Reputation: 266
I'm using TortoiseGit to maintain git repository. We have one repo with multiple submodules in each. Everything works fine but when I'm trying to pull main repo, submodules aren't updating. I must pull every submodule one by one.
Is there an option in tortoise to use only one pull command from menu to update all changes in all submodules for repo?
Upvotes: 23
Views: 22609
Reputation: 37967
There is now a way to do this in TortoiseGit, which the other answer covers; old script approach that can be useful for automation scripts below.
There is no current way to do this in TortoiseGit, although I've found the author is very responsive to good ideas if you submit them as clear Feature Requests. Here's how I cope with this issue:
In every new project with submodules, I dump the following 2 scripts into the root:
# git built-in
echo "Setting up submodules"
git submodule update --init
echo "Setting up submodules for TortoiseGit/Putty"
# 1) Find the puttykeyfile line, like
# puttykeyfile = C:\\Users...\\.ssh\\PuTTY.ppk
# in .git/config
# pass to sed to double-escape all backslashes (Windows problem) - that way
# it doesn't become an issue when we use it in sed
puttyline="$(grep puttykeyfile .git/config | sed 's/\\/\\\\/g')"
# 2) Search for .git/modules/*/config
files=$(find .git/modules -type f -name config)
# 3) Find [remote "origin"]
# 4) Insert line (entire puttykeyfile line we picked up earlier)
echo 'Inserting missing TortoiseGit .ppk into submodules:'
for file in $files
# -q says don't print the grep results, just return 0 or 1
if grep -q putty $file
# I have no idea how to just say if not grep, so screw it here's an empty then
echo $file
# -i means overwrite the file rather than printing the result to
# stdout
sed -i "s/\(\[remote .origin.\]\)/\1\n$puttyline/" $file
#!/bin/bash -v
git pull --recurse-submodules
git submodule update --recursive
or if you'd prefer to fetch HEAD on your submodules, not the commit the parent repo was checked in with:
git submodule foreach git pull origin master
Here's what they do:
When someone else pulls your project down via TortoiseGit, they're going to have worse than needing to pull all submodules - they won't even have those submodules configured. Worse, if they attempted to set them up:
So, if they just run, it takes care of all of that - it sets up each submodule, pulls it, and even inserts the special .ppk (PuTTY key) config setting into each one. Works in any project - no need to tweak it each time. does just what you think, it goes and fetches everything.
So, not strictly a TortoiseGit solution (that doesn't exist), but still convenient enough.
As is likely evidenced by the comments in those scripts, I am no Bash professional and clearly hacked them together. I welcome suggestions for improvements especially in the most obvious places. But I assure you they not only work but work across several of our projects with numerous submodules stored at several directory levels.
Old answer:
Something like:
for module in a b c d; do cd $module; git pull; cd..; done
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 5526
I was also able to just right-click on the folder that was the submodule and do a normal Git Pull on that folder.
This pulled just the submodule - so slightly simpler than the (admittedly great) answer above for a single submodule.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 20406
(git 1.8.2 or later)
git pull
git submodule update --merge --remote
Here are the corresponding screens of TortoiseGit to perform the task.
Upvotes: 38