Reputation: 4208
Shiny newbie here.
I am trying to write a R shiny script, and one of things I want to do is generate a histogram of the number of ad views for a given day and a given advertiser across different regions.
My table is has the following columns (with sample data):
Date Impressions Advertiser Factor 1 DMA
2/19 22789 McDonalds Cheap Los Angeles
2/17 15002 Regal Cinem Luxury New York
2/20 12345 McDonalds Cheap D.C.
My desired output on the UI tab is something like this with ggplot
ggplot(df2, aes(x=DMA, y=Impressions, fill=DMA)) +geom_histogram()
and should looks like this
However, I am getting an error
Error: object 'DMA' not found
when I am basically pasting the same formula into R Shiny. My code is as follows
df<- na.omit(read.csv("data.csv", fill= TRUE, nrows= 3000000))
shinyServer(function(input, output){
df2<- reactive({df[df$Date==input$date & df$Advertiser==input$name, ]})
#FIXME why is this plot not printing
output$plot1<- renderPlot({
print(ggplot(df2, aes(x=DMA, y=Impressions, fill=DMA)) +geom_histogram())
#end of server brackets
df<- na.omit(read.csv("data.csv", fill= TRUE, nrows= 3000000))
daterange<- unique(df$Date)
names <- unique(df$Advertiser)
#Title of Application
selectInput("date", "Date:",
choices= daterange),
selectInput("name", "Partner",
choices= names)
tabPanel("Plot1", plotOutput("plot1"))
#end of UI brackets
Everything else works, including the tabs. But this plot is not showing up.
UPDATE: THANKS, GGplot now works by wrapping the print() statement around it. However, a new issue arises where a variable cannot be found.
Upvotes: 5
Views: 11999
Reputation: 10215
is not data, but a reactive function. Use df2()
in ggplot
, and do not forget to print as said above.
If things like this happen, do no assume that "DMA is there", but insert a print(str(df2))
at the critical point.
Upvotes: 10