Reputation: 1095
i am looking to loop the main section of the code below, and then calculates the average of the results collected from the loop
here is the code :
class PingPongVariousLengths {
static public void main(String[] args) {
int myrank = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Rank();
int tag = 99;
int maxlen = 104857600; //200 megabytes 104857600 characters * 2 bytes per character = 209715200 bytes total, or 200 megabytes
int minlen = 1; // 2 bytes
char [] sendbuff = new char [maxlen];
char [] recvbuff = new char [maxlen];
long speedKbps;
long speedMbps;
if (myrank == 0) {
for (int len = minlen; len <= maxlen; len *= 2) { //len=*2 doubles the ping size each time
long startTime = System.nanoTime();
MPI.COMM_WORLD.Send(sendbuff, 0, len, MPI.CHAR, 1, tag);
MPI.COMM_WORLD.Recv(recvbuff, 0, len, MPI.CHAR, 1, tag);
long endTime = System.nanoTime();
long duration = endTime - startTime;
long durationseconds = (duration * 10-9); // Converts nanoseconds to seconds
System.out.println("Time for the ping to be sent and recived of " + (len*2) + " bytes is " + durationseconds + " seconds"); // multiples by 2 becuase 1 character is 2 bytes
//double transferRate = ((len*2.0) / durationseconds ) ; //amount of data in bytes transferred in 1 second. Currently returning 0 for every result
//System.out.println("transferRate: " + transferRate + " bytes per second");
double transferRateMb = ((len*524288.0) / durationseconds ) ; //amount of data in megabytes transferred in 1 second.
System.out.println("transferRate (megabytes) : " + transferRateMb + " megabytes per second");
} else if (myrank == 1) {
for (int len = minlen; len <= maxlen; len *= 2) {
MPI.COMM_WORLD.Recv(recvbuff, 0, len, MPI.CHAR, 0, tag);
MPI.COMM_WORLD.Send(recvbuff, 0, len, MPI.CHAR, 0, tag);
i am trying to loop it say 10 or 20 times,the code from
for (int len = minlen; len <= maxlen; len *= 2) { //len=*2 doubles the ping size each time
long durationseconds = (duration * 10-9); // Converts nanoseconds to seconds
i want to run 20 times and then the results for duration
to be average over the 10 or 20
how can i best and most efficiently go about this
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Views: 111
Reputation: 2391
If I understood you correctly you wanted an average of duration seconds for each length increment. In order to get the average of your duration seconds you need to move the length looping outside of the average looping. See the code snippet below.
long durationseconds;
int MAX_LOOPS = 20;
for (int len = minlen; len <= maxlen; len *= 2) {
if (myrank == 0) {
durationseconds = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LOOPS; i++) {
long startTime = System.nanoTime();
MPI.COMM_WORLD.Send(sendbuff, 0, len, MPI.CHAR, 1, tag);
MPI.COMM_WORLD.Recv(recvbuff, 0, len, MPI.CHAR, 1, tag);
long endTime = System.nanoTime();
long duration = endTime - startTime;
durationseconds = durationseconds + (duration * 10-9);
durationseconds = durationseconds / MAX_LOOPS;
System.out.println("Average time for the ping to be sent and recived of " + (len*2) + " bytes is " + durationseconds + " seconds");
double transferRateMb = ((len*524288.0) / durationseconds );
System.out.println("average transferRate (megabytes) : " + transferRateMb + " megabytes per second");
} else if (myrank == 1) {
MPI.COMM_WORLD.Recv(recvbuff, 0, len, MPI.CHAR, 0, tag);
MPI.COMM_WORLD.Send(recvbuff, 0, len, MPI.CHAR, 0, tag);
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 7076
long totalDuration = 0;
for (int i = 0; i<nTimes;i++){
... //Code N stuff here
totalDuration += duration;
long avgDuration = totalTime /nTimes;
Upvotes: 0