I fetched some "users". I want to know more about these specific users before returning the response, so I fetch detailed info for all users and add that to a result...then I return the result after all requests have finished. I'm having trouble using the parallel
async = require 'async'
# Assume I don't know how many users are here. Test data.
users = [
name: 'user1'
name: 'user2'
# Fake add some extra data to the user.
fetchUser = (name, cb) ->
setTimeout (->
user =
name: name
email: name + ''
cb user
), 1 * 1000
fetchUsers: (userList, cb) ->
result =
count: userList.length
users: []
# runInParallel = []
# for user in userList
# fetchUsers( # Yea, not going to work either.
# async.parallel runInParallel
async.parallel [
fetchUser('user1') # Yea, how do I build an array of a function?
], (err, user) ->
#console.log 'returned user ' + # If this calls back once, then this won't work....
if !err
result.users.push user
cb result
# Do it.
fetchUsers users, (result) ->
console.log result
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Don't use async.parallel, use async.each
async.each userList, fetchUser, (err, users) ->
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 1459
You can simply do a map. I'm writing it in native js but you get the picture.
var usersFetchFunctions = (user) {
return function () { ... }
async.parallel(usersFetchFunctions, function (err) { ... });
Upvotes: 2