Reputation: 3474
I want to call msbuild from the function below and redirect the output to a new buffer.
My problem is that I need to use a variable, for the filename, and therefore cant use '!' (can I?), and when I use exe or system() read complains that I'm not giving it a proper file.
func! myFunction()
let findstr = "findstr /s /m " . '"' . expand("%:t") . '"' . " *.vcxproj"
for project in split(system(findstr), nr2char(10))
echo "Building '" . project . "'"
let msbuild = "c:\\windows\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework\\v4.0.30319\\msbuild.exe" . " " . project . " " . "/t:rebuild /p:configuration=debug"
:tabnew | r system(msbuild) "<--THIS LINE HERE
Upvotes: 2
Views: 2736
Reputation: 40832
This is a function you can use to execute arbitrary shell commands and present their output in a new window ( you can put this in your _vimrc):
let s:lastcmd = ''
function! s:RunShellCommand(cmdline, bang)
" Support for repeating last cmd with bang:
let _ = a:bang != '' ? s:lastcmd : a:cmdline == '' ? '' : join(map(split(a:cmdline), 'expand(v:val)'))
if _ == ''
let s:lastcmd = _
let bufnr = bufnr('%')
let winnr = bufwinnr(_)
" You can position the new window whenever you want, I chose below + right:
silent! execute winnr < 0 ? 'belowright new ' . fnameescape(_) : winnr . 'wincmd w'
" I could set buftype=nofile, but then no switching back and forth buffers.
" The results are presented just for viewing, not editing, modify at will:
setlocal buftype=nowrite bufhidden=wipe nobuflisted noswapfile wrap number
setlocal modifiable
silent! :%d
" Useful for debugging, if you encounter issues with fnameescape():
call setline(1, 'You entered: ' . a:cmdline)
call setline(2, 'Expanded to: ' . _)
call append(line('$'), substitute(getline(2), '.', '=', 'g'))
silent execute '$read !' . _
silent! execute 'autocmd BufUnload <buffer> execute bufwinnr(' . bufnr . ') . ''wincmd w'''
" If resizing is unwanted for commands with too much output, remove this line:
silent! execute 'autocmd BufEnter <buffer> execute ''resize '' . line(''$'')'
" You can use <localleader>r to re-execute the last command:
silent! execute 'nnoremap <silent> <buffer> <localleader>r :call <SID>RunShellCommand(''' . _ . ''', '''')<CR>'
execute 'resize ' . line('$')
setlocal nomodifiable
endfunction " RunShellCommand(cmdline)
command! -complete=shellcmd -nargs=* -bang Shell call s:RunShellCommand(<q-args>, '<bang>')
Use like:
:Shell gcc -ggdb -o test test.c && ./test
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 45087
The :read
command takes a file not a vim expression. However it can read in from standard output via :read !{cmd}
. Example :%r!ls
. Using the :execute
command you can build your new command with your variable.
exe '%r!' . msbuild
Or you can use :put
along with the expression register if you want to use an expression like system()
. (Probably want to follow this with :0d_
to delete the first empty line)
Now it looks like you are trying to build your project and get a list of errors. I would recommend you look into :make
, the 'makeprg'
option, and the quickfix
list as this is a more vim way of building a project.
For more help see:
:h :r!
:h :exe
:h :pu
:h @=
:h :make
:h 'makeprg'
:h quickfix
Upvotes: 2