Reputation: 1698
I have to following tables:
imageID userId Translated theImage
1 2 1 image1
2 3 0 image2
3 3 0 image3
4 3 0 image4
5 3 1 image5
and translationChains:
imageID sourceLang targetLang
1 2 3
2 4 1
3 5 1
4 4 2
5 1 4
now I have two options: I want either to choose all the images the wasn't translated for a specific user in any language or to choose all the images for this user that wasn't translated in a specific language.
I have the following query for the first option:
"Select images.imageid, images.theimage, images.translationRating
From images where images.userID=? And images.translated =0"
and for the second option I have:
"Select images.imageid, images.theimage, images.translationRating
From images, translationchains
where images.userID=? And images.translated =0 and
translationchains.imageId = images.imageid
and translationchains.targetLang = ? "
for example if i'll use the first query with user 3 I want the result to be:
2 3 0 image2
3 3 0 image3
4 3 0 image4
and for the second query with user 3 and targerLang = 1 I want the result to be:
2 3 0 image2
3 3 0 image3
I want to combine this two queries into one query that will work in all cases (according to the parameters that i'll send)
how can I do it?
I was trying to send as the second parameter (translationchains.targetLang = ?) the string " " (empty string) so it will ignore this condition but it didn't work
Upvotes: 0
Views: 186
Reputation: 37233
you may try this
FIRST query
Select * From images where userID=3 And translated =0
imageID userId Translated theImage
2 3 0 image2
3 3 0 image3
4 3 0 image4
SECOND query
Select i.imageID, userId, Translated, theImage
From images i
inner join translationchains t
on t.imageId = i.imageid
where i.userID=3 And i.translated =0
and t.targetLang = 1
imageID userId Translated theImage
2 3 0 image2
3 3 0 image3
Select i.imageID, userId, Translated, theImage
From images i
inner join translationchains t
on t.imageId = i.imageid
where i.userID=3 And i.translated =0
and t.targetLang in (select targetLang from translationChains )
^^^^^-------replace this by 1 or 2 or 3 or let it like that for all
//-- if you want change targetLang just replace it by any number
//--like that (select 1 from translationChains )
OBS: you could also do it in php when you select the language then you put
$sql .= "AND t.targetLang = the_id_selected_of_language ";
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 490
Try the below query
SELECT a.imageid, a.theimage , a.translationRating
FROM images a , translationchains b
WHERE a.imageId = b.imageid
AND a.translated = 0
GROUP BY b.targetLang
The above query will be group the result based on the target language
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1385
Try below query
SELECT images.imageid, images.theimage, images.translationRating
FROM images
INNER JOIN translationchains ON translationchains.imageId = images.imageid
WHERE images.userID=?
(images.translated =1 AND translationchains.targetLang = ?)
OR (images.translated =0)
Upvotes: 0