Reputation: 2550
I need to capture a keypress sequence from a Windows Mobile device to trigger a duress event. If my application was the only thing running I would use a base form event handler to check the keypress BUT... as the application could launch a browser and also uses SOTI, it must also work outside of the main application.
Is it possible to create a TSR application on a Windows Mobile device that can send web service messages (whilst in comms)?
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Views: 820
Reputation: 1844
I recently needed to get a key code from a handheld device and I just created an empty project with 1 textbox, included the following file and add this bit of code:
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
HookKeys x = new HookKeys();
x.HookEvent += new HookKeys.HookEventHandler(HookEvent);
private void HookEvent(HookEventArgs e, KeyBoardInfo keyBoardInfo)
textBox1.Text = "vkCode = " + keyBoardInfo.vkCode + Environment.NewLine + textBox1.Text;
Worked for a windows mobile 6.5 professional
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Reputation: 5959
I have written several keyboard hook 'applications' that invoke different functions. You can also use that to do socket or webservice calls: and
// The command below tells the OS that this EXE has an export function so we can use the global hook without a DLL
__declspec(dllexport) LRESULT CALLBACK g_LLKeyboardHookCallback(
int nCode, // The hook code
WPARAM wParam, // The window message (WM_KEYUP, WM_KEYDOWN, etc.)
LPARAM lParam // A pointer to a struct with information about the pressed key
/* typedef struct {
DWORD vkCode;
DWORD scanCode;
DWORD flags;
DWORD time;
ULONG_PTR dwExtraInfo;
// Get out of hooks ASAP; no modal dialogs or CPU-intensive processes!
// UI code really should be elsewhere, but this is just a test/prototype app
// In my limited testing, HC_ACTION is the only value nCode is ever set to in CE
static int iActOn = HC_ACTION;
static bool isShifted=false;
#ifdef DEBUG
static TCHAR str[MAX_PATH];
//DWORD vKey;
if (nCode == iActOn)
//only process unflagged keys
if (pkbhData->flags != 0x00)
return CallNextHookEx(g_hInstalledLLKBDhook, nCode, wParam, lParam);
//check vkCode against forbidden key list
BOOL bForbidden=false;
int j=0;
DEBUGMSG(1, (L"suppressing forbidden key: 0x%0x\n",pkbhData->vkCode));
}while(!bForbidden && pForbiddenKeyList[j]!=0x00);
return true;
SHORT sShifted = GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT);
if((sShifted & 0x800) == 0x800)
isShifted = true;
isShifted = false;
//check and toggle for Shft Key
//do not process shift key
if (pkbhData->vkCode == VK_SHIFT){
DEBUGMSG(1, (L"Ignoring VK_SHIFT\n"));
return CallNextHookEx(g_hInstalledLLKBDhook, nCode, wParam, lParam);
//check if the actual key is a match key including the shift state
if ((byte)pkbhData->vkCode == (byte)szVKeySeq[iMatched]){
DEBUGMSG(1 , (L"==== char match\n"));
if (bCharShiftSeq[iMatched] == isShifted){
DEBUGMSG(1 , (L"==== shift match\n"));
DEBUGMSG(1 , (L"==== shift not match\n"));
if( wParam == WM_KEYUP ){
DEBUGMSG(1, (L"---> szVKeySeq[iMatched] = 0x%02x\n", (byte)szVKeySeq[iMatched]));
if ( ((byte)pkbhData->vkCode == (byte)szVKeySeq[iMatched]) && (isShifted == bCharShiftSeq[iMatched]) ) {
//the first match?
//start the timer and lit the LED
tID=SetTimer(NULL, 0, matchTimeout, (TIMERPROC)Timer2Proc);
DEBUGMSG(1, (L"iMatched is now=%i\n", iMatched));
//are all keys matched
if (iMatched == iKeyCount){
//show modeless dialog
DEBUGMSG(1, (L"FULL MATCH, starting ...\n"));
PostMessage(g_hWnd, WM_SHOWMYDIALOG, 0, 0);
//reset match pos and stop timer
DEBUGMSG(1, (L"FULL MATCH: Reset matching\n"));
iMatched=0; //reset match pos
KillTimer(NULL, tID);
//return CallNextHookEx(g_hInstalledLLKBDhook, nCode, wParam, lParam);
//return -1; //do not forward key?
KillTimer(NULL, tID);
iMatched=0; //reset match pos
DEBUGMSG(1, (L"FULL MATCH missed. Reseting matching\n"));
} //if wParam == WM_KEY..
return CallNextHookEx(g_hInstalledLLKBDhook, nCode, wParam, lParam);
Looking for a hook example that looks for a key sequence:
There are also articles and posts about keyboard hooks in the internet (ie at codeproject).
Upvotes: 1