Reputation: 21
I have a code which saves my specified slide as a PNG:
Dim userName As String
userName = Slide322.TextBox1.Text
'Save slide
ActivePresentation.Slides(302).Export _
filename:="C:\Users\Jessica\Dropbox\Uni\DISSERTATION\Questionnaire\Tools\Results\" & userName & ".png", FilterName:="PNG"
However, I want to save the slide as a .PPT so that I can open it at a later date and edit the text on that slide. I have tried using the .SaveAs syntax, but I get an error message every time and it just won't recognise any 'Save' type expressions.
I have searched, and searched for the answer to this... Can anyone please help?
Upvotes: 2
Views: 8496
Reputation: 4773
The following script will help you save the individual slides of your presentation as seperate pptx files. I modified @Steve Rindsberg
code to achieve this.
Just change the following in the code
with the file path of the presentation you are exporting.
with the folder path where the exported presentations should be saved.
Remember to add \ at the end of the folder path in Step 2.
Sub ExportSlidesToIndividualPPPTX()
Dim oPPT As Presentation, oSlide As Slide
Dim sPath As String
Dim oTempPres As Presentation
Dim x As Long
' Location of PPTX File
Set oPPT = Presentations.Open(FileName:="K:\PRESENTATION_YOU_ARE_EXPORTING.pptx")
' Location Where Individual Slides Should Be Saved
' Add \ in the end
For Each oSlide In oPPT.Slides
lSlideNum = oSlide.SlideNumber
sFileName = sPath & "Slide - " & lSlideNum & ".pptx"
oPPT.SaveCopyAs sFileName
' open the saved copy windowlessly
Set oTempPres = Presentations.Open(sFileName, , , False)
' Delete all slides before the slide you want to save
For x = 1 To lSlideNum - 1
' Delete all slides after the slide you want to save
For x = oTempPres.Slides.Count To 2 Step -1
Set oPPT = Nothing
End Sub
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 371
ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Export "1.ppt", "PPT"
Above code exports Slide#1 to an 'old' type ppt format. The 2nd one of the following 2 macros can save a copy in a 'new' pptx format which is more compatible. It's actually the mixture of Steve's two methods. But it doesn't bother to delete the rest of the slides.
Sub SaveEachPage2PPT()
Dim sld As Slide
Dim l#
With ActivePresentation
For Each sld In .Slides
l = l + 1
sld.Export .Path & "\" & l & ".ppt", "PPT"
Next sld
End With
End Sub
Sub SaveEachPage2PPTX()
Dim sld As Slide
Dim l#
Dim ppt As Presentation
Dim pptFile$
With ActivePresentation
For Each sld In .Slides
l = l + 1
pptFile = .Path & "\" & l & ".ppt"
sld.Export pptFile, "PPT"
Set ppt = Presentations.Open(pptFile, , , False)
ppt.SaveCopyAs pptFile & "x", ppSaveAsOpenXMLPresentation
Kill pptFile
Next sld
End With
If Not ppt Is Nothing Then Set ppt = Nothing
End Sub
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1
Sub SplitFile()
Dim lSlidesPerFile As Long
Dim lTotalSlides As Long
Dim oSourcePres As Presentation
Dim otargetPres As Presentation
Dim sFolder As String
Dim sExt As String
Dim sBaseName As String
Dim lCounter As Long
Dim lPresentationsCount As Long ' how many will we split it into
Dim x As Long
Dim lWindowStart As Long
Dim lWindowEnd As Long
Dim sSplitPresName As String
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Set oSourcePres = ActivePresentation
If Not oSourcePres.Saved Then
MsgBox "Please save your presentation then try again"
Exit Sub
End If
lSlidesPerFile = CLng(InputBox("How many slides per file?", "Split Presentation"))
lTotalSlides = oSourcePres.Slides.Count
sFolder = ActivePresentation.Path & "\"
sExt = Mid$(ActivePresentation.Name, InStr(ActivePresentation.Name, ".") + 1)
sBaseName = Mid$(ActivePresentation.Name, 1, InStr(ActivePresentation.Name, ".") - 1)
If (lTotalSlides / lSlidesPerFile) - (lTotalSlides \ lSlidesPerFile) > 0 Then
lPresentationsCount = lTotalSlides \ lSlidesPerFile + 1
lPresentationsCount = lTotalSlides \ lSlidesPerFile
End If
If Not lTotalSlides > lSlidesPerFile Then
MsgBox "There are fewer than " & CStr(lSlidesPerFile) & " slides in this presentation."
Exit Sub
End If
For lCounter = 1 To lPresentationsCount
' which slides will we leave in the presentation?
lWindowEnd = lSlidesPerFile * lCounter
If lWindowEnd > oSourcePres.Slides.Count Then
' odd number of leftover slides in last presentation
lWindowEnd = oSourcePres.Slides.Count
lWindowStart = ((oSourcePres.Slides.Count \ lSlidesPerFile) * lSlidesPerFile) + 1
lWindowStart = lWindowEnd - lSlidesPerFile + 1
End If
' Make a copy of the presentation and open it
sSplitPresName = sFolder & sBaseName & _
"_" & CStr(lWindowStart) & "-" & CStr(lWindowEnd) & "." & sExt
oSourcePres.SaveCopyAs sSplitPresName, ppSaveAsDefault
Set otargetPres = Presentations.Open(sSplitPresName, , , True)
With otargetPres
For x = .Slides.Count To lWindowEnd + 1 Step -1
For x = lWindowStart - 1 To 1 Step -1
End With
Next ' lpresentationscount
NormalExit: Exit Sub ErrorHandler: MsgBox "Error encountered" Resume NormalExit End Sub
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 14809
ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Export "c:\temp\slide1.ppt", "PPT"
Use SaveCopy to save a copy of the presentation Open the saved copy (with or without a window) Delete all the slides up to the one you want to keep Delete all the slides after the one you want to keep Save again. Close the presentation
Like so:
Sub TestMe()
SaveSlide 5, "c:\temp\slide5.pptx"
End Sub
Sub SaveSlide(lSlideNum As Long, sFileName As String)
Dim oTempPres As Presentation
Dim x As Long
ActivePresentation.SaveCopyAs sFileName
' open the saved copy windowlessly
Set oTempPres = Presentations.Open(sFileName, , , False)
For x = 1 To lSlideNum - 1
' What was slide number lSlideNum is now slide 1
For x = oTempPres.Slides.Count To 2 Step -1
End Sub
Obviously, you'll want to add a few safety ropes ... don't try to export slide 15 of a 12-slide presentation, etc.
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 19077
You could possibly try this code which:
saving & closing new presentation.
Sub SaveSeparateSlide()
Dim curPres As Presentation
Set curPres = ActivePresentation
Dim newPres As Presentation
Set newPres = Presentations.Add
'change slide number here:
'change your path and name here:
newPres.SaveAs "single slide presentation.pptx"
End Sub
You will need to adjust that code a bit but I think you'll cope :)
Upvotes: 0