Reputation: 755
I am new to ExtJS.. a few weeks old, so please pardon me if this seems to be a trivial query.
I have to load the list of values in a combo box (SourceSystem) based on value selected in another combo box (DeliveryMethod). I am using JSON stores for both the combos.
So I have added a listener on combobox 2 as
'select': function(combo, record,index) {
selectedDelMethod =;
var srcSystem = Ext.getCmp('sourceSystemCombo');
params: {
attrID: 3002,
delvMethod: selectedDelMethod
Here, the loads different list based on selectedDelMethod. This is working fine. But when the SourceSystem combox id loaded, it is populated, but nothing is shown as default value.
fieldLabel: 'Source System',
id: 'sourceSystemCombo',
xtype: 'combo',
mode: 'local',
triggerAction: 'all',
forceSelection: true,
editable: false,
name: 'sourceSystem',
displayField: 'shortDescription',
valueField: 'codeValue',
hiddenName: 'sourceSystem',
store: sourceSystemStore,
listeners: {
'afterrender': function(combo){
var selectedRecord = combo.getStore().getAt(0);
I am sure I am missing something in the afterrender listener. Please tell me how can I get the first value to be the default value?
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Views: 6748
Reputation: 755
I found that the combo.getStore().getAt(0) was returning null. After trying couple of methods I managed to resolve the problem. Instead of putting an event on combobox, I updated the reload of store to set first value in combo. Here is the
var srcSystem = Ext.getCmp('sourceSystemCombo');
params: {
attrID: 3002,
delvMethod: selectedDelMethod
scope : this,
callback : function(records, operation, success){
The setting value on combobox has to be a callback function on store as loading of store is an asynch process. see this!
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 103
Try using
this.fireEvent('select',combo,selectedRecord) instead of
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