
Reputation: 1592

Increment SQL column based on another

Given that I have a query like this:

select employeeid as id, department as dep from employee where department in (...) 
order by department

I would like to have an extra column that increments for every 3 departments so that the result looks something like this:

id dep        magic
1  Accounting 0
30 Accounting 0
66 HR         0
67 HR         0
33 HR         0
2  Sales      0
9  IT         1
12 R&D        1
19 Design     1
45 QA         2
46 QA         2

I have tried with various row number functions, over() and other voodoo, but I cant seem to get it right. Hope you can help me with this one!

Edit: So this was not as straight forward as I had hoped. The example above probably didnt capture all the issues involved in my case. So this is the real query that I am running:

select    sdi.sdcid
        --(ROW_NUMBER() over(order by sd.sdidataid asc) -1) /3 partition
         from sdidataitem sdi
         left join sdidata sd on 
         sdi.keyid1 = sd.keyid1 
         and sdi.keyid2 = sd.keyid2 
         and sdi.keyid3 = sd.keyid3 
         and sdi.paramlistid = sd.paramlistid 
         and sdi.paramlistversionid = sd.paramlistversionid 
         and sdi.variantid = sd.variantid 
         and sdi.dataset = sd.dataset 
         where sd.sdidataid in (select top 30 sdidataid from sdidata) 
         and sdi.u_analysserieid is null
         order by sd.sdidataid asc    

when I run the query with the partition column I get the following error: Cannot find either column "sd" or the user-defined function or aggregate "sd.sdidataid", or the name is ambiguous. This is the code to create the two tables involved:

CREATE TABLE [lv2056d].[sdidata]  ( 
[sdcid]                     nvarchar(40) NOT NULL,
[keyid1]                    nvarchar(40) NOT NULL,
[keyid2]                    nvarchar(40) NOT NULL,
[keyid3]                    nvarchar(40) NOT NULL,
[paramlistid]               nvarchar(40) NOT NULL,
[paramlistversionid]        nvarchar(40) NOT NULL,
[variantid]                 nvarchar(40) NOT NULL,
[dataset]                   numeric(18,0) NOT NULL,
[limitruleid]               nvarchar(40) NULL,
[limitruleversionid]        nvarchar(40) NULL,
[modifiableflag]            nvarchar(1) NULL,
[approvalsequenceflag]      nvarchar(1) NULL,
[approvalpassrule]          nvarchar(20) NULL,
[condition]                 nvarchar(80) NULL,
[availabilityflag]          nvarchar(1) NULL,
[workflowid]                nvarchar(40) NULL,
[workflowversionid]         nvarchar(40) NULL,
[workflowinstance]          numeric(18,0) NULL,
[usersequence]              numeric(18,0) NULL,
[notes]                     nvarchar(2000) NULL,
[auditsequence]             numeric(18,0) NULL,
[auditdeferflag]            nvarchar(1) NULL,
[tracelogid]                nvarchar(40) NULL,
[createdt]                  datetime NULL,
[createby]                  nvarchar(40) NULL,
[createtool]                nvarchar(20) NULL,
[moddt]                     datetime NULL,
[modby]                     nvarchar(40) NULL,
[s_datasetstatus]           nvarchar(20) NULL,
[modtool]                   nvarchar(20) NULL,
[s_notebookreference]       nvarchar(20) NULL,
[s_assignedanalyst]         nvarchar(40) NULL,
[s_instrumentid]            nvarchar(40) NULL,
[s_icoverriddenflag]        nvarchar(1) NULL,
[s_retestedflag]            nvarchar(1) NULL,
[s_remeasuredflag]          nvarchar(1) NULL,
[s_remeasureinstance]       numeric(18,0) NULL,
[s_qcbatchid]               nvarchar(40) NULL,
[s_qcbatchitemid]           nvarchar(20) NULL,
[trackitemid]               nvarchar(40) NULL,
[scheduleplanid]            nvarchar(40) NULL,
[scheduleplanitemid]        nvarchar(40) NULL,
[uniquenessflag]            nvarchar(1) NULL,
[approvalflag]              nvarchar(1) NULL,
[sdidataid]                 nvarchar(40) NULL,
[sourceworkitemid]          nvarchar(40) NULL,
[sourceworkiteminstance]    numeric(18,0) NULL,
[s_cancellableflag]         nvarchar(1) NULL,
[documentid]                nvarchar(40) NULL,
[documentversionid]         nvarchar(40) NULL,
[blockflag]                 nvarchar(1) NULL,
[activeflag]                nvarchar(1) NULL,
[s_assigneddepartment]      nvarchar(40) NULL,
[s_instrumentusedflag]      nvarchar(1) NULL,
CONSTRAINT [xpksdidata] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([sdcid],[keyid1],[keyid2],[keyid3],[paramlistid],[paramlistversionid],[variantid],[dataset]))
CREATE TABLE [lv2056d].[sdidataitem]  ( 
[sdcid]                 nvarchar(40) NOT NULL,
[keyid1]                nvarchar(40) NOT NULL,
[keyid2]                nvarchar(40) NOT NULL,
[keyid3]                nvarchar(40) NOT NULL,
[paramlistid]           nvarchar(40) NOT NULL,
[paramlistversionid]    nvarchar(40) NOT NULL,
[variantid]             nvarchar(40) NOT NULL,
[dataset]               numeric(18,0) NOT NULL,
[paramid]               nvarchar(40) NOT NULL,
[paramtype]             nvarchar(80) NOT NULL,
[replicateid]           numeric(18,0) NOT NULL,
[aliasid]               nvarchar(80) NULL,
[mandatoryflag]         nvarchar(1) NULL,
[datatypes]             nvarchar(20) NULL,
[enteredvalue]          numeric(28,10) NULL,
[enteredtext]           nvarchar(255) NULL,
[enteredunits]          nvarchar(40) NULL,
[operatorrule]          nvarchar(255) NULL,
[transformvalue]        numeric(28,10) NULL,
[transformdt]           datetime NULL,
[transformtext]         nvarchar(255) NULL,
[transformrule]         nvarchar(4000) NULL,
[displayvalue]          nvarchar(255) NULL,
[displayunits]          nvarchar(40) NULL,
[displayformat]         nvarchar(255) NULL,
[rangeoperator]         nvarchar(20) NULL,
[enteredqualifier]      nvarchar(20) NULL,
[entrysdcid]            nvarchar(40) NULL,
[entryreftypeid]        nvarchar(40) NULL,
[calcrule]              nvarchar(4000) NULL,
[measurementactionid]   nvarchar(40) NULL,
[releasedflag]          nvarchar(1) NULL,
[valuestatus]           nvarchar(20) NULL,
[condition]             nvarchar(80) NULL,
[transformdeferflag]    nvarchar(1) NULL,
[textcolor]             numeric(18,0) NULL,
[usersequence]          numeric(18,0) NULL,
[notes]                 nvarchar(2000) NULL,
[auditsequence]         numeric(18,0) NULL,
[auditdeferflag]        nvarchar(1) NULL,
[tracelogid]            nvarchar(40) NULL,
[createdt]              datetime NULL,
[createby]              nvarchar(40) NULL,
[createtool]            nvarchar(20) NULL,
[moddt]                 datetime NULL,
[modby]                 nvarchar(40) NULL,
[modtool]               nvarchar(20) NULL,
[s_acoverriddenflag]    nvarchar(1) NULL,
[s_analystid]           nvarchar(40) NULL,
[s_qcevalstatus]        nvarchar(20) NULL,
[displayvalueformat]    nvarchar(255) NULL,
[calcexcludeflag]       nvarchar(1) NULL,
[sdidataitemid]         nvarchar(40) NULL,
[instrumentid]          nvarchar(40) NULL,
[instrumentfieldid]     nvarchar(20) NULL,
[activeflag]            nvarchar(1) NULL,
[externalreference]     nvarchar(255) NULL,
[resulttimeoffset]      numeric(28,10) NULL,
[u_analysserieid]       nvarchar(20) NULL,
[u_showindataentry]     nvarchar(20) NULL,
[w_instrumentid]        nvarchar(20) NULL,
[u_defvalset]           nvarchar(20) NULL,
CONSTRAINT [xpksdidataitem] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([sdcid],[keyid1],[keyid2],[keyid3],[paramlistid],[paramlistversionid],[variantid],[dataset],[paramid],[paramtype],[replicateid]))

Upvotes: 2

Views: 468

Answers (2)


Reputation: 17579

You can just use (ROW_NUMBER() OVER ...) / 3

select employeeid as id, department as dep , 
(row_number() over (order by department asc) -1) /3 partition
from employee 
where department in (...) 
order by department

About your query. 1) you seem to miss comma after first field 2) better use join if you really joining tables, just for clarity

select sd.sdidataid, (ROW_NUMBER() over(order by sd.sdidataid asc) -1) /3 partition 
from sdidataitem sdi inner join sdidata sd on 
    sdi.keyid1 = sd.keyid1 (... more column restrictions) 
and sdi.dataset = sd.dataset 
where sd.sdidataid in (select top 30 sdidataid from sdidata) 
and sdi.u_analysserieid is null 
order by sd.sdidataid asc

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 27377

Declare @tab table (id int,dep varchar(50))
insert into @tab Values(1,'Accounting'),(2,'Accounting'),(3,'Accounting'),(4,'AAA'),(5,'BBB'),(6,'ccc'),(7,'ddd'),(8,'eee'),(9,'fff');

Select t.*,a.Magic
from @tab t
Select dep,(ROW_NUMBER() over (order by dep) -1)/3 as Magic
from @tab
group by dep
) a on a.dep=t.dep
order by t.dep

Upvotes: 0

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