Reputation: 1
I want configuring my .vimrc for do somes auto syntax checking. That is my problem, i want auto change somes syntax by another. I deal with the specific caracter in computer programation like = ; , . ( { [ <.
An exemple it's better than words :
void bibi(int param1,char *words)
unsigned int locale=param;
became :
void bibi( int param1,char* words)
unsigned int locale = param;
cout << words << endl;
Just formating with add or remove some whitespaces.
I write this :
" Formating of text in code
function! ChangeSpaces()
"" search and replace "= " or " =" or "= " to " = "
silent! %s/\s*[=]\s*/ = /g
""autocmd CursorMovedI * call ChangeSpaces()
""autocmd BufWrite * call ChangeSpaces()
autocmd FileAppendPre * call ChangeSpaces()
But i have not the result, in this case, if i write " i=e" , they do nothing but if i write 'i= ', it's work, the regex doesn't run, they replace after the end of the "pattern".
By the way if you have a more "sexy way" to do what i want, let me know. In fact, when i want add some other specific caracter the code became :
"function! ChangeSpaces()
"" search and replace "= " or " =" or "= " to " = "
"silent! %s/\s*[=]\s*/ = /g
""" search and replace "( " or " (" or "(" to " ( "
"" silent! %s/\s*[(]\s*/ ( /g
""" search and replace "[ " or " [" or "[" to " [ "
"" silent! %s/\s*[[]\s*/ [ /g
""" search and replace ", " or " ," or "," to " , "
"" silent! %s/\s*[,]\s*/ , /g
""" search and replace "== " or " ==" or "==" to " == "
"" silent! %s/\s*[==]\s*/ = /g
""" search and replace "> " or " >" or ">" to " > "
"" silent! %s/\s*[>]\s*/ > /g
""" search and replace ">= " or " >=" or ">=" to " >= "
" silent! %s/\s*[>=]\s*/ >= /g
""" search and replace "< " or " <" or "<" to " < "
"" silent! %s/\s*[<]\s*/ < /g
""" search and replace "<= " or " <=" or "<=" to " <= "
"" silent! %s/\s*[=]\s*/ <= /g
"" let repl=substitute(cline,\s*[= ]\s*," = ", "g")
"" call setline(".",repl)
"" let cline=line(".")
"" let ccol=col(".")
"" call cursor(cline, ccol)
""autocmd CursorMovedI * call ChangeSpaces()
""autocmd BufWrite * call ChangeSpaces()
"autocmd FileAppendPre * call ChangeSpaces()
Best regards.
PS: my bad, i want this kind of formating, for every language i use, not just C++.
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Views: 111
Reputation: 72746
What about filtering your file through an external C++ indenter? While GNU indent says it was not designed for C++ it works reasonably well. If it doesn't, you might try astyle. Then all you have to do is
map <F8> :w<CR>m':%!astyle<CR>`'
That way even folks using other editors can use the same indent style.
Upvotes: 1