Reputation: 1998

How to Consume COM Server (ATL, DLL Surrogate) in .NET C# WinService?

I have a DLL Com Server, actually used only by one old Delphi exe-application.

COM Server is written many years ago (not by me) in C++ ATL. It implements callbacks (event - is it the same?) - using outgoing interface IConnectionPointImpl. Class Factory is singleton (marked with DECLARE_CLASSFACTORY_SINGLETON)

Now it is required that this COM Server have to be shared between more than one clients: both Delphi and C# (.NET 2.0, VS2008). I put it as DllSurrogate and now I can use it from multiple Delphi clients, using class inherited from TOleServer, overriding GetServer method to use always CoCreateInstance (because GetActiveObject usually fails) and it's working.

Now I need to consume it from C# WinService and I don't know from where to start. I wrote a little C# Hello-world which use WinApi CoCreateInstance and DllImport("ole32.dll") - I am able to connect to existing instance from COM Server but cannot subscribe to events.

Here is the DLL META-DATA imported by VS: enter image description here

I don't know if this is correct way. Here is aproximative code:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using SWLMLib;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes;

namespace TestSWLM
    enum CLSCTX : uint
        //... defines here CLSCTX

    class Program
        [DllImport("ole32.dll", EntryPoint = "CoCreateInstance", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
        static extern UInt32 CoCreateInstance([In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStruct)] Guid rclsid,
           IntPtr pUnkOuter, UInt32 dwClsContext, [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStruct)] Guid riid,
           [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IUnknown)] out object rReturnedComObject);

        public static void AboutExpireHandler(IFeature pFeature, int HoursRemained)
            Console.WriteLine("AboutExpireHandler, pFeature = {0}", pFeature.Code);        

        static void Main(string[] args)
                SWLMLib.ISWMgr lintfSWLMgr = null;

                object instance = null;
                UInt32 dwRes = CoCreateInstance(new Guid("8EAAFAD7-73F8-403B-A53B-4400E16D8EDF"), IntPtr.Zero, (uint)CLSCTX.CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER,
                    new Guid("00000000-0000-0000-C000-000000000046"), out instance);
                SWLMLib.SWMgrClass lSWLMgr = null;
                    lintfSWLMgr = (instance as SWLMLib.ISWMgr);
                    Type liType = instance.GetType();

                if (lintfSWLMgr != null)
                    IntPtr iuknw = Marshal.GetIUnknownForObject(lintfSWLMgr);

                    IntPtr ipointer = IntPtr.Zero;
                    Guid lICPCGuid = typeof(IConnectionPointContainer).GUID;
                    Guid lICPGuid = typeof(IConnectionPoint).GUID;
                    Guid lIEv = new Guid("{C13A9D38-4BB0-465B-BF4A-487F371A5538}");
                    IConnectionPoint lCP = null;
                    IConnectionPointContainer lCPC = null;
                    Int32 r = Marshal.QueryInterface(iuknw, ref lICPCGuid, out ipointer);
                    lCPC = (IConnectionPointContainer)Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(ipointer);
                    lCPC.FindConnectionPoint(ref lIEv, out lCP);
                    Int32 outID;
                    lCP.Advise(???, out outID); // HERE I don't know what to do further
                    lIEvEv.FeatureAboutToExpire += AboutExpireHandler;
            catch (Exception E)


Any Advices, links and know-hows are welcome.

Upvotes: 2

Views: 2985

Answers (2)


Reputation: 1998

It seems that I succeeded to connect to- and handle Events of DLL (in-proc) Com Server.

  1. I put COM Server as DLL Surrogate (HowTo here).
  2. Delphi Client Side - form my COM Wrapper Class, inheriting from TOleServer Class I overridden GetServer Method:

function TSWMgr.GetServer: IUnknown; begin OleCheck(CoCreateInstance(ServerData^.ClassId, nil, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, IUnknown, Result)); end;

  1. C# (Hello-World Client) side (after consulting some HowTos like this):

//using SWLMLib; //using System.Runtime.InteropServices; //using System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes;

enum ReturnCode : uint
    S_OK = 0, S_FALSE = 1, REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG = 0x80040154, CLASS_E_NOAGGREGATION = 0x80040110, E_NOINTERFACE = 0x80004002, E_POINTER = 0x80004003

enum CLSCTX : uint
    //... //others

/// <summary>
/// Sink Class implementig COM Server outgoing interface SWLMLib.ISWMgrEvents 
/// </summary>
class MySink : SWLMLib.ISWMgrEvents
    public void FeatureAboutToExpire(SWLMLib.IFeature pFeature, int HoursRemained)
        Console.WriteLine("{0} FeatureAboutToExpire: Feature {1} Hours={2}", DateTime.Now, pFeature.Code, HoursRemained);
        Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pFeature); //WTF??? Without this line COM Server object is not released!

    public void FeatureExpired(SWLMLib.IFeature pFeature)
        Console.WriteLine("FeatureExpired: Feature {0}", pFeature.Code);
        Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pFeature); //Without this line COM Server object is not released!

class Program
    //Import "CoCreateInstance" to play with run context of created COM-object (3rd parameter)
    [DllImport("ole32.dll", EntryPoint = "CoCreateInstance", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
    static extern UInt32 CoCreateInstance([In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStruct)] Guid rclsid,
       IntPtr pUnkOuter, UInt32 dwClsContext, [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStruct)] Guid riid,
       [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IUnknown)] out object rReturnedComObject);

    static void Main(string[] args)
            Guid SWMgrClassObjectGuid = typeof(SWLMLib.SWMgrClass).GUID;    //{8EAAFAD7-73F8-403B-A53B-4400E16D8EDF}
            Guid IUnknownGuid = new Guid("00000000-0000-0000-C000-000000000046"); //Can it be written in more pretty style?

            SWLMLib.ISWMgr lintfSWLMgr = null;

            /* This will create IN-PROC Server because, it seems CoCreateInstance will be invoked with CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER flag settled
            Type type = Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(SWMgrClassObjectGuid), true);
            object instance0 = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
            lintfSWLMgr = (instance0 as SWLMLib.ISWMgr); */

            Guid Ev1 = typeof(ISWMgrEvents).GUID;
            object instance = null;

                UInt32 dwRes = CoCreateInstance(SWMgrClassObjectGuid,
                                                (uint)(CLSCTX.CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER), //if OR with CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER then INPROC Server will be created, because of DLL COM Server
                                                out instance);
                if (dwRes != 0)
                    int iError = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
                    Console.WriteLine("CoCreateInstance Error = {0}, LastWin32Error = {1}", dwRes, iError);
                lintfSWLMgr = (instance as SWLMLib.ISWMgr);

            if (lintfSWLMgr != null)
                //lintfSWLMgr.InitializeMethod(...); //Initialize object

                //Find Connection Point for Events
                Guid ISWMgrEventsGuid = typeof(SWLMLib.ISWMgrEvents).GUID;      //{C13A9D38-4BB0-465B-BF4A-487F371A5538} Interface for Evenets Handling
                IConnectionPoint lCP = null;
                IConnectionPointContainer lCPC = (instance as IConnectionPointContainer);
                lCPC.FindConnectionPoint(ref ISWMgrEventsGuid, out lCP);

                MySink lSink = new MySink();
                Int32 dwEventsCookie;
                lCP.Advise(lSink, out dwEventsCookie);
                Console.WriteLine("Waiting for Events Handling...");
                Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER to Exit...");

                Console.ReadLine(); // Until Eneter is not hit, the events arrive properly
                //Here starting to Unsubscribe for Events and Com Objects CleanUP

        catch (Exception E)

Maybe this is not the best way (like TblImp.exe and or COM Wrappers) but this raw way works.

Upvotes: 1

Matt Smith
Matt Smith

Reputation: 17454

I think you'll want to write code like the following:

Type type = Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(coClassGuid, true);
object instance = Activator.CreateInstance(type);

You can think of this as analogous to CoCreateInstance.

The C# COM Interop way of doing QueryInterface is to do casts or use the as keyword:

IComInterface comInterface = instance as IComInterface;

This will avoid you having to use the COM APIs directly.

I'm by no means a COM Interop expert, I've just had to do a little work with it, so I'm hoping this helps you out.

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