Jan Bolmeson
Jan Bolmeson

Reputation: 21

Strange error - video js error line 21 or 449 - mp4 not loading / just spinning

Just experienced at strange error.

On some computers with the latest current version of Chrome (26.0.1410.43m) and video-js the video does not load, and the spinner just keeps on spinning. Notice that on a different computer with the same version of Chrome it works.

That is:

  1. Computer 1 - Chrome 26.0.1410.43m - doesn't load
  2. Computer 1 - Internet Explorer 9 - does load
  3. Computer 2 - Chrome 26.0.1410.43m - does load
  4. Computer 2 - all other browsers - does load

The error given in Chrome where it doesn't work is below.

What solved the error on Computer 1 was to convert the file to .webm format.

 Event, type: "error", isDefaultPrevented: function, timeStamp: 1365411449401, vdata1365411437555: true…}
altKey: undefined
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currentSrc: "https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/kurssajten-cdn/uploads/media/ks_part07-start-introduction.mp4"
currentTime: 0
dataset: DOMStringMap
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toElement: undefined
type: "error"
vdata1365411437555: true
view: undefined
wheelDelta: undefined
which: undefined
__proto__: Object

Upvotes: 2

Views: 1618

Answers (1)

Jason Twite
Jason Twite

Reputation: 51

I'm almost positive this is the exact problem I had yesterday, again specifically with Chrome. Chrome cannot play .mp4 and its hanging up on the .mp4 in the first line of video sources. Most likely you have them listed like this:

<source src="/video/TVC-Intro.mp4" type='video/mp4'>
<source src="/video/TVC-Intro.webm" type='video/webm'>
<source src="/video/TVC-Intro.ogv" type='video/ogg'>

Move the webm tag above mp4 and I bet it works. That was the simple solution I found.

Upvotes: 5

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