Reputation: 221
How can I extract text from a PDF file in Python?
I tried the following:
import sys
import pyPdf
def convertPdf2String(path):
content = ""
pdf = pyPdf.PdfFileReader(file(path, "rb"))
for i in range(0, pdf.getNumPages()):
content += pdf.getPage(i).extractText() + " \n"
content = " ".join(content.replace(u"\xa0", u" ").strip().split())
return content
f = open('a.txt','w+')
But the result is as follows, rather than readable text:
728;ˇˆ˜ ˚ˇˇ!""˘ˇˆ˙ˆ˝˛˛˛˛ˆ˜ˆ ˆ ˆ˘ˆ˛˙ˆ"ˆ˘"ˆˆˆ˜#$˙ˆ˚ˆ %&ˆ ˘˛ˆ˜'˙˙%˝˛ˆˇ˙ ˜ˆˆ˜'ˆ ˇˆ#$%&('%$&))$$+%#,-.+&&˝())˝)˝+,,-./012)(˝)*˝+,-3˙ˆ/0245)6#57+82,55)6#57+,+2,+ /!#!!&˘˘1"%˘20˛˛3ˆ07%4!˘"6 ˛ˆ ˝ˆ ˆ˘&/&4"9ˆ %6ˇ%4%4&5˘2)˘˘˛%:6(
Upvotes: 19
Views: 28605
Reputation: 6361
if you are running linux or mac you can use ps2ascii command in your code:
import os
os.system(("ps2ascii %s %s") %( input , output))
Upvotes: 21