Reputation: 401
I'm currently working on a VBS script but I need user interaction with script. Basically I need two buttons and 4 checkboxes (checkboxes isn't important).
Upvotes: 7
Views: 44489
Reputation: 673
Today, I would like to introduce two projects that will interest you.
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Reputation: 885
The best approach I found is to open HTA file from VBS using "WScript.Shell Run" and communicate back to the VBS using an XML file.
Example (dialog.vbs)
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oFile = fso.GetFile(Wscript.ScriptFullName)
sFolder = oFile.ParentFolder
sHtaFilePath = sFolder & "\dialog.hta"
Dim oShell: Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
oShell.Run sHtaFilePath, 1, True
'Load return data from XML File
If fso.FileExists(sHtaFilePath & ".xml") Then
Set oXml = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
oXML.async = False
oXML.load sHtaFilePath & ".xml"
MsgBox "Value 1: " & oXML.SelectSingleNode("/root/txt1").text
MsgBox "Value 2: " & oXML.SelectSingleNode("/root/txt2").text
fso.DeleteFile sHtaFilePath & ".xml"
End If
Example HTA (dialog.hta)
<script language="vbscript">
Window.ResizeTo 300, 200
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Sub Send()
Dim sFilePath: sFilePath = Replace(location.href,"file:///","")
sFilePath = Replace(sFilePath,"/","\")
sFilePath = Replace(sFilePath," %20"," ")
'Save return date to XML File
Set oXml = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
Set oRoot = oXml.createElement("root")
oXml.appendChild oRoot
AddXmlVal oXml, oRoot, "txt1", txt1.value
AddXmlVal oXml, oRoot, "txt2", txt2.value
oXml.Save sFilePath & ".xml"
End Sub
Sub AddXmlVal(oXml, oRoot, sName, sVal)
Set oNode = oXml.createElement(sName)
oNode.Text = sVal
oRoot.appendChild oNode
End Sub
Value 1
<input id="txt1" style="width: 100px;">
Value 2
<select id=txt2 style="width: 100px;">
<option value="A">A</option>
<option value="B">B</option>
<option value="C">D</option>
<p align=center>
<input type="button" value="Send" onclick="Send()">
<input type="button" value="close" onclick="self.Close()">
Even better approach is for the HTA file to be created by the VBS file and then deleted. This way HTA does not have to be distributed along with the VBS.
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
sHtml = "<div>Value 1 " & _
"<input id='txt1' style='width: 100px'>" & _
"</div>" & _
"<div>Value 2 " & _
"<select id='txt2' style='width: 100px'>" & _
"<option value='A'>A</option>" & _
"<option value='B'>B</option>" & _
"<option value='C'>D</option>" & _
"</select>" & _
"</div>" & _
"<p align=center>" & _
"<input type='button' value='Send' onclick='Send()'> " & _
"<input type='button' value='Close' onclick='self.Close()'>" & _
Set oRet = OpenDialog(sHtml, "txt1,txt2", 300, 200, "Dialog 1")
MsgBox "Value 1: " & oRet("txt1") & ", Value 2: " & oRet("txt2")
Function OpenDialog(sHtml, sFields,iWidth,iHeight, sTitle)
sHtaFilePath = Wscript.ScriptFullName & ".hta"
CreateHtaFile sHtaFilePath, sHtml, sFields,iWidth,iHeight,sTitle
Set f = fso.GetFile(sHtaFilePath)
f.attributes = f.attributes + 2 'Hidden
Dim oShell: Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
oShell.Run """" & sHtaFilePath & """", 1, True
If fso.FileExists(sHtaFilePath) Then
fso.DeleteFile sHtaFilePath
End If
Set oRet = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
'Load return data from XML File
If fso.FileExists(sHtaFilePath & ".xml") Then
Set oXml = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
oXML.async = False
oXML.load sHtaFilePath & ".xml"
For each sField In Split(sFields,",")
oRet.Add trim(sField), oXML.SelectSingleNode("/root/" & trim(sField)).text
fso.DeleteFile sHtaFilePath & ".xml"
End If
Set OpenDialog = oRet
End Function
Sub CreateHtaFile(sHtaFilePath, sHtml, sFields, iWidth, iHeight, sTitle)
Set f = fso.CreateTextFile(sHtaFilePath, True)
f.WriteLine "<html><title>FL Reporting</title><head><HTA:APPLICATION ID=oHTA SINGLEINSTANCE=""yes"" SCROLL=""no""/></head>"
f.WriteLine "<script language=""vbscript"">"
f.WriteLine "Window.ResizeTo " & iWidth & ", " & iHeight
f.WriteLine "Set fso = CreateObject(""Scripting.FileSystemObject"")"
f.WriteLine ""
f.WriteLine "Sub Send()"
f.WriteLine " Dim sFilePath: sFilePath = Replace(location.href,""file:///"","""")"
f.WriteLine " sFilePath = Replace(sFilePath,""/"",""\"")"
f.WriteLine " sFilePath = Replace(sFilePath,""%20"","" "")"
f.WriteLine " Set oXml = CreateObject(""Microsoft.XMLDOM"")"
f.WriteLine " Set oRoot = oXml.createElement(""root"")"
f.WriteLine " oXml.appendChild oRoot"
For each sField In Split(sFields,",")
f.WriteLine " AddXmlVal oXml, oRoot, """ & sField & """, GetVal(" & sField & ")"
f.WriteLine " oXml.Save sFilePath & "".xml"""
f.WriteLine " self.Close()"
f.WriteLine "End Sub"
f.WriteLine ""
f.WriteLine "Sub AddXmlVal(oXml, oRoot, sName, sVal)"
f.WriteLine " Set oNode = oXml.createElement(sName)"
f.WriteLine " oNode.Text = sVal"
f.WriteLine " oRoot.appendChild oNode"
f.WriteLine "End Sub"
f.WriteLine ""
f.WriteLine "Function GetVal(o)"
f.WriteLine " GetVal = o.value"
f.WriteLine " If o.Type = ""checkbox"" Then"
f.WriteLine " If o.checked = False Then"
f.WriteLine " GetVal = """""
f.WriteLine " End If"
f.WriteLine " End If"
f.WriteLine "End Function"
f.WriteLine "</script>"
f.WriteLine "<body>"
f.WriteLine sHtml
f.WriteLine "</body></html>"
End Sub
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 42207
VBScript has dialogs, only not many and no checkboxes, you would need a COM object to do so (and there are). I'm sure you know Messagebox and here an example of the less known Popup
Dim WshShell, BtnCode
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
BtnCode = WshShell.Popup("Do you feel alright?", 7, "Answer This Question:", 4 + 32)
Select Case BtnCode
case 6 WScript.Echo "Glad to hear you feel alright."
case 7 WScript.Echo "Hope you're feeling better soon."
case -1 WScript.Echo "Is there anybody out there?"
End Select
However, the best way to have more dialogs in vbscript is using HTA. Here an example
ID = "oApp"
BORDER = "thick"
CAPTION = "yes"
ICON = "app.ico"
SYSMENU = "yes"
WINDOWSTATE = "normal"
SCROLL = "yes"
VERSION = "1.0"
BORDERSTYLE = "normal"
<SCRIPT language="vbscript">
sub SimpleExeample()
document.body.innerHTML = "<form name=myform><input type=checkbox name=chk1>Check me<br><br><button onclick='alert(myform.chk1.checked)'>Show if checked</button></form>"
end sub
<BODY onLoad="SimpleExeample()">
In one thing i agree with Cody, vbscript is nearly dead, if you start programming choose another language. Take a look at Ruby, the start is easy to learn an it is FUN. Here an example of u ruby script using shoes as GUI
require 'green_shoes'{
button("Click me!"){alert("You clicked me.")}
EDIT: since my Ruby alternative rises some questions, here a more traditionel way closer to Vbscript uses of the same sample. The sample above is used more for a functional chained way of programming.
require 'green_shoes' do
button("Click me!") do
alert("You clicked me.")
Upvotes: 8