Reputation: 115
I've been trying to find a regex pattern to replace all youtube URLs in a string with the iframe embed code (C#). Obviously the video ID has to extracted. Here is the url patterns that should match:
all possible urls should be replaced with:
<iframe title='YouTube video player' width='480' height='390' src='' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen='1'></iframe>
Can someone please point me to a right direction.
Thank you in advance
Upvotes: 6
Views: 8757
Reputation: 11058
Here is the regex:
Should match all the links you posted and extracts the video ID as $1
. And with the following code you replace the links with the <iframe/>
const string input = " " +
" " +
" " +
" " +
" " +
" " +
" " +
const string pattern = @"(?:https?:\/\/)?(?:www\.)?(?:(?:(?\/watch\?[^?]*v=|\/)([\w\-]+))(?:[^\s?]+)?)";
const string replacement = "<iframe title='YouTube video player' width='480' height='390' src='$1' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen='1'></iframe>";
var rgx = new Regex(pattern);
var result = rgx.Replace(input, replacement);
// result ==
// <iframe title='YouTube video player' width='480' height='390' src='' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen='1'></iframe>
// ...
Upvotes: 18
Reputation: 1
//You can try this:
string strRegex = @"(?<EMBED>(<iframe|<object).*?src=[""'](?<SRC>(http:|https:)?//(www.)?[youtube\.com|][^""']+).*?(</iframe>|</object>))";
Regex myRegex = new Regex(strRegex, RegexOptions.Singleline);
string strTargetString = @"<div align=""center""><iframe height=""315"" src=""//"" frameborder=""0"" width=""560"" allowfullscreen=""true""></iframe></div> " + "\n" + @"<div align=""center""><iframe height=""315"" src=""//"" frameborder=""0"" width=""570"" allowfullscreen=""""></iframe></div> " + "\n" + @"<div align=""center""><iframe height=""315"" src="""" frameborder=""0"" width=""560"" allowfullscreen=""""></iframe></div> " + "\n" + @"<div align=""center""><iframe height=""315"" src="""" frameborder=""0"" width=""560"" allowfullscreen=""""></iframe></div> " + "\n" + @"<div align=""center""><iframe height=""315"" src="""" frameborder=""0"" width=""560"" allowfullscreen=""""></iframe></div> " + "\n" + @"<div align=""center""><iframe height=""315"" src="""" frameborder=""0"" width=""560"" allowfullscreen=""""></iframe></div> " + "\n" + @"<a href="""">Youtube<a>" + "\n" + @"<div style=""text-align:center""><object width=""100%"" height=""100%"" id=""PlayerAS039128cb43804eb7894cba4e8b0220fc"" classid=""clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000""><param name=""movie"" value=""""></param><param name=""allowFullScreen"" value=""true""></param><param name=""allowscriptaccess"" value=""always""></param><param value=""#000000"" name=""bgcolor""></param><param name=""wmode"" value=""opaque""></param><embed height=""100%"" width=""100%"" quality=""high"" bgcolor=""#000000"" flashvars="""" wmode=""opaque"" allowfullscreen=""true"" allowscriptaccess=""always"" name=""039128cb43804eb7894cba4e8b0220fc"" id=""039128cb43804eb7894cba4e8b0220fc"" style="""" src="""" type=""application/x-shockwave-flash""/></embed></object></div>" + "\n";
foreach (Match myMatch in myRegex.Matches(strTargetString))
if (myMatch.Success)
// Add your code here
Upvotes: 0