Reputation: 1681
I would like a process to take two points and build a route between them, and be able to tally miles by state. would a process like this be possible within Access VBA or
So far I am able to make a route and get the distance, but I am not sure what would be next to find states traveled and the tally of the miles in each state.
Here is what I have so far:
Public Sub route()
Dim objApp As New MapPoint.Application
Dim objMap As MapPoint.Map
Dim objRoute As MapPoint.route
'Set up application
Set objMap = objApp.ActiveMap
Set objRoute = objMap.ActiveRoute
objApp.Visible = True
objApp.UserControl = True
'Add route stops and calculate the route
objRoute.Waypoints.Add objMap.FindResults("Iron Mountain, MI").Item(1)
objRoute.Waypoints.Add objMap.FindResults("Chicago, IL").Item(1)
For Each Item In objRoute.Directions
MsgBox Item.Instruction & " " & Item.ElapsedDistance
End Sub
An Issue I am still having is I have tried to use Item.Location.StreetAddress.Region but I get: "Object Variable or With block variable not set." Can anyone tell me how to find the state of a particular direction point? If so I beleive I can find elapsed miles by state by adding elapsed miles - previous elapsed miles to the state it belongs to.
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Views: 929
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I have been tinkering with the following Access VBA code. It is an extension of the code in the question, but I used GetObject()
so I could attach to an existing instance of MapPoint. That way I could create my route in MapPoint (and tweak as necessary), then [Alt-Tab] into Access and run the code.
The code is by no means complete, but it does seem to cover the basics. As a test, I planned a route from "New York, NY" to "Los Angeles, CA" and when I run my VBA code the following appears in the Immediate Window of the VBA editor:
"Origin_State: New York",0
"Entering New Jersey",1.57828283309937
"Entering Pennsylvania",76.8766632080078
"Entering Ohio",387.730041503906
"Entering Indiana",624.323974609375
"Entering Illinois",776.259155273438
"Entering Iowa",939.418151855469
"Entering Nebraska",1245.23413085938
"Entering Colorado",1599.96252441406
"Entering Utah",2054.32885742188
"Entering Arizona",2418.78686523438
"Entering Nevada",2448.091796875
"Entering California",2572.029296875
The code is as follows:
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Dim objApp As MapPoint.Application
Dim objMap As MapPoint.Map
Const DebugMode = True '' controls how error messages are displayed
Public Sub RouteTest()
Dim objRoute As MapPoint.Route
Dim objDirection As MapPoint.Direction
Dim StateOfOrigin As String
On Error GoTo RouteTest_Error
'' attach to existing instance of MapPoint
Set objApp = GetObject(, "MapPoint.Application")
On Error GoTo 0 '' for debugging
Set objMap = objApp.ActiveMap
Set objRoute = objMap.ActiveRoute
If objRoute.Directions Is Nothing Then
DisplayErrorMessage "No route.", vbExclamation
Exit Sub
End If
StateOfOrigin = GetState(objRoute.Directions(1).Location)
Debug.Print """Origin_State: " & StateOfOrigin & """,0"
For Each objDirection In objRoute.Directions
If objDirection.Instruction Like "Entering *" Then
Debug.Print """" & Replace(objDirection.Instruction, """", """""", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare) & """," & objDirection.ElapsedDistance
End If
Set objDirection = objRoute.Directions(objRoute.Directions.Count)
Debug.Print """End_of_route""," & objDirection.ElapsedDistance
Set objDirection = Nothing
Set objRoute = Nothing
Set objMap = Nothing
Set objApp = Nothing
Exit Sub
If Err.Number = 429 Then
DisplayErrorMessage "Unable to attach to existing instance of MapPoint.", vbCritical
Err.Raise Err.Number
End If
End Sub
Public Function GetState(loc As MapPoint.Location) As String
'' adapted from code at
Dim objResults As MapPoint.FindResults
Dim objTempLoc As MapPoint.Location
Dim rgn As String
rgn = ""
objMap.Altitude = 1
Set objResults = objMap.ObjectsFromPoint(objMap.LocationToX(loc), objMap.LocationToY(loc))
If objResults.ResultsQuality = geoAllResultsValid Then
For Each objTempLoc In objResults
If objTempLoc.Type = geoShowByRegion1 Then
rgn = objTempLoc.Name
Exit For
End If
Set objTempLoc = Nothing
End If
Set objResults = Nothing
GetState = rgn
End Function
Private Sub DisplayErrorMessage(ErrorMessage As String, MessageBoxStyle As Long)
If DebugMode Then
Debug.Print ErrorMessage
MsgBox ErrorMessage, MessageBoxStyle
End If
End Sub
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Reputation: 7801
The actual error you are seeing is due to an abuse of the FindResults collection. You are blindly assuming that element 1 is set. This is not necessarily the case, and you should check the ResultsQuality property first. This is a very common problem that often appears on the various online forums - so common, that I wrote a quick article about it here:
For City,State locations, you will probably also do better with FindAddressResults. This will result "Ambiguous Results" in most cases, but you can loop through the results and choose the first city (typically there are two results: City and State).
The above was in answer to the second part of the question. The follow was my response to the general strategy. From the comments, it looks like the OP has worked it out, but I'm keeping it here so that the comments make sense.
I don't think you can do what you want unless you internally had a list of shape definitions and did a point-in-polygon test (yes a lot of programming).
The Location's StreetAddress property is only set if the Location object was explicitly created from a street address (eg. At import).
Note also that your method could have some large errors because there is no guarantee that a Direction lies close to a State boundary. Also, the Direction Location objects do not lie on the route - they are intended for viewing only. Yes sometimes they do lie on the route segment, but there is no guarantee whatsoever. The idea is that you can zoom to the Location, and get an ideal map view for that Direction (Turn Left, etc).
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Reputation: 1
I thought it actually adds a Direction when it changes state, so it shouldn't be that inaccurate? I know for accounting purposes tallying miles +/- a few bucks doesn't make much of a difference, and it's likely to be more accurate than relying on drivers to remember to look down and properly record mileage when crossing state lines. In any case, you could add rest stops to force additional directions to be added to the route, this might make it slightly more accurate --
m: 312-399-1586
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