Reputation: 8042
I'm creating a simple programming language for a school project. I'm using ANTLR 4 to generate a lexer and a parser from my grammar. Until now, I have been using ANTLRs listener pattern to apply the actual functionality of the programming language.
Now I would like to implement if/else statements but I'm not sure that these can actually be implemented when using the listener pattern as ANTLR decides in which order to traverse the parse tree when using listeners and I imagine that the implementation of if/else statements will require jumping around the parse tree depending on which condition in the statement is satisfied.
Can anyone tell me if it will be possible to implement if/else statements using ANTLR or if I will have to implement the visitor pattern myself? Also, can anyone give an extremely simple example of the implementation the statements?
Upvotes: 67
Views: 51200
Reputation: 170158
By default, ANTLR 4 generates listeners. But if you give org.antlr.v4.Tool
the command line parameter -visitor
, ANTLR generates visitor classes for you. These work much like listeners, but give you more control over which (sub) trees are walked/visited. This is particularly useful if you want to exclude certain (sub) trees (like else/if blocks, as in your case). While this can be done using listeners, it's much cleaner to do this with a visitor. Using listeners, you'll need to introduce global variables that keep track if a (sub) tree needs to be evaluated, and which do not.
As it happens to be, I'm working on a small ANTLR 4 tutorial. It's not done yet, but I'll post a small working example that demonstrates the use of these visitor classes and an if
statement construct.
Here's a simple grammar supporting basic expressions, if
-, while
- and log
grammar Mu;
: block EOF
: stat*
: assignment
| if_stat
| while_stat
| log
| OTHER {System.err.println("unknown char: " + $OTHER.text);}
: IF condition_block (ELSE IF condition_block)* (ELSE stat_block)?
: expr stat_block
| stat
: WHILE expr stat_block
: LOG expr SCOL
: expr POW<assoc=right> expr #powExpr
| MINUS expr #unaryMinusExpr
| NOT expr #notExpr
| expr op=(MULT | DIV | MOD) expr #multiplicationExpr
| expr op=(PLUS | MINUS) expr #additiveExpr
| expr op=(LTEQ | GTEQ | LT | GT) expr #relationalExpr
| expr op=(EQ | NEQ) expr #equalityExpr
| expr AND expr #andExpr
| expr OR expr #orExpr
| atom #atomExpr
: OPAR expr CPAR #parExpr
| (INT | FLOAT) #numberAtom
| (TRUE | FALSE) #booleanAtom
| ID #idAtom
| STRING #stringAtom
| NIL #nilAtom
OR : '||';
AND : '&&';
EQ : '==';
NEQ : '!=';
GT : '>';
LT : '<';
GTEQ : '>=';
LTEQ : '<=';
PLUS : '+';
MINUS : '-';
MULT : '*';
DIV : '/';
MOD : '%';
POW : '^';
NOT : '!';
SCOL : ';';
ASSIGN : '=';
OPAR : '(';
CPAR : ')';
OBRACE : '{';
CBRACE : '}';
TRUE : 'true';
FALSE : 'false';
NIL : 'nil';
IF : 'if';
ELSE : 'else';
WHILE : 'while';
LOG : 'log';
: [a-zA-Z_] [a-zA-Z_0-9]*
: [0-9]+
: [0-9]+ '.' [0-9]*
| '.' [0-9]+
: '"' (~["\r\n] | '""')* '"'
: '#' ~[\r\n]* -> skip
: [ \t\r\n] -> skip
: .
Now let's say you would like to parse, and evaluate, input like this:
a = true;
b = false;
if a && b {
log "1 :: a=" + a +", b=" + b;
else if a || b {
log "2 :: a=" + a +", b=" + b;
else {
log "3 :: a=" + a +", b=" + b;
log "Done!";
Start by generating the parser and visitor classes:
java -cp antlr-4.0-complete.jar org.antlr.v4.Tool Mu.g4 -visitor
The command above would have generated, among others the file MuBaseVisitor<T>
. This is the class we're going to extend with out own logic:
public class EvalVisitor extends MuBaseVisitor<Value> {
// ...
where Value
is just a wrapper for any of our language's types (String
, Boolean
, Double
public class Value {
public static Value VOID = new Value(new Object());
final Object value;
public Value(Object value) {
this.value = value;
public Boolean asBoolean() {
return (Boolean)value;
public Double asDouble() {
return (Double)value;
public String asString() {
return String.valueOf(value);
public boolean isDouble() {
return value instanceof Double;
public int hashCode() {
if(value == null) {
return 0;
return this.value.hashCode();
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if(value == o) {
return true;
if(value == null || o == null || o.getClass() != this.getClass()) {
return false;
Value that = (Value)o;
return this.value.equals(that.value);
public String toString() {
return String.valueOf(value);
To test the classes, use the following Main
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.ANTLRFileStream;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.CommonTokenStream;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ParseTree;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
MuLexer lexer = new MuLexer(new ANTLRFileStream(""));
MuParser parser = new MuParser(new CommonTokenStream(lexer));
ParseTree tree = parser.parse();
EvalVisitor visitor = new EvalVisitor();
and compile and run the source files:
javac -cp antlr-4.0-complete.jar *.java
java -cp .:antlr-4.0-complete.jar Main
(on Windows, the last command would be: java -cp .;antlr-4.0-complete.jar Main
After running Main
, nothing happens (of course?). This is because we didn't implement any of the rules in our EvalVisitor
class. To be able to evaluate the file
properly, we need to provide a proper implementation for the following rules:
#4. Visitor II & Test II
Here's a implementation of these rules:
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.NotNull;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
public class EvalVisitor extends MuBaseVisitor<Value> {
// used to compare floating point numbers
public static final double SMALL_VALUE = 0.00000000001;
// store variables (there's only one global scope!)
private Map<String, Value> memory = new HashMap<String, Value>();
// assignment/id overrides
public Value visitAssignment(MuParser.AssignmentContext ctx) {
String id = ctx.ID().getText();
Value value = this.visit(ctx.expr());
return memory.put(id, value);
public Value visitIdAtom(MuParser.IdAtomContext ctx) {
String id = ctx.getText();
Value value = memory.get(id);
if(value == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("no such variable: " + id);
return value;
// atom overrides
public Value visitStringAtom(MuParser.StringAtomContext ctx) {
String str = ctx.getText();
// strip quotes
str = str.substring(1, str.length() - 1).replace("\"\"", "\"");
return new Value(str);
public Value visitNumberAtom(MuParser.NumberAtomContext ctx) {
return new Value(Double.valueOf(ctx.getText()));
public Value visitBooleanAtom(MuParser.BooleanAtomContext ctx) {
return new Value(Boolean.valueOf(ctx.getText()));
public Value visitNilAtom(MuParser.NilAtomContext ctx) {
return new Value(null);
// expr overrides
public Value visitParExpr(MuParser.ParExprContext ctx) {
return this.visit(ctx.expr());
public Value visitPowExpr(MuParser.PowExprContext ctx) {
Value left = this.visit(ctx.expr(0));
Value right = this.visit(ctx.expr(1));
return new Value(Math.pow(left.asDouble(), right.asDouble()));
public Value visitUnaryMinusExpr(MuParser.UnaryMinusExprContext ctx) {
Value value = this.visit(ctx.expr());
return new Value(-value.asDouble());
public Value visitNotExpr(MuParser.NotExprContext ctx) {
Value value = this.visit(ctx.expr());
return new Value(!value.asBoolean());
public Value visitMultiplicationExpr(@NotNull MuParser.MultiplicationExprContext ctx) {
Value left = this.visit(ctx.expr(0));
Value right = this.visit(ctx.expr(1));
switch (ctx.op.getType()) {
case MuParser.MULT:
return new Value(left.asDouble() * right.asDouble());
case MuParser.DIV:
return new Value(left.asDouble() / right.asDouble());
case MuParser.MOD:
return new Value(left.asDouble() % right.asDouble());
throw new RuntimeException("unknown operator: " + MuParser.tokenNames[ctx.op.getType()]);
public Value visitAdditiveExpr(@NotNull MuParser.AdditiveExprContext ctx) {
Value left = this.visit(ctx.expr(0));
Value right = this.visit(ctx.expr(1));
switch (ctx.op.getType()) {
case MuParser.PLUS:
return left.isDouble() && right.isDouble() ?
new Value(left.asDouble() + right.asDouble()) :
new Value(left.asString() + right.asString());
case MuParser.MINUS:
return new Value(left.asDouble() - right.asDouble());
throw new RuntimeException("unknown operator: " + MuParser.tokenNames[ctx.op.getType()]);
public Value visitRelationalExpr(@NotNull MuParser.RelationalExprContext ctx) {
Value left = this.visit(ctx.expr(0));
Value right = this.visit(ctx.expr(1));
switch (ctx.op.getType()) {
case MuParser.LT:
return new Value(left.asDouble() < right.asDouble());
case MuParser.LTEQ:
return new Value(left.asDouble() <= right.asDouble());
case MuParser.GT:
return new Value(left.asDouble() > right.asDouble());
case MuParser.GTEQ:
return new Value(left.asDouble() >= right.asDouble());
throw new RuntimeException("unknown operator: " + MuParser.tokenNames[ctx.op.getType()]);
public Value visitEqualityExpr(@NotNull MuParser.EqualityExprContext ctx) {
Value left = this.visit(ctx.expr(0));
Value right = this.visit(ctx.expr(1));
switch (ctx.op.getType()) {
case MuParser.EQ:
return left.isDouble() && right.isDouble() ?
new Value(Math.abs(left.asDouble() - right.asDouble()) < SMALL_VALUE) :
new Value(left.equals(right));
case MuParser.NEQ:
return left.isDouble() && right.isDouble() ?
new Value(Math.abs(left.asDouble() - right.asDouble()) >= SMALL_VALUE) :
new Value(!left.equals(right));
throw new RuntimeException("unknown operator: " + MuParser.tokenNames[ctx.op.getType()]);
public Value visitAndExpr(MuParser.AndExprContext ctx) {
Value left = this.visit(ctx.expr(0));
Value right = this.visit(ctx.expr(1));
return new Value(left.asBoolean() && right.asBoolean());
public Value visitOrExpr(MuParser.OrExprContext ctx) {
Value left = this.visit(ctx.expr(0));
Value right = this.visit(ctx.expr(1));
return new Value(left.asBoolean() || right.asBoolean());
// log override
public Value visitLog(MuParser.LogContext ctx) {
Value value = this.visit(ctx.expr());
return value;
// if override
public Value visitIf_stat(MuParser.If_statContext ctx) {
List<MuParser.Condition_blockContext> conditions = ctx.condition_block();
boolean evaluatedBlock = false;
for(MuParser.Condition_blockContext condition : conditions) {
Value evaluated = this.visit(condition.expr());
if(evaluated.asBoolean()) {
evaluatedBlock = true;
// evaluate this block whose expr==true
if(!evaluatedBlock && ctx.stat_block() != null) {
// evaluate the else-stat_block (if present == not null)
return Value.VOID;
// while override
public Value visitWhile_stat(MuParser.While_statContext ctx) {
Value value = this.visit(ctx.expr());
while(value.asBoolean()) {
// evaluate the code block
// evaluate the expression
value = this.visit(ctx.expr());
return Value.VOID;
When you re-compile and run Main
, the following would be printed to your console:
2 :: a=true, b=false
For an implementation of all other rules, see:
From @pwwpche, in the comments:
for those using jdk1.8 and encounter
, antlr 4.0 is somehow not compatible with jdk1.8. Download antlr-4.6-complete.jar, and replaceexpr POW<assoc=right> expr
with<assoc=right>expr POW expr
will eliminate the error and warnings.
Upvotes: 141