Reputation: 51
I want within excel vba to run an access macro and also copy an access query.
When I run the code below, I get an runtime error 3001 on line cn.DoCmd.RunMacro "runCopyqueryVragenlijsten"
'~~> Select access file Database Questionmark.mdb
Set cn = CreateObject("adodb.connection")
Set rs = CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
cn.Open "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=D:\Data\Geschiktheidstesten en OPQ-rapport NMBS competenties\Analyse\Database Questionmark.mdb"
'~~> Run access macro
cn.DoCmd.RunMacro "runCopyqueryVragenlijsten"
'~~> Select access query to copy
rs.Open "select * from Copyquery_Vragenlijsten", cn
'~~> paste access query in sheet vragenlijst
Worksheets("vragenlijst").Range("a2").CopyFromRecordset rs
'~~> Close access file and put cursor on cell A1 of sheet evaluatierooster_NL
Set rs = Nothing
Set cn = Nothing
Upvotes: 3
Views: 12009
Reputation: 4972
I suggest running the macro separately then connecting to he file and copying the data.
E.g. from
Sub ExportAccessData()
Dim mydb As Object
Set mydb = GetObject("G:\mgai\pertrac\database\StrategyResearch.mdb")
mydb.Application.Run "ExportData"
Set mydb = Nothing
End Sub
E.g. from
Sub Run_Access_Macro()
Shell("c:\access\msaccess.exe c:\access\sampapps\nwind.mdb")
Chan = DDEInitiate("MSACCESS", "system")
Application.ActivateMicrosoftApp xlMicrosoftAccess
DDEExecute Chan, "Sample AutoExec"
Application.DDETerminate Chan
End Sub
Upvotes: 2