Reputation: 1901
I'm trying to translate this assembly code to C and I need help. It has something to do with a while loop but i don't know what happens in the while loop. I've looked at it for a while and i'm sure it contains "while(something =! null)" then do something but I don't know what happens when the code does "movl" into %eax.
This section is the x86 assembly code that was compiled:
pushl %ebp
movl %esp, %ebp
jmp .L20
movl 8(%ebp), %eax
movl 16(%eax), %eax
movl %eax, 8(%ebp)
cmpl $0, 8(%ebp)
je .L21
movl 8(%ebp), %eax
movl 4(%eax), %eax
cmpl 12(%ebp), %eax
jne .L22
cmpl $0, 8(%ebp)
setne %al
movzbl %al, %eax
popl %ebp
This is the definition of a node:
typedef enum {CHAR,SHORT,INT} Type;
typedef struct node {
Type thetype;
int data;
void *opaque;
struct node *ptr1, *ptr2;
} Node;
This is function definition for the while loop:
/* a while loop */
int whilecode(Node *somenode, int data)
return 0;
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Views: 1535
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Commenting on what the assembly does:
pushl %ebp // save caller's frame pointer
movl %esp, %ebp // set up our frame pointer
// no local variables set up
jmp .L20 // jump to the entry point of the function body
.L22: // NOT the beginning of the function -- probably a loop body
movl 8(%ebp), %eax // %eax = first argument
movl 16(%eax), %eax // %eax = %eax->fifth field
movl %eax, 8(%ebp) // first argument = %eax
cmpl $0, 8(%ebp) // compare first argument to 0
je .L21 // branch to exit if they're equal
movl 8(%ebp), %eax // %eax = first argument
movl 4(%eax), %eax // %eax = %eax->second field
cmpl 12(%ebp), %eax // compare %eax to second argument
jne .L22 // loop if not equal
cmpl $0, 8(%ebp) // compare first argument to 0
setne %al // set %al = 1 if they're not equal (0 otherwise)
movzbl %al, %eax // zero extend %al to %eax
popl %ebp // restore the callers stack frame
Now you have a struct definition and a prototype, so this ends up being:
int whilecode(Node *somenode, int data)
while (somenode != 0 && somenode->data != data)
somenode = somenode->ptr2;
return somenode != 0;
searching a linked list for a node that contains a particular data value and returning true if it is found.
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 1423
pushl %ebp `Push EBP to stack`
movl %esp, %ebp `EBP = ESP`
jmp .L20 `goto L20`
movl 8(%ebp), %eax `EAX = (EBP+8)`
movl 16(%eax), %eax `EAX = (EAX+16)`
movl %eax, 8(%ebp) `(EBP+8) = EAX`
cmpl $0, 8(%ebp)
je .L21 `if (EBP+8) == 0 goto L21`
movl 8(%ebp), %eax `EAX = (EBP+8)`
movl 4(%eax), %eax `EAX = (EAX+4)`
cmpl 12(%ebp), %eax
jne .L22 `if (EBP+12) != EAX goto L22`
cmpl $0, 8(%ebp)
setne %al `if 0 != (EBP+8) Sets the byte in the AL to 1`
movzbl %al, %eax `EAX = AL (zero ext)`
popl %ebp `POP from stack to EBP (recover it)`
ret `return`
EBP, ESP, EAX are 32 bit registers, AL is 8 bit register.
(EBP+8) is the value in the address of EBP plus 8 BYTES.
Just follow it and you'll understand the code, sorry I don't have time, good luck!
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