Reputation: 41
I'll explain exactly my situation. I need a batch file that searches C:/ for 'Minecraft.exe' and deletes it if it exists.
I don't know enough batch to be able to do this on my own and I've looked everywhere and all I can find is partial solutions.
Upvotes: 4
Views: 21293
Reputation: 1
This is probably way too late but:
For /F "tokens=*" %%I in ('Dir c:\Minecraft.exe /s /b') do set FOUND="%%~fI"
del %FOUND%
The first line searches the whole C: drive. The second line deletes the file.
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Reputation: 80213
Well - good idea to do this first:
DIR /s c:\minecraft.exe
But that's just looking for it.
Be VERY, VERY careful with this command - make an error and you could have real trouble.
del /p /s c:\minecraft.exe
will delete all minecraft.exe (but prompt first)
Omit the /p
and it'll delete without prompting
Add /f
and it'll ALSO delete any READ-ONLY versions it finds.
Just be careful, 'k?
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 37589
Try this (it doesn't delete anything before you remove the echo
@echo off &setlocal
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /a-d /s /b c:\minecraft.exe') do echo del "%%~i"
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