Reputation: 594
I'm new with ExtJS.
I have two grids on a same page. First grid has 3 columns. Second only one. Problem is that when second is rendered, it is overwriting properties of the first grid.
For example when I try to edit row in first grid, it takes the width on the row from second grid.
var $booleanArray = [ ['denied', 'Denied'], ['allowed', 'Allowed'] ]; var myPageSize = 10; Ext.Loader.setConfig({ enabled: true }); Ext.require([ 'Ext.grid.*', '*', 'Ext.util.*', 'Ext.state.*' ]); Ext.onReady(function () { Ext.define('CharacteristicModel', { extend: '', fields: [ {name: 'name'}, {name: 'value'}, {name: 'order'} ], validations: [ { type : 'length', field: 'name', min : 1 } ] }); var characteristicsStore = new{ proxy : { model : 'CharacteristicModel', type : 'rest', api : { read : admin_path + '/getCharacteristics/1/', create : admin_path + '/saveCharacteristics/1/', update : admin_path + '/saveCharacteristics/1/', destroy: admin_path + '/destroyCharacteristic/1/' }, reader : { type : 'json', root : 'data', totalProperty: 'total_count' }, writer : { type: 'json', root: 'data' }, buffered: true }, listeners: { read : function (response) { }, load : function (store) { }, write: function (store, operation) { store.load(); } }, pageSize : myPageSize, autoLoad : { start: 0, limit: myPageSize }, autoSync : true }); var rowEditing = Ext.create('Ext.grid.plugin.RowEditing'); var characteristicsGrid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({ id : 'characteristicsGrid', renderTo : 'characteristics_grid_div_1', store : characteristicsStore, width : 480, stateful : true, stateId : 'characteristicsGrid', title : 'Grid "1"', iconCls : 'icon-user', listeners : { itemdblclick: function (dv, row, item, index, e) { dv.refresh(); dv.getGridColumns()[0].setEditor({ disabled: true, editable: false }); if ( == 6 || == 7) { dv.getGridColumns()[1].setEditor({ xtype : 'combo', store : new{ fields: ['abbr', 'action'], data : $booleanArray }), displayField : 'action', valueField : 'abbr', mode : 'local', typeAhead : false, triggerAction: 'all', lazyRender : true, emptyText : 'Select action' }); } else if ( == 8 || == 11) { dv.getGridColumns()[1].setEditor({ disabled: true, editable: false }); } else { dv.getGridColumns()[1].setEditor({ xtype: 'textfield' }); } } }, columns : [ { id : 'name', text : 'Account characteristic', sortable : false, width : 340, fixed : true, dataIndex: 'name' }, { id : 'value', text : 'Value', sortable : false, dataIndex: 'value', width : 70, fixed : true, editor : { xtype: 'textfield' }, renderer : function (value, field) { if ( == 6 || == 7) { if ($booleanArray[0][0] != value) { value = $booleanArray[1][1]; } else { value = $booleanArray[0][1]; } } return value; } }, { id : 'order', text : 'Order', sortable : false, dataIndex: 'order', width : 70, fixed : true, editor : { xtype: 'textfield' }, renderer : function (value, field) { return value; } } ], bbar : Ext.create('Ext.PagingToolbar', { store : characteristicsStore, displayInfo: true, pageSize : myPageSize, displayMsg : 'Show {0} - {1} из {2}', emptyMsg : "0 rows" }), dockedItems: [ { xtype: 'toolbar', items: [ { text : 'Add', iconCls: 'icon-add', handler: function () { var grid_colums = rowEditing.cmp.getSelectionModel().view.getGridColumns(); grid_colums[0].setEditor({ xtype : 'combo', store : new{ fields: ['id', 'name'], data : $characteristics }), displayField : 'name', valueField : 'id', mode : 'local', typeAhead : false, triggerAction: 'all', lazyRender : true, emptyText : 'Select action' }); grid_colums[1].setEditor({ xtype: 'textfield' }); // empty record //characteristicsStore.autoSync = false; characteristicsStore.insert(0, new CharacteristicModel()); rowEditing.startEdit(0, 0); //characteristicsStore.autoSync = true; } }, '-', { itemId : 'delete', text : 'Delete', iconCls : 'icon-delete', disabled: true, handler : function () { var selection = characteristicsGrid.getView().getSelectionModel().getSelection()[0]; if (selection) { characteristicsStore.remove(selection); } } } ] } ], plugins : [rowEditing] }); characteristicsGrid.getSelectionModel().on('selectionchange', function (selModel, selections) { characteristicsGrid.down('#delete').setDisabled(selections.length === 0); }); }); Ext.onReady(function () { Ext.define('AdvantagesModel', { extend: '', fields: [ {name: 'name'} ] }); // setup the state provider, all state information will be saved to a cookie //Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(Ext.create('Ext.state.CookieProvider')); var advantagesStore = new{ idProperty: 'AdvantagesModel', proxy : { model : 'AdvantagesModel', type : 'rest', api : { read : admin_path + '/getAdvantages/1/', create : admin_path + '/saveAdvantages/1/', destroy: admin_path + '/destroyAdvantages/1/' }, reader : { type : 'json', root : 'data', totalProperty: 'totalCount' }, writer : { type: 'json', root: 'data' }, buffered: true }, listeners: { read : function (response) { }, load : function (store) { }, write: function (store, operation) { store.load(); } }, pageSize : myPageSize, autoLoad : { start: 0, limit: myPageSize }, autoSync : true }); var rowEditing = Ext.create('Ext.grid.plugin.RowEditing'); var advantagesGrid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({ id : 'advantagesGrid', renderTo : 'advantages_grid_div_1', store : advantagesStore, width : 482, height : 355, stateful : true, stateId : 'advantagesGrid', title : 'Grid 2', iconCls : 'icon-user', listeners : { beforeedit: function (dv, row, item) { //advantagesGrid.getView().refresh(); if (row.record.raw) { return false; } } }, columns : [ { id : 'name', text : 'Advantages', sortable : false, dataIndex: 'name', width : 480 } ], bbar : Ext.create('Ext.PagingToolbar', { store : advantagesStore, displayInfo: true, pageSize : myPageSize, displayMsg : 'Show {0} - {1} из {2}', emptyMsg : "0 rows" }), dockedItems: [ { xtype: 'toolbar', items: [ { text : 'Add', iconCls: 'icon-add', handler: function () { var grid_colums = rowEditing.cmp.getSelectionModel().view.getGridColumns(); grid_colums[0].setEditor({ xtype : 'combo', store : new{ fields: ['id', 'name'], data : $advantages }), displayField : 'name', valueField : 'id', mode : 'local', typeAhead : false, triggerAction: 'all', lazyRender : true, emptyText : 'Select action' }); // empty record advantagesStore.autoSync = false; advantagesStore.insert(0, new AdvantagesModel()); rowEditing.startEdit(0, 0); advantagesStore.autoSync = true; } }, '-', { itemId : 'delete', text : 'Delete', iconCls : 'icon-delete', disabled: true, handler : function () { var selection = advantagesGrid.getView().getSelectionModel().getSelection()[0]; if (selection) { advantagesStore.remove(selection); } } } ] } ], plugins : [rowEditing] }); advantagesGrid.getSelectionModel().on('selectionchange', function (selModel, selections) { advantagesGrid.down('#delete').setDisabled(selections.length === 0); }); });
Upvotes: 3
Views: 4485
Reputation: 18990
The alternative to having your two grid id columns identified differently is to have two different instances/objects of the Ext.grid.plugin.RowEditing class if you have two editable grids on the same page. Many times it's important to have the same id.
var rowEditing = Ext.create('Ext.grid.plugin.RowEditing');
var rowEditing2 = Ext.create('Ext.grid.plugin.RowEditing');
plugins : [rowEditing]
plugins : [rowEditing2]
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 594
found the problem.
columns : [
id : 'name',
columns ids must be different, even if they are in diferent grids
Upvotes: 0