
Reputation: 5183

How do you get the Git repository's name in some Git repository?

When you are working in some Git directory, how can you get the Git repository name in some Git repository? Are there any Git commands?

# I did check out bar repository and working in somewhere 
# under bar directory at this moment such as below.

$ git clone git://github.com/foo/bar.git
$ cd bar/baz/qux/quux/corge/grault # and I am working in here!
$ git xxx # <- ???

Upvotes: 283

Views: 465844

Answers (22)


Reputation: 60235

To get the last url you fetched from, you can awk '{print $NF;exit}' .git/FETCH_HEAD; to get the name from that use basename as in @TastyWheat's answer so

basename $(awk '{print $NF;exit}' .git/FETCH_HEAD) .git

If you might be cloning from paths with embedded whitespace you can use

basename "$(awk -F/ '{print $NF;exit}' .git/FETCH_HEAD)" .git

Upvotes: 0

Jose Sa
Jose Sa

Reputation: 31

If the repo name may have more than 1 folder level then "basename" isn't enough.

I find the following the simplest to cover all cases:

git remote get-url origin | sed 's/^.*://;s/.git$//'

This command will produce a single line with the repo url wich can easilly be filtered with sed to extract just the name from it.

Upvotes: 1

The OuterSpace
The OuterSpace

Reputation: 229

you might be after 'origin'

you can use git remote -v

the first word is the repository name which is commonly named as 'origin'

Upvotes: 3

Fuad Saud
Fuad Saud

Reputation: 3366

In Git, there's no concept of a repository name. The repository itself is kept under a directory in the file system (the one that contains the .git directory) and you can get the name of that directory with the following command:

basename `git rev-parse --show-toplevel`

The git rev-parse --show-toplevel part gives you the path to that directory and basename strips the first part of the path.

Another common sense interpretation to a "Git's repository name" is the name used to identify the repository in a Git hosting service (such as GitHub or GitLab). That name can be obtained by looking at the remote information, and a few different ways to achieve that are documented in other answers to this question.

Upvotes: 285


Reputation: 399

You can store the project name in an object in the git object database and reference it in the annotated tag.

For example, the repository name "GnuMake" is the tag name "nameRepo". ssh -F specifies the ssh configuration file khnSrv_al is registered as a remote host

Command: Create and place an object in a git database, get and save a link to the placed object in the annotated tag.

git -C /path/dir_git -c [email protected] -c user.name=ВашеИмя tag -a nameRepo -m 'Имя репозитория' $(echo 'GnuMake'|git -C /path/dir_git hash-object -w --stdin)

al@rznCad:~$ git -C ~/experiments/git -c [email protected] -c user.name=ВашеИмя tag -a nameRepo -m 'Имя репозитория' $(echo 'GnuMake'|git -C ~/experiments/git hash-object -w --stdin)

al@rznCad:~$ ssh -F /ubData/docs/PktDstSSH/master_config khnSrv_al "git -C /home/al/newRepos/GNU_Make -c [email protected] -c user.name=ВашеИмя tag -a nameRepo -m 'Имя репозитория' \$(echo 'GnuMake'|git -C /home/al/newRepos/GNU_Make hash-object -w --stdin)"

Command: Extract the repository name from a git database object using a tag named "nameRepo"

git -C /path/dir_git cat-file blob nameRepo

al@rznCad:~$ git -C ~/experiments/git cat-file blob nameRepo

al@rznCad:~$ ssh -F /ubData/docs/PktDstSSH/master_config khnSrv_al "git -C /home/al/newRepos/GNU_Make cat-file blob nameRepo"

al@rznCad:~$ ssh -F /ubData/docs/PktDstSSH/master_config khnSrv_al git -C /home/al/newRepos/GNU_Make show nameRepo
tag nameRepo
Tagger: ВашеИмя <[email protected]>
Date:   Wed Jan 25 09:01:18 2023 +0200

Имя репозитория

Note that it is not necessary to have anything else in the repository other than this and you can create a repository name at any time

Upvotes: 0

Daniel Bayley
Daniel Bayley

Reputation: 1570

git ls-remote --get-url | xargs basename -s .git # bar

# zsh
git ls-remote --get-url | read
print $REPLY:t:r # bar

Upvotes: 2

Fabrice Jammes
Fabrice Jammes

Reputation: 3185

This one works pretty well with git-2.18.2 and can be launched from outside git target repository:

basename -s .git $(git --git-dir=/<project-path>/.git remote get-url origin)

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 1109

If you are trying to get the username or organization name AND the project or repo name on github, I was able to write this command which works for me locally at least.

▶ git config --get remote.origin.url
# => https://github.com/Vydia/gourami.git

▶ git config --get remote.origin.url | sed 's/.*\/\([^ ]*\/[^.]*\).*/\1/' # Capture last 2 path segments before the dot in .git
# => Vydia/gourami

This is the desired result as Vydia is the organization name and gourami is the package name. Combined they can help form the complete User/Repo path

Upvotes: 31


Reputation: 41

Repo full name:

git config --get remote.origin.url | grep -Po "(?<=git@github\.com:)(.*?)(?=.git)"

Upvotes: 4

I&#39;m Root James
I&#39;m Root James

Reputation: 6505

A little bit late for this question, but if you:

cat /path/to/repo/.git/config

You will see the url of the repository which will include the reponame:

    repositoryformatversion = 0
    filemode = true
    bare = false
    logallrefupdates = true
    ignorecase = true
    precomposeunicode = true
[remote "origin"]
    url = https://github.com/your_git_user_name/your_git_repo_name.git
    fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
[branch "master"]
    remote = origin
    merge = refs/heads/master

Upvotes: 8

vulcan raven
vulcan raven

Reputation: 33562

In git v2.7.0+, a subcommand get-url was introduced to git-remote command.

POSIX shell:

basename $(git remote get-url origin)


Split-Path -Leaf (git remote get-url origin)

Upvotes: 53

Yevhenii Shashkov
Yevhenii Shashkov

Reputation: 474

Also I just find that there is some repo information inside .git directory. So you can just watch FETCH_HEAD file in terminal to see repo's name:


cd your_project_folder/.git


672e38391557a192ab23a632d160ef37449c56ac        https://bitbucket.org/fonjeekay/some_repo

And https://bitbucket.org/somebituser/some_repo.git is the name of your repository

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 116048

In general, you cannot do this. Git does not care how your git repository is named. For example, you can rename directory containing your repository (one with .git subdirectory), and git will not even notice it - everything will continue to work.

However, if you cloned it, you can use command:

git remote show origin

to display a lot of information about original remote that you cloned your repository from, and it will contain original clone URL.

If, however, you removed link to original remote using git remote rm origin, or if you created that repository using git init, such information is simply impossible to obtain - it does not exist anywhere.

Upvotes: 216


Reputation: 2317

There's no need to contact the repository to get the name, and the folder name won't necessarily reflect the remote name.

I've found this to be the most accurate and efficient way to get the current repository name:

basename -s .git `git config --get remote.origin.url`

This should work as of Git Prior to this, the now deprecated git-repo-config command would have worked (as early as Git 1.7.5).

Upvotes: 192


Reputation: 1792

If you want the whole GitHub repository name ('full name') - user/repository, and you want to do it in with Ruby...

git remote show origin -n | ruby -ne 'puts /^\s*Fetch.*:(.*).git/.match($_)[1] rescue nil'

Upvotes: 2

Nevik Rehnel
Nevik Rehnel

Reputation: 51935

Unfortunately, it seems that Git has no such command built in. But you can easily add it yourself with Git aliases and some shell magic.

As pointed out by this answer, you can use git rev-parse --show-toplevel to show the root of your current Git folder.

If you want to use this regularly, it's probably more convenient to define it as an alias. For this, used git config alias.root '!echo "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)"'. After this, you can use git root to see the root folder of the repository you're currently in.

If you want to use another subcommand name than root, simply replace the second part of alias.root in the above command with whatever you want.

For details on aliases in Git, see also the git config man page.

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 5993

I think this is a better way to unambiguously identify a clone of a repository.

git config --get remote.origin.url and checking to make sure that the origin matches ssh://your/repo.

Upvotes: 6


Reputation: 8129

Here's a bash function that will print the repository name (if it has been properly set up):

__get_reponame ()
    local gitdir=$(git rev-parse --git-dir)

    if [ $(cat ${gitdir}/description) != "Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository." ]; then
        cat ${gitdir}/description
        echo "Unnamed repository!"


local gitdir=$(git rev-parse --git-dir)

This executes git rev-parse --git-dir, which prints the full path to the .git directory of the currrent repository. It stores the path in $gitdir.

if [ $(cat ${gitdir}/description) != "..." ]; then

This executes cat ${gitdir}/description, which prints the contents of the .git/description of your current repository. If you've properly named your repository, it will print a name. Otherwise, it will print Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.

cat ${gitdir}/description

If the repo was properly named, then print the contents.



echo "Unnamed repository!"

Tell the user that the repo was unnamed.

Something similar is implemented in this script.

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 35

You can use: git remote -v

Documentation: https://git-scm.com/docs/git-remote

Manage the set of repositories ("remotes") whose branches you track. -v --verbose Be a little more verbose and show remote url after name. NOTE: This must be placed between remote and subcommand.

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 2218

Here's mine:

git remote --verbose | grep origin | grep fetch | cut -f2 | cut -d' ' -f1

no better than the others, but I made it a bash function so I can drop in the remote name if it isn't origin.

grurl () {
  [ -z "$xx_remote" ] && xx_remote=origin
  git remote --verbose | grep "$1" | grep fetch | cut -f2 | cut -d' ' -f1
  unset xx_remote

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 16521

This approach using git-remote worked well for me for HTTPS remotes:

$ git remote -v | grep "(fetch)" | sed 's/.*\/\([^ ]*\)\/.*/\1/'
                                                |  |        | |
                                                |  |        | +---------------+
                                                |  |        | Extract capture |
                                                |  +--------------------+-----+
                                                |Repository name capture|


Upvotes: 2


Reputation: 1050

Other answers still won't work when the name of your directory does not correspond to remote repository name (and it could). You can get the real name of the repository with something like this:

git remote show origin -n | grep "Fetch URL:" | sed -E "s#^.*/(.*)$#\1#" | sed "s#.git$##"

Basically, you call git remote show origin, take the repository URL from "Fetch URL:" field, and regex it to get the portion with name: https://github.com/dragn/neat-vimrc.git

Upvotes: 21

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