Reputation: 11
I'm getting an IndexOutOfBoundsException
at the line that calls for my custom fonction:
motCars = remplaceTirets(motAlea, motCars, lettreDon);
This function is supposed to turn one or more of the dashes into the letter if the given letter equals the letter in the word) and a line in the actual function where it says:
tempo += tirets.charAt(j);
The result is: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (the amount of these dashes depends on the word chosen by the program, which works and then it asks to give a letter but when I give a letter I get:
Exception in thread 'main' java.lang.String IndexOutOfBoundsException. String Index out of range: 1.
It's partly in french because I live in Quebec. But I'm hoping that it doesn't matter because the french words just concern the strings and words, not the logic of java. I'm a beginner and overwhelmed with all the advice on all the forums on Java. Any specific advice will be welcome.
Thanks in advance for taking the time to have a look !
import java.util.Scanner;
class Tp {
public static void main( String[] args ) throws Exception {
Scanner clavier = new Scanner(;
String motAlea = "";
String motCars = "";
char lettreDon = Character.UNASSIGNED;
String tempo = "";
String invite = "";
String tirets = "";
int l = 0;
int m = 0;
final String ANNONCE = "J'ai choisi un mot a deviner\n";
final String INSTRUCT = "Entrez une lettre a la fois. L'indice d'essais: 15.\n";
final String INVITE = "\tEntrez une lettre: ";
final String BRAVO = "BRAVO ! Le mot a deviner etait: ";
final String DESOLE = "DESOLE...Vous avez perdu...";
}; // tableau string
int indexAlea = 0;
indexAlea = (int)(Math.random() * 20) + 1;
motAlea = vingtMots[indexAlea];
for (l = 0; l < motAlea.length(); l++) {
tempo += "_";
motCars = tempo;
} // for
l = 0;
do {
if (motCars.equals(motAlea)) {
System.out.print(BRAVO + motAlea + ", " + "devine en " + m +
" tentatives");
} // if
if (l == 15) {
System.out.print("\n" + DESOLE + "Le mot a devine etait: " +
motAlea + ". " + "Au revoir... ");
} // if
for (int i = 0; i < motAlea.length(); i++) {
System.out.print(motCars.charAt(i) + " ");
} // for
m = l + 1;
invite = "\t" + INVITE + m + "> :";
lettreDon = lecture(invite);
motCars = remplaceTirets(motAlea, motCars, lettreDon);
} // do
while (l < 16); {
System.out.print("\n" + DESOLE + "Le mot a devine etait: " + motAlea + ". "
+ "Au revoir... ");
} // while
} //main(...)
public static char lecture(String invite1){
Scanner clavier = new Scanner(;
final String ERREUR = "La valeur entree est erronnee !\nReprenez-vous...";
final String VIDE = " ";
String retour = "";
do {
try {
retour = clavier.nextLine().trim(); // Mise en forme;
for (int k = 0; k < retour.length(); k++) {
if(Character.isLetter(retour.charAt(k))) {
return retour.toUpperCase().charAt(0);
} // if
} // for
} // try
catch (Exception e) {
}// do
while (!retour.equals(VIDE)); {
retour = "X";
return retour.charAt(0);
} // while
} // lecture(...)
public static String remplaceTirets(String motAlea1, String tirets,
char lettre) {
String retour;
String tempo = "";
for (int j = 0; j < motAlea1.length(); j++) {
String lettre1 = Character.toString(lettre);
if (motAlea1.charAt(j) != lettre1.charAt(0)) {
tempo += tirets.charAt(j);
} // if
else {
tempo += lettre1.charAt(0);
} // else
tirets = tempo;
} // for
return retour = tirets;
} //remplaceTirets(...)
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In this loop:
for (int j = 0; j < motAlea1.length(); j++) {
String lettre1 = Character.toString(lettre);
if (motAlea1.charAt(j) != lettre1.charAt(0)) {
tempo += tirets.charAt(j);
} // if
else {
tempo += lettre1.charAt(0);
} // else
tirets = tempo;
} // for
String tirets
is shorter than motAlea1
and so you're trying to retrieve a character beyond its end.
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You are accessing a position in tirets
based on the length of motAlea1
. I expect that motAlea1.length() > tirets.length()
for (int j = 0; j < motAlea1.length(); j++) {
String lettre1 = Character.toString(lettre);
if (motAlea1.charAt(j) != lettre1.charAt(0)) {
tempo += tirets.charAt(j); //THIS COULD FAIL!!!
tempo += lettre1.charAt(0);
tirets = tempo;
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The line
tirets = tempo;
should be out of the for loop.
change your code to
for (int j = 0; j < motAlea1.length(); j++) {
String lettre1 = Character.toString(lettre);
if (motAlea1.charAt(j) != lettre1.charAt(0)) {
tempo += tirets.charAt(j);
} // if
else {
tempo += lettre1.charAt(0);
} // else
//tirets = tempo; //REMOVE THIS LINE
} // for
tirets = tempo; //ADD THIS LINE
Upvotes: 1