Reputation: 3624
I am using PyGraphviz to generate a hierarchical tree like structure with several levels and nodes. Whenever I try to create an edge between two nodes (I have unique index assigned to every node in the tree), Pygraphviz generates two edges, considering both the actual node value and the index whereas I am expecting from it, to only create an edge between node unique indices. Please look at the example code and figure below.
Sample code:
from pygraphviz import *
word_link = []
A = AGraph(directed=True)
ind = 0
A.add_node(ind, color='lightskyblue', style='filled', label='Root', shape='box')
sen_ind = ind + 1
# sentence 1
A.add_node(sen_ind, color='lightcoral', style='filled', label=0, shape='box')
A.add_edge(ind, sen_ind, color='plum', style='filled')
word_ind = sen_ind + 1
# word 1
A.add_node(word_ind, color='lightsalmon', style='filled', shape='box', label=0)
A.add_edge(sen_ind, word_ind, color='plum', style='filled')
word_ind += 1
# word 2
A.add_node(word_ind, color='lightsalmon', style='filled', shape='box', label=1)
A.add_edge(sen_ind, word_ind, color='plum', style='filled')
sen_ind = word_ind + 1
# sentence 2
A.add_node(sen_ind, color='lightcoral', style='filled', label=1, shape='box')
A.add_edge(ind, sen_ind, color='plum', style='filled')
word_ind = sen_ind + 1
# word 1
A.add_node(word_ind, color='lightsalmon', style='filled', label=0, shape='box')
A.add_edge(sen_ind, word_ind, color='plum', style='filled')
word_ind += 1
# word 2
A.add_node(word_ind, color='lightsalmon', style='filled', label=1, shape='box')
A.add_edge(sen_ind, word_ind, color='plum', style='filled')
# doesn't work | need a fix
A.add_edge(word_link[0], word_link[1], color='sienna', style='filled')
A.layout() # layout with default (neato)
A.draw('simple.png',prog='dot') # draw png
Tree generated with duplicate edges
Expected Figure:
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Views: 1456
Reputation: 1638
You can also try to define ranks (levels)
see this answer another use gave me for a similar question:
Pygraphviz / networkx set node level or layer
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 56566
Try adding constraint=False
A.add_edge(word_link[0], word_link[1], constraint=False, color='sienna', style='filled')
Upvotes: 1