way...
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