Reputation: 87
Im a beginner. I have written a perl script which does the following
-Create a directory under “/x01/abcd/abc_logs/abcd_Logs” by the current date, in the format of “YYYYMMDD” if it has not already been created. i.e: if the script is run on “01st of jan 2013”, the directory “20130101” will be created under the said path. So whenever there is a need to inspect the logs always look for a directory by the current date.
-Check if the log file(s) have already been downloaded earlier within the same day, and if not log(s) will be downloaded to the TODAY’s directory.
Im having a hard time, coming up with a solution to print a message when there are no files in the share. This is of course when the user specify 2 or more files that are not there in the share. I know that this happens because there is a "die" statement in the "sub get_LOGS". I just cannot seem to understand how to return a message when all the files I specify do not happen to be in the share.
usage of this script is as follows
./abc_logs ....<file(n)>
following is the script.
my $LOGS_LOCAL_PATH = "/x02/abc/abcba2/";
my $LOGS_REM_PATH = "/x01/INT/abc/vabc2/";
my $TODAY = `date +%Y%m%d`;
chomp $TODAY;
unless ($#ARGV >= 0) {
print "\nUsage: <file1> <file2> <file3>.....<file(n)>\n\n";
unless ( -d "$LOGS_LOCAL_PATH"."$TODAY") {
print "Directory \"$TODAY\" doesn't exist. So creating the directory..!\n";
print "OK..Done.....!\n\n";
system("mkdir $LOGS_LOCAL_PATH/$TODAY");
else {
print "Directory already exists. Logs will be downloaded to ==> \"$LOGS_LOCAL_PATH$TODAY\".....!\n\n";
chdir("$LOGS_LOCAL_PATH"."$TODAY") || die "cannot cd to ($!)";
foreach my $GETL (@GETLOOP) {
my $is_downloaded = if_DOWNLOADED($LOGS_LOCAL_PATH,$TODAY,$GETL);
print "File \"$GETL\" downloaded to ==> \"$LOGS_LOCAL_PATH$TODAY\"\n\n";
print "File \"$GETL\" has already been Downloaded to ==> \"$LOGS_LOCAL_PATH$TODAY\"\n\n";
sub get_LOGS {
my $LOG_HOST = shift;
my $REM_USER = shift;
my $REM_PASSW = shift;
my $REM_PATH = shift;
my $REM_FILE = shift;
print "Connecting to the sftp share! Please wait....!\n";
my $sftp = Net::SFTP::Foreign->new($LOG_HOST, user => $REM_USER, password => $REM_PASSW);
$sftp->setcwd($REM_PATH) or die "unable to change cwd: " . $sftp->error;
print "OK. On the share! Downloading the file \"$REM_FILE\"...................!\n\n\n\n";
$sftp->error and die "Problem connecting to the share...!!!! " . $sftp->error;
$sftp->get($REM_FILE) or die "File does not seem to be present on the remote share. Please re-request..!!!" . $sftp->error;
return $REM_FILE;
my $DWD_FILE_PATH = shift;
my $DWD_DIR = shift;
my $DWD_FILE = shift;
return 1;
return 0;
Please can someone help me finding a solution to this matter? Please try to use the same script and modify.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 3223
Reputation: 10242
Some comments to your code:
Use strict and warnings in order to catch lots of errors early.
Read some book on style (i.e. Damian Conway's Perl Best Practices). But in any case try to be consistent when naming variables, subroutines, and everything and also with their case.
When you have to use some calculated value in several places, try to calculate it once and save it in a variable.
Don't use subroutines for trivial things.
You don't need to call chomp
on variables you have defined and that don't have a "\n"
character at the end.
Opening a new SFTP connection for every file transfer is very inefficient. You can open just one at the beginning and use it for all the transfers.
And now, a simplified version of your script:
use strict;
use warnings;
my $host = "";
my $user = "abc";
my $password = "abc1234321";
my $LOGS_LOCAL_PATH = "/x02/ABC/abc2";
my $LOGS_REM_PATH = "/x01/INT/abc/vim";
my $TODAY = `date +%Y%m%d`;
chomp $TODAY;
my @files = @ARGV;
@files or die "\nUsage: <file1> <file2> <file3>.....<file(n)>\n\n";
if ( -d $TODAY_LOCAL_PATH) {
print "Directory already exists. Logs will be downloaded to ==> \"$TODAY_LOCAL_PATH\".....!\n\n";
else {
print "Directory \"$TODAY\" doesn't exist. So creating the directory..!\n";
mkdir "$TODAY_LOCAL_PATH" or die "unable to create directory: $!\n";
print "OK..Done.....!\n\n";
chdir $TODAY_LOCAL_PATH or die "cannot cd to ($!)\n";
my $sftp = Net::SFTP::Foreign->new($host, user => $user, password => $password);
and die "Problem connecting to the share...!!!! " . $sftp->error;
my $ok = 0;
my $failed = 0;
foreach my $file (@files) {
if (-e "$TODAY_LOCAL_PATH/$file") {
print "File \"$file\" has already been Downloaded to ==> \"$TODAY_LOCAL_PATH\"\n";
else {
if ($sftp->get("$LOGS_REM_PATH/$file")) {
print "File \"$file\" downloaded to ==> \"$TODAY_LOCAL_PATH\"\n";
else {
print "Unable to download file \"$file\" : " . $sftp->error . "\n";
print "$ok files have been downloaded, $failed files failed!\n\n";
Upvotes: 3