Reputation: 255
How can I pin application icon to metro start screen in win8 programmatically(c++)? I know how to do it manually. I also know that it will be added automatically once I launch that application.
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Views: 1658
Reputation: 3506
I found this solution here
BOOL PinToStart( LPCWSTR szFilePath )
BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;
// break into file name and path
WCHAR lpszDirectoryName[ MAX_PATH ] = { 0 };
LPCWSTR lpszFileName = ::PathFindFileName( szFilePath );
wcscpy_s( lpszDirectoryName, szFilePath );
::PathRemoveFileSpec( lpszDirectoryName );
// load shell32.dll
HMODULE hShell32 = LoadLibrary( L"SHELL32" );
if( hShell32 != NULL )
// get the localized translation of 'Pin to Start' verb
WCHAR szPinToStartLocalized[ MAX_PATH ] = { 0 };
int nPinToStartLocalizedLength = LoadString( (HINSTANCE)hShell32, 51201, szPinToStartLocalized, MAX_PATH );
if( nPinToStartLocalizedLength > 0 )
// create the shell object
IShellDispatch *pShellDispatch = NULL;
HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_Shell, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IShellDispatch, (void**)&pShellDispatch);
if( SUCCEEDED( hr ) )
Folder *pFolder = NULL;
variant_t vaDirectory( lpszDirectoryName );
// get the namespace
if( SUCCEEDED( pShellDispatch->NameSpace( vaDirectory, &pFolder ) ) )
FolderItem *pItem = NULL;
bstr_t vaFileName( lpszFileName );
// parse the name
if( SUCCEEDED( pFolder->ParseName( vaFileName, &pItem ) ) )
FolderItemVerbs* pVerbs = NULL;
// get the verbs
if( SUCCEEDED( pItem->Verbs(&pVerbs) ) )
long nCount = 0;
if( SUCCEEDED ( pVerbs->get_Count( &nCount ) ) )
variant_t vaIndex;
vaIndex.vt = VT_I4;
// iterate through verbs
for( vaIndex.lVal = 0; vaIndex.lVal<nCount; vaIndex.lVal++ )
FolderItemVerb* pVerb = NULL;
if( SUCCEEDED( pVerbs->Item( vaIndex, &pVerb ) ) )
BSTR bstrVerbName = NULL;
// check for 'Pin to Start' verb
if( SUCCEEDED( pVerb->get_Name( &bstrVerbName ) ) )
if( 0 == wcscmp( bstrVerbName, szPinToStartLocalized ) )
bSuccess = SUCCEEDED( pVerb->DoIt() );
vaIndex.lVal = nCount; // break for
::SysFreeString( bstrVerbName );
} // if
} // for
::FreeLibrary( hShell32 );
return bSuccess;
Hope it's help you
Upvotes: 1