Reputation: 3
How to convert a text file to a fixed length file:
Here is my code attempt and the sample text file.
del answer.txt
@ECHO on
set space=
set var
:: loop through records
for /f "tokens=1-6 skip=1 delims=," %%a in (comma3.txt) do (
echo tokens %%a %%b %%c %%d %%e %%f
set var=%%a%space%%%b%space%%%c%space%%%d%%e%%f
echo var %var%
echo %var% >> answer.txt
Desired output:
1116559 P1303251287 20130325225906CD 13013822 1 0000
1104220 P1303250282 20130325070119CD 1 0000
1064743 P1303251094 20130325191600CD 0 0000
1100819 P1303250369 20130325091722CD 0 0000
1101405 P1303250051 20130325010740CD 2 0000
The set var
command does not store the variables.
Help GREATLY appreciated!
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Views: 5662
Reputation: 871
Expanding on Rojos answer, I created an excel macro that used column widths on line 1, exported the file as csv, the called powershell to convert to space delimited like so:
runCommand = "echo Please Wait . . . "
'Change to correct drive and directory:
runCommand2 = Left(SaveDirectory, 2) <br>
runCommand3 = "cd " & SaveDirectory<br>
'remove " marks that excel may insert
runCommand7 = "powershell ""(get-content '" & SaveDirectory & "\" & SaveName & ".csv" & "') -replace('""""','') | out-file '" & SaveDirectory & "\" & SaveName & "2.csv'"""
'Loop through cells on first row of spreadsheet to create powershell command with correct column widths
runCommand4 = "powershell ""Get-Content '" & SaveName & "2.csv'" & " | %{'"
x = 1
c = 0
Do Until Cells(1, x) = ""
runCommand4 = runCommand4 & "{" & c & ",-" & Cells(1, x).Value & "}"
x = x + 1
c = c + 1
runCommand4 = runCommand4 & "' -f $_.split(',')} | Out-File Answer2.txt"""
runCommand5 = "cls"
runCommand6 = "pause"
Delete the rows with column widths so that they are not exported:
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
Find and replace any commas and tabs as these may cause issues:
Cells.Replace What:=",", Replacement:="", LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:= _
xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=False
Cells.Replace What:=Chr(9), Replacement:="", LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:= _
xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=False
Save the workbook as CSV:
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=SaveDirectory & "\" & SaveName, FileFormat _
:=xlCSV, CreateBackup:=False
Pass all the commands to cmd
Call Shell("C:\Windows\System32\cmd /c" & runCommand & "&" & runCommand2 & "&" & runCommand3 & "&" & runCommand7 & "&" & runCommand4 & "&" & runCommand6, vbNormalFocus)
This may be a convenient solution if you import your csv to excel.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 80023
@ECHO off
set columnsizes=10 14 19 11 4 4
DEL answer.txt 2>nul
:: loop through records
for /f "delims=" %%a in (comma3.txt) do (
SET "result="
SET line=%%a
CALL :process %columnsizes%
TYPE answer.txt
GOTO :eof
REM IF "%1"=="" echo %result%>>answer.txt ECHO %result%&GOTO :eof
IF "%1"=="" echo %result%>>answer.txt&GOTO :eof
SET "column="
SET ch1=%line:~0,1%
SET line=%line:~1%
IF NOT "%ch1%"=="," SET column=%column%%ch1%&GOTO colloop
SET column=%column% x
CALL SET result=%result%%%column:~0,%1%%
GOTO process
This should crack the problem.
loop assigns the contents of each line to line
in turn. The routine :process
analyses the aline and builds each column, character-by-character until it finds a comma. It then adds a large number of spaces to the end of the line - the "x" will be lopped off in the next statement and it's a litle dificult to show trailing spaces on lines (and some editors throw them away unprompted)
line uses a parser characteristic. Suppose result
is currently abcd
and column
is 123 ..manyspaces.. x
and %1 is 5. The parser processes the line by replacing any %var% by its current value, then CALLs it, so what is CALLed is
SET result=abcd +%+%column:~0,5+%
without the +s of course - they're to show how the parser sees the code.
So that neatly lops off the unwanted trailing spaces and the x in column
; the SHIFT removes the first element from the parameter list provided to :process
and the next column is processed until all have been done and there are no parameters left. Write out the result
, and we're done...
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 24466
Here's a one-liner to solve all your problems. :)
>answer.txt powershell "Get-Content comma3.txt | %{'{0,-10}{1,-14}{2,-19}{3,-11}{4,-4}{5}' -f $_.split(',')}"
If you're putting this into a batch script, be sure to replace %
with %%
in that line.
Contents of answer.txt:
1116559 P1303251287 20130325225906CD 13013822 1 0000
1104220 P1303250282 20130325070119CD 1 0000
1064743 P1303251094 20130325191600CD 0 0000
1100819 P1303250369 20130325091722CD 0 0000
1101405 P1303250051 20130325010740CD 0 0000
A feeble explanation:
Someone more comfortable with powershell can probably explain this better than I, as it took a bunch of trial and error for me to compose that line. But basically, as I understand it, it means as follows:
is shorthand for for each line
printf "%-10s %-14s %-19s etc."
using line.split(",")
for the string argumentsThere's probably a Write-Content
command for powershell, but it was easier just to have the command console redirect the output of powershell. If you're working with very large csv files and this command works too slowly, Write-Content
might be worth investigating.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 13
@ECHO on
:: loop through records
for /f "tokens=1-6 delims=," %%a in (comma3.txt) do (
set var=%%a %%b %%c %%d %%e %%f
REM The double comma is a problem without a good solution
REM so if the last token is null, drop it and indent.
if '%%f' == '' set var=%%a %%b %%c %%d %%e
REM !'s should be used with ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION
echo !var! >> answer.txt
Upvotes: 0