Reputation: 21
I'm working on a program to send weekly reminders / updates to each sales employee at our company. About 120 per week, automated, in a short amount of time. This is an internal program, to internal recipients only and I am not concerned about spam or unwanted messages and unsubscription is not an option. Each message is personalized for each sales staff member based on their customer list and contains weekly "to do" items for them to call customers.
I'm running Exhange 2007 internally with an open internal SMTP connector for both my development environment and the server that runs these automation projects. The program is working fine for one or two stores but when I run it for every store I get a time out somewhere after 110 messages have been sent.
I'm not attempting to queue mail or hold them in blocks, as I iterate through the sale person list, and do each respective lookup and message build, I am attempting to send messages with the following sub.
Sub doMail(ByRef MessageBody As String, ByVal nameString As String, ByVal sendTo As ArrayList, Optional ByVal markurgent As Boolean = False, _
Optional ByVal sendCC As ArrayList = Nothing, Optional ByVal sendBcc As ArrayList = Nothing)
' Setup Mail Message
Dim oClient As SmtpClient = New SmtpClient(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("mail_server").ToString())
oClient.Timeout = 20000
'oClient.Port = 50747
Dim objMessage As New MailMessage()
objMessage.From = New System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("mail_from_address").ToString, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("mail_from_name").ToString)
objMessage.Subject = String.Format("Weekly Hitlist Report ~ {0}", nameString)
If (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("debugMode").ToString() = 1) Then
Dim debugSB As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder
For Each s As String In sendTo
debugSB.AppendLine(String.Format("To: {0}<br>", s))
For Each s As String In sendCC
debugSB.AppendLine(String.Format("cc: {0}<br>", s))
For Each s As String In sendBcc
debugSB.AppendLine(String.Format("bcc: {0}<br>", s))
MessageBody = String.Format("Debug Mode is Active. <br> {0} <br><hr noshade>{1}", debugSB.ToString, MessageBody)
For Each receiver As String In sendTo
Catch ex As Exception
' do nothing
End Try
For Each receiver As String In sendCC.ToArray
Catch ex As Exception
' do nothing
End Try
For Each receiver As String In sendBcc
Catch ex As Exception
' do nothing
End Try
End If
objMessage.Body = MessageBody
objMessage.Priority = IIf(markurgent, MailPriority.High, MailPriority.Normal)
objMessage.IsBodyHtml = True
oClient = Nothing
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{1} - message sent - {0} ", nameString, Now()))
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
I have attempted to increase the client time out to 20 seconds and I'm explicitly attempting to close out the client connection to the mail server after each message by setting it to nothing.
Everything LOOKS to proceed OK until the very end, I have removed our sales person names from the below output snippet. Right now everything is coming to me since I'm running this in debug mode, we have not attempted a live run to the entire company yet so I don't know if it is since everything is going to one recipient.
After I get the error (connection time out) and the system resumes, I get any messages that are sent after the exception and only AFTER the program terminates. In prior versions of .NET I know that programs had to exit or the thread had to end before messages would be sent but other programs I have going I don't generally have this in .NET 4 any more.
Output including error; first part has been snipped
4/15/2013 9:46:36 AM - message sent -
4/15/2013 9:46:41 AM - message sent -
4/15/2013 9:46:46 AM - message sent -
4/15/2013 9:46:51 AM - message sent - Store 14 Unassigned
4/15/2013 9:46:56 AM - message sent -
4/15/2013 9:47:01 AM - message sent -
4/15/2013 9:47:06 AM - message sent -
4/15/2013 9:47:11 AM - message sent -
4/15/2013 9:47:16 AM - message sent -
4/15/2013 9:47:21 AM - message sent -
4/15/2013 9:47:26 AM - message sent -
4/15/2013 9:47:31 AM - message sent -
4/15/2013 9:47:36 AM - message sent -
4/15/2013 9:47:41 AM - message sent -
Service not available, closing transmission channel. The server response was: 4.4.1 Connection timed out
at System.Net.Mail.MailCommand.CheckResponse(SmtpStatusCode statusCode, String response)
at System.Net.Mail.MailCommand.Send(SmtpConnection conn, Byte[] command, String from)
at System.Net.Mail.SmtpTransport.SendMail(MailAddress sender, MailAddressCollection recipients, String deliveryNotify, SmtpFailedRecipientException& exception)
at System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.Send(MailMessage message)
at HitListRunner_Main.Module1.doMail(String& MessageBody, String nameString, ArrayList sendTo, Boolean markurgent, ArrayList sendCC, ArrayList sendBcc) in C:\Users\markl\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\HitListRunner\HitListRunner-Main\Module1.vb:line 391
4/15/2013 9:47:46 AM - message sent - Store 20 Unassigned
4/15/2013 9:47:51 AM - message sent - Store 98 Unassigned
4/15/2013 9:47:58 AM - message sent - !! - UNDETERMINED LIST - !!
ending - enter to exit
I have also tried sending for each individual store and smaller subsets. I only receive this error when I run for the entire company all at one time.
I don't see anything in Exchange prohibiting this and I don't see a high message queue waiting. Any suggestions on a different method to send the messages or something else to try? (I would prefer not to use a 3rd party dll or outside component).
Upvotes: 2
Views: 7038
Reputation: 1017
I've experienced the pain of this issue. After 2 years of research I've not been able to pinpoint an exact cause of the issue with my .net application. There are a number of issues and implementation options that will help minimize the impact of this exception. We are now at a point this problem doesn't impact the end users in a noticeable way.
Things we tried that that didn't seem to make a difference to the frequency of 4.4.1 timeout exceptions.
Hope that helps.
Code Snippits
''' <summary>
''' Provide a mechanism to throttle the subsequent attempts to send emails.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="emailAddress"></param>
''' <param name="attemptNumber"></param>
''' <remarks>Need to implement a more dynamic function as attempts persist, pause for longer for a number of attempt, then add the email to a failed queue.</remarks>
Private Shared Sub RestBeforeSendingAgain(ByVal emailAddress As String, ByVal attemptNumber As Integer)
If attemptNumber > 1 Then
' Wait 30 seconds in between every attempt, or the value configured in the config file.
Dim retryIntervalInSeconds As Integer = 30
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Item("SMTPFailureReTryIntervalInSeconds")) Then
Integer.TryParse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Item("SMTPFailureReTryIntervalInSeconds"), retryIntervalInSeconds)
End If
logger.Warn("Problem emailing {0}. Waiting {1} seconds to help clear technical issues.", emailAddress, retryIntervalInSeconds.ToString)
End If
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Attempt to send an email message and record any issues with that mailmessage to the application log.
''' Allows the process to know the success or failure of that approach.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="mailClient"></param>
''' <param name="mailMessage"></param>
''' <param name="attemptNumber"></param>
''' <returns>The success or failure of the SMTP server to send the message without causing an error.</returns>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Private Shared Function AttemptToSendEmail(ByRef mailClient As System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient, ByRef mailMessage As MailMessage, ByVal attemptNumber As Integer) As Boolean
Dim result As Boolean = False
logger.Trace("Started: AttemptToSendEmail", attemptNumber)
RestBeforeSendingAgain(mailMessage.To.ToString, attemptNumber)
result = True
Catch smtpEx As SmtpException
result = False
logger.ErrorException(String.Format("{3}{1}{0}{1}{2}", ExceptionFormater.FormatException(smtpEx), Environment.NewLine, ExceptionFormater.FormatStack(smtpEx), "AttemptToSendEmail failed with Smtp exception."), smtpEx)
Catch ex As Exception
result = False
logger.ErrorException(String.Format("{3}{1}{0}{1}{2}", ExceptionFormater.FormatException(ex), Environment.NewLine, ExceptionFormater.FormatStack(ex), "AttemptToSendEmail failed with generic exception."), ex)
If result Then
logger.Trace("Succeeded: To email {0} on attempt {1}.", mailMessage.To.ToString, attemptNumber)
logger.Warn("Failed: To email {0} on attempt {1}.", mailMessage.To.ToString, attemptNumber)
End If
End Try
Return result
End Function
' Configure the timeout in milliseconds from the App.Config file.
' 200 seconds = 200,000 miliseconds
MySmtpClient.Timeout = CInt(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(SmtpClientTimeoutSeconds).TotalMilliseconds)
Upvotes: 3