Reputation: 2051
I have following dataframe:
a.0 b.0 c.0 a.1 b.1 c.1 a.3 b.3 c.3
1 40.00 100.00 77.78 NA 88.89 97.22 NA 80.56 100.00
2 100.00 100.00 100.00 100 100.00 100.00 NA 100.00 100.00
3 50.00 100.00 75.00 75 100.00 86.11 NA NA NA
4 66.67 59.38 100.00 NA 59.38 100.00 NA 65.63 100.00
5 37.50 100.00 69.44 NA 100.00 94.44 41.67 83.33 63.89
6 100.00 100.00 91.67 100 100.00 94.44 75.00 100.00 91.67
structure(list(a.0 = c(40, 100, 50, 66.67, 37.5, 100), b.0 = c(100,
100, 100, 59.38, 100, 100), c.0 = c(77.78, 100, 75, 100, 69.44,
91.67), a.1 = c(NA, 100, 75, NA, NA, 100), b.1 = c(88.89, 100,
100, 59.38, 100, 100), c.1 = c(97.22, 100, 86.11, 100, 94.44,
94.44), a.3 = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, 41.67, 75), b.3 = c(80.56, 100,
NA, 65.63, 83.33, 100), c.3 = c(100, 100, NA, 100, 63.89, 91.67
)), .Names = c("a.0", "b.0", "c.0", "a.1", "b.1", "c.1", "a.3",
"b.3", "c.3"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 6L))
When I apply to this dataframe the following code, it works well:
# Code 1
res <- lapply(vars ,function(i) {
breaks <- c(-Inf,unique(quantile(newdata.1 [,paste(i,1,sep=".")], na.rm=T)),Inf)
cut(newdata.1[,paste(i, 1 ,sep=".")],breaks, na.rm=T)
> res
[1] <NA> (87.5,100] (-Inf,75] <NA> <NA> (87.5,100]
Levels: (-Inf,75] (75,87.5] (87.5,100] (100, Inf]
[1] (59.4,91.7] (91.7,100] (91.7,100] (-Inf,59.4] (91.7,100] (91.7,100]
Levels: (-Inf,59.4] (59.4,91.7] (91.7,100] (100, Inf]
[1] (95.8,99.3] (99.3,100] (-Inf,86.1] (99.3,100] (86.1,94.4] (86.1,94.4]
Levels: (-Inf,86.1] (86.1,94.4] (94.4,95.8] (95.8,99.3] (99.3,100] (100, Inf]
But after slight modification of the code, it does not work
#Code 2
res <- lapply(vars ,function(i) {
breaks <- c(-Inf,unique(quantile(newdata.1 [,paste(i,1,sep=".")], na.rm=T)),Inf)
cut(newdata.1[,paste(i, 0:1 ,sep=".")],breaks, na.rm=T)
Error in cut.default(newdata.1[, paste(i, 0:1, sep = ".")], breaks, na.rm = T) :
'x' must be numeric
What I have made is changing "1" to "0:1" in paste () within cut () in the last line
When I apply the both code variants to quite similar but artificial dataframe, everything works great:
varnames<-c( "a.0", "b.0", "c.0", "a.1", "b.1", "c.1", "a.3", "b.3", "c.3")
a <-matrix (c(1,2,3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9), 2, 9)
colnames (a)<-varnames
df< (a)
a.0 b.0 c.0 a.1 b.1 c.1 a.3 b.3 c.3
[1,] 1 3 5 7 9 2 4 6 8
[2,] 2 4 6 8 1 3 5 7 9
#Code 1
res <- lapply(vars ,function(i) {
breaks <- c(-Inf,unique(quantile(a [,paste(i,1,sep=".")], na.rm=T)),Inf)
cut(a[,paste(i, 1 ,sep=".")],breaks, na.rm=T)
[1] (-Inf,7] (7.75,8]
Levels: (-Inf,7] (7,7.25] (7.25,7.5] (7.5,7.75] (7.75,8] (8, Inf]
[1] (7,9] (-Inf,1]
Levels: (-Inf,1] (1,3] (3,5] (5,7] (7,9] (9, Inf]
[1] (-Inf,2] (2.75,3]
Levels: (-Inf,2] (2,2.25] (2.25,2.5] (2.5,2.75] (2.75,3] (3, Inf]
#Code 2
res <- lapply(vars ,function(i) {
breaks <- c(-Inf,unique(quantile(a [,paste(i,1,sep=".")], na.rm=T)),Inf)
cut(a[,paste(i, 0:1 ,sep=".")],breaks, na.rm=T)
[1] (-Inf,7] (-Inf,7] (-Inf,7] (7.75,8]
Levels: (-Inf,7] (7,7.25] (7.25,7.5] (7.5,7.75] (7.75,8] (8, Inf]
[1] (1,3] (3,5] (7,9] (-Inf,1]
Levels: (-Inf,1] (1,3] (3,5] (5,7] (7,9] (9, Inf]
[1] (3, Inf] (3, Inf] (-Inf,2] (2.75,3]
Levels: (-Inf,2] (2,2.25] (2.25,2.5] (2.5,2.75] (2.75,3] (3, Inf]
What can be the reason for this error? How can it be fixed? Thank you very much in advance.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 28832
Reputation: 42689
Here's what isn't numeric:
## [1] "numeric"
## [1] "data.frame"
as.matrix(newdata.1[,paste(i, 0:1 ,sep=".")])
Upvotes: 8