Reputation: 28676
I have written a simple depth-first search in Scala with a recursive function like that:
search(labyrinth, path, goal)
where labyrinth is a specification of the problem (as graph or whatever), path is a list that holds the path taken so far and goal is a specification of the goal state. The function returns a path to the goal as a List and Nil if no path can be found.
The function expands, e.g. finds all suitable next nodes (candidates) and then has to recursively call itself.
I do this by
(solution, next) =>
if( solution == Nil )
search( labyrinth, next :: path, goal )
Please note that I have omitted some unescessary details. Everything is working fine so far. But once a solution is found inside the foldLeft call, this solution gets simply copied by the else part of the if-statement. Is there a way to avoid this by breaking the foldLeft or maybe by using a different function instead of foldLeft? Actually I could probably write a version of foldLeft which breaks once "not Nil" is returned myself. But is there one inside the API?
Upvotes: 9
Views: 5159
Reputation: 724
Ok so there are a lot of interpretations here, your question lacks some degrees of specificity.
I will try to point out all assumptions as I go along.
Existing Function: (First assumptions: Type signatures)
type Labyrinth // Not particularly important to logic
type Position // The grid "position" of the path
def search(labyrinth: Labyrinth, path: List[Position], goal: Position): List[Position]
The function expands, e.g. finds all suitable next nodes (candidates) and then has to recursively call itself.
Assumption: the following code is within the search
def search(labyrinth: Labyrinth, path: List[Position], goal: Position): List[Position] = {
return candidates.foldLeft(Nil){
(solution, next) =>
if( solution == Nil )
search( labyrinth, next :: path, goal )
Please note that I have omitted some unescessary details.
If my assumptions have been correct, then perhaps, but I still had to deduce some things.
Never assume the necessity of implementation details when asking for assistance on implementation, specificity makes answering questions far simpler.
Is there a way to avoid this by breaking the foldLeft or maybe by using a different function instead of foldLeft?
Why not use recursion?
def search(labyrinth: Labyrinth, path: List[Position], goal: Position): List[Position] = {
val candidates: List[Position] = ... // However you calculate those
def resultPathOpt(candidates: List[position]): Option[List[Position]] = {
candidates match {
// No candidates
case Nil => None
// At least one candidate
case firstCandidate :: restOfCandidates => {
// Search
search(labyrinth, firstCandidate :: path, goal) match {
// Search didn't pan out, no more candidates, done
case Nil if restOfCandidates.isEmpty => None
// Search didn't pan out, try other candidates
case Nil => resultPathOpt(restOfCandidates)
// Search panned out, done
case validPath => Some(validPath)
val maybeValidResult: Option[List[Position]] = resultPathOpt(candidates)
Now as soon as we find a "valid" path, note there is no check for this in the logic I have provided, so I am not quite sure if this would ever end as you have implemented it and as I have implemented this, but the concepts are still valid.
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Reputation: 13196
I'm not sure I understand the desire to short-circuit the loop. Is it expensive to iterate through the candidates? Is the candidates list potentially large?
Maybe you could use the "find" method:
candidates.find { c =>
Nil != search( labyrinth, c :: path, goal )
} match {
case Some(c) => c :: path
case None => Nil
If the potential depth of the search space is large, you could overflow your stack (fitting, given this site name). But, that is a topic for another post.
For giggles, here is an actual runnable implementation. I had to introduce a local mutable variable (fullPath) mostly out of laziness, but I'm sure you could take those out.
object App extends Application {
// This impl searches for a specific factor in a large int
type SolutionNode = Int
case class SearchDomain(number: Int) {
def childNodes(l: List[Int]): List[Int] = {
val num = if (l.isEmpty) number else l.head
if (num > 2) {
(2 to (num - 1)) find {
n => (num % n)==0
} match {
case Some(i) => List(i, num / i)
case None => List()
else List()
type DesiredResult = Int
def search ( labyrinth: SearchDomain, path: List[SolutionNode], goal: DesiredResult ): List[SolutionNode] = {
if ( !path.isEmpty && path.head == goal ) return path
if ( path.isEmpty ) return search(labyrinth, List(labyrinth.number), goal)
val candidates: List[SolutionNode] = labyrinth.childNodes(path)
var fullPath: List[SolutionNode] = List()
candidates.find { c =>
fullPath = search( labyrinth, c :: path, goal )
} match {
case Some(c) => fullPath
case None => Nil
// Is 5 a factor of 800000000?
val res = search(SearchDomain(800000000), Nil, 5)
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 297295
I like Mitch Blevins solution, as it is a perfect match for your algorithm. You may be interested in my own solution to another maze problem.
Upvotes: 0