Reputation: 1830
I want to draw many Rectangular's inside a QML. The coordinates for Rectangulars (x,y) will be calculated inside C++, and need to be passed to QML.
I tried to look for ListView or Column or Row elements (with Repeater), but non of this seems to solve the problem, because the elements are arranged like in 'tables'... I faced the lack of information on the web examples on such case.
To be more specific:
1. How to pass many coordinates for my Rectangular's to QML? (what data structure)
2. What mechanism should I use to display them?
Upvotes: 7
Views: 9268
Reputation: 49329
You could simply:
import QtQuick 2.0
Rectangle {
id: root
height: 500
width: 500
property string sc: 'import QtQuick 2.0; Rectangle {width: 20; height: 20; color: "red"; Component.onCompleted: {x = Math.random() * parent.width; y = Math.random() * parent.height;}}'
Component.onCompleted: {
for (var i = 0; i < 10; ++i) Qt.createQmlObject(sc, root, 'obj' + i);
This code will create the specified number of rectangles and position them randomly over the parent rectangle.
If generating the position in C++ is a necessity, you will have to create a custom C++ element, here is a basic example:
class Positioner : public QObject
explicit Positioner(QObject *parent = 0) : QObject(parent) {}
public slots:
QPointF getPosition() {
return QPoint(qrand() % 500, qrand() % 500);
Register it in main.cpp:
qmlRegisterType<Positioner>("TestComponent", 1, 0, "Positioner");
And finally use it, this time we use the Positioner's getPosition()
C++ slot:
import QtQuick 2.0
import TestComponent 1.0
Rectangle {
id: root
height: 500
width: 500
Positioner {id: myPositioner}
property string sc: 'import QtQuick 2.0; Rectangle {width: 20; height: 20; color: "red"; Component.onCompleted: {var pos = myPositioner.getPosition(); x = pos.x; y = pos.y;}}'
Component.onCompleted: {
for (var i = 0; i < 10; ++i) Qt.createQmlObject(sc, root, 'obj' + i);
You can also use an existing QML file instead of a string, which is a little more convenient, since you get autocomplete. That would be your TestItem component and just for fun, its instances will delete themselves when clicked:
import QtQuick 2.0
Rectangle {
width: 100
height: 100
color: "black"
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: parent.destroy()
Component.onCompleted: {
var pos = myPositioner.getPosition()
x = pos.x
y = pos.y
And in your main QML file you instantiate it:
var component = Qt.createComponent("TestItem.qml")
In case you don't want to instantiate a Positioner in QML and instead instantiate and use a single object in QML, you can do the following (in main.cpp):
Positioner p;
view.rootContext()->setContextProperty("sPositioner", &p);
And use in QML:
var pos = sPositioner.getPosition()
Upvotes: 19