Reputation: 277
the only command that i know to get the owner of a folder in a batch script is:
dir %foldername% /q
this has two problems:
it shows in a list all foldername's content, so i've to read only the first row (which contains < DIR > and ".") or you've to run
dir %parent_of_foldername% /q | findstr "%foldername%"
if the owner have a long name (exemple:TrustedInstaller) this will be trimmed
here is my c:\
13/03/2013 18.33 <DIR> NT SERVICE\TrustedInstaProgram Files
13/03/2013 18.33 <DIR> NT SERVICE\TrustedInstaProgram Files (x86)
Then how can i get the owner's name of a folder in a batch script?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 6448
Reputation: 6657
Jesper Johansson, the author of, laments that there is no built-in command besides dir /q
but lists a few other command-line tools that could work.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 79982
SET "owner="
FOR /f "tokens=2delims=\" %%i IN ('dir /q "%~1"' ) DO IF NOT DEFINED owner CALL :setown %%i
ECHO owner of "%~1" is %owner%
GOTO :eof
SET owner=%*
SET $2=%2
IF defined $2 shift&GOTO setownl
IF NOT "%1"=="." SET "owner="&GOTO :eof
SET owner=%owner:~0,-2%
GOTO :eof
is my solution. Works for me...
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 37569
You can try this:
@echo off &setlocal
set "foldername=c:\temp"
set "owner="
for /f "tokens=3*" %%i in ('dir /q %foldername%^|findstr "<DIR>"') do if not defined owner set "owner=%%j"
echo %owner%
.. and the owner without the computer name:
@echo off &setlocal
set "foldername=c:\temp"
set "owner="
for /f "tokens=1*delims=\" %%i in ('dir /q %foldername%^|findstr "<DIR>"') do if not defined owner set "owner=%%j"
echo %owner%
And third method (returns the full name on my machine):
@echo off &setlocal
set "foldername=c:\temp"
set "owner="
for /f "tokens=2delims=\:" %%i in ('cacls "%foldername%" ^| find "%computername%"') do set "owner=%%i"
echo %owner%
Upvotes: 2