Reputation: 3427
I was hoping to write a Macro that does a very repetitive task for me but entering VBA is harder than expected. I will learn how to program macros for excel when I have some time because it seem extremely useful, but I can't spend 5 to 12 hours this week.
Maybe someone here can help!
I have a few excel files that follow this pattern:
Column C - Column D
text | (empty)
number | (empty)
number | (empty)
text | (empty)
number | (empty)
text | (empty)
text | (empty)
number | (empty)
text | (empty)
number | (empty)
Where text and number alternate randomly for a few thousand cells. I need column D to hold, when column C is a number, the difference with previous number, otherwise it must stay blank:
Column C - Column D
text | (empty)
3 | (empty)
14 | (=C3-C2) : 11
text | (empty)
16 | (=C5-C3) : 2
text | (empty)
text | (empty)
21 | (=C8-C5) : 5
22 | (=C9-C8) : 1
So the algorithm is:
var previousNumberCell
var i = 1
for all (selected) cells/rows
if (Row(i).column(C) holds number) {
Row(i).column(D).value = "=C"+i+"-"C"+previousNumberCell
previousNumberCell = i;
I don't care if for the first or last cell it doesn't work.
Thank you so much for the help, or if you can point me to where I can find the answer to this.
EDIT: this is a simplified version of the problem, there are 2 things I don't know how do well with excel macros: select a cell, and tell if cell is a number... for the record, number cells have been converted from text to number format.
Upvotes: 6
Views: 15689
Reputation: 1
Hi you can do this with an if formula and a named formula . if (isnumber ,named formula,0)
named formula (=lookup formula)
Upvotes: -1
Reputation: 53663
Give this a shot:
Sub MyMacro()
Dim rng as Range
Dim cl as Range
Dim lastNum as Range
Set rng = Range(Selection.Address) 'Make sure that your active SELECTION is correct before running the macro'
If Not rng.Columns.Count = 1 Then
MsgBox "Please select only 1 column of data at a time.",vbCritical
Exit SUb
For each cl in rng
If IsNumeric(cl.Value) Then
If lastNum Is Nothing Then
cl.Offset(0,1).Formula = "=" & cl.Address
cl.Offset(0,1).Formula = "=" & cl.Address & "-" & lastNum.Address
End If
set lastNum = cl
End If
End If
End Sub
Upvotes: 13
Reputation: 590
Do you require VBA?
Insert a new Column before column C
Column C with your values becomes column D
You might need columnheaders..
In cell C2 put: =IF(E2=0;0;SUM(E$2:$E2))
this identifies rows with number
In cell E2 put: =IF(ISNUMBER(D2);1;0)
this sets order for each row with a number to use next in vlookup
in cell F2 put: =IF(ISNUMBER(D2);ABS(D2-VLOOKUP(MAX($C$1:C1);$C$1:D1;2;0));"")
Autofill columns C, E and F.
In column F you get your results, except first, which is "#VALUE"
Upvotes: 8