Reputation: 82
I'm facing a problem to call PHP function from html code and fill arguments of function. After that the HTML code is output with returned values of functions.
for an example:
somewhere In PHP file are defined functions
function html_field($type,$name,$value){
//some code here
return $out;
// or other example function
function boldme($text){
return "<b>$text</b>";
After that is generated html output in string with php functions inside (like tags)
HTML String:
$html = "<h1><label for="foo">{call~html_field("text","name","value")} </label><input type="text" name="foo" id="foo" /> </h1>"
$html = "<h1><label for="foo">{call~boldme("text")} </label><input type="text" name="foo" id="foo" /> </h1>"
The solution should ends, like:
$html = "<h1><label for="foo"><input type="text" name="name" ...> </label><input type="text" name="foo" id="foo" /> </h1>"
$html = "<h1><label for="foo"><b>text</b> </label><input type="text" name="foo" id="foo" /> </h1>"
It is required to filter this string...
NOTE: The string containing the collected html data from templates and themes, they are unknowable files with pure HTML inside.
I was using preg_replace_callback
to create needed functionality, but all gone now, thanks to my boss.... !@#!
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Views: 1412
Reputation: 2098
If you need to parse a string and call some function based on it, you can use the preg_replace_callback
Something like this should do the trick:
$html = "<p>{functionName('value1', 'value2')}</p>";
function contentParser($matches)
$function = $matches[1];
$parameters = array_slice($matches, 2);
return call_user_func_array($function, $parameters);
function functionName($valueA, $valueB)
return "You called functionName with values " . $valueA . " and " . $valueB;
echo preg_replace_callback(
"/\{(\w+)\([\"']([^\"']+)[\"'](?:, ?[\"']([^\"']+)[\"'])?\)\}/",
This will print the following:
You called functionName with values value1 and value2
Note that my regex have a big problem.
You can enclose the values (in your html) in single or double quotes (" or '), and you CAN mix them...
This leads to a second problem, which you can't use either in your values (I don't check for escaped sequences).
A simpler patter that uses only one character as a value wrapper (and you can change that character, of course) is the following:
"/\{(\w+)\(#([^#]+)#(?:, ?#([^#]+)#)?\)\}/"
Here I'm using the sharp (#) as value delimiter, then, your html must look like this:
<p>{functionName(#value1#, #value2#)}</p>
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 10085
Where do the $html
Strings come from? If it's static code, use standard php:
$html = '<h1><label for="foo">' . html_field("text","name","value") . '</label><input type="text" name="foo" id="foo" /> </h1>';
If they are loaded from database or file or whatever, you have to options:
Upvotes: 1