Piotr Kochański
Piotr Kochański

Reputation: 22692

VIM: how to show folder name in tab, but only if two files have the same name

I would like to have the following feature in VIM (GVIM in particular). I think Sublime Text has something like that:

  1. In the "normal" case the tab name should be just the file's name, but...
  2. If there are two files opened with the same name but in different directories, I would like to see a tab name parent folder name + file name.


When there are tabs for the following files:

Tab names would be then:

justAfile.txt | files\myfile.txt | backup\myfile.txt 

Is this doable with some clever configuration?

Upvotes: 10

Views: 1989

Answers (4)


Reputation: 487

Here's my solution that makes the tabname the directory---which is usually a good proxy for the project that tab is meant to represent. This solution can be modified to show the filename if there is only one buffer (modification shown below).

This solution draws a tiny bit from Jerome's. I'm not doing anything as complex as they are, so mine is 5x shorter.

Also, this solution places the tab number alongside the name, making it easy to bounce around, meaning the tabs will look like this: 1:log 2:doc 3:vimfiles and 2gt will move to the second tab.

set tabline=%!TabLine()

function! TabLine()
    let line = ''
    for i in range(tabpagenr('$'))
        let line .= (i+1 == tabpagenr()) ? '%#TabLineSel#' : '%#TabLine#'
        let line .= '%' . (i + 1) . 'T'
        let line .= TabLabel(i + 1) . ' '
    let line .= '%#TabLineFill#%T'
    return line

function! TabLabel(n)
    " Return list of buffer numbers for each window pane open in tab.
    let panelist = tabpagebuflist(a:n)
    " See :help setting-tabline then search MyTabLabel if you want to
    " use use the active window. I use the topmost pane, which let's
    " me rename the tab just by putting a window from a different
    " directory in the first position.
    let filepath = bufname(panelist[0])
    let dirname = fnamemodify(filepath, ':p:h:t')
    return a:n . ':' . dirname

The modification to show the filename if only one buffer is visible:

function! TabLabel(n)
    " Return list of buffer numbers for each window pane open in tab.
    let panelist = tabpagebuflist(a:n)
    " See :help setting-tabline then search MyTabLabel if you want to
    " use use the active window. I use the topmost pane, which let's
    " me rename the tab just by putting a window from a different
    " directory in the first position.
    let filepath = bufname(panelist[0])
    let dirname = fnamemodify(filepath, ':p:h:t')
    let filename = fnamemodify(filepath, ':t')
    let tabname = len(panelist) > 1 ? dirname : filename
    return a:n . ':' . tabname

Upvotes: 1

Jerome Dalbert
Jerome Dalbert

Reputation: 10425

Assuming the following files:


My current setup will make the tabline look like so (I reversed-engineered the behavior from Sublime Text 2):

z.txt | d.txt - c | d.txt - f

My code has a lot of extras like treating Nerdtree/FZF tabs specially, and naming tabs according to the left-most buffer when there are splits. You can remove these extras yourself if you don't want them, or change anything you don't like. I also assumed Unix only, and terminal VIM only (GVIM would need minor tweaking I guess).

I am providing the code below without guarantee, as a starting point for you to customize according to your needs.

set tabline=%!GetTabLine()

function! GetTabLine()
  let tabs = BuildTabs()
  let line = ''
  for i in range(len(tabs))
    let line .= (i+1 == tabpagenr()) ? '%#TabLineSel#' : '%#TabLine#'
    let line .= '%' . (i + 1) . 'T'
    let line .= ' ' . tabs[i].uniq_name . ' '
  let line .= '%#TabLineFill#%T'
  return line

function! BuildTabs()
  let tabs = []
  for i in range(tabpagenr('$'))
    let tabnum = i + 1
    let buflist = tabpagebuflist(tabnum)
    let file_path = ''
    let tab_name = bufname(buflist[0])
    if tab_name =~ 'NERD_tree' && len(buflist) > 1
      let tab_name = bufname(buflist[1])
    let is_custom_name = 0
    if tab_name == ''
      let tab_name = '[No Name]'
      let is_custom_name = 1
    elseif tab_name =~ 'fzf'
      let tab_name = 'FZF'
      let is_custom_name = 1
      let file_path = fnamemodify(tab_name, ':p')
      let tab_name = fnamemodify(tab_name, ':p:t')
    let tab = {
      \ 'name': tab_name,
      \ 'uniq_name': tab_name,
      \ 'file_path': file_path,
      \ 'is_custom_name': is_custom_name
      \ }
    call add(tabs, tab)
  call CalculateTabUniqueNames(tabs)
  return tabs

function! CalculateTabUniqueNames(tabs)
  for tab in a:tabs
    if tab.is_custom_name | continue | endif
    let tab_common_path = ''
    for other_tab in a:tabs
      if tab.name != other_tab.name || tab.file_path == other_tab.file_path
        \ || other_tab.is_custom_name
      let common_path = GetCommonPath(tab.file_path, other_tab.file_path)
      if tab_common_path == '' || len(common_path) < len(tab_common_path)
        let tab_common_path = common_path
    if tab_common_path == '' | continue | endif
    let common_path_has_immediate_child = 0
    for other_tab in a:tabs
      if tab.name == other_tab.name && !other_tab.is_custom_name
        \ && tab_common_path == fnamemodify(other_tab.file_path, ':h')
        let common_path_has_immediate_child = 1
    if common_path_has_immediate_child
      let tab_common_path = fnamemodify(common_path, ':h')
    let path = tab.file_path[len(tab_common_path)+1:-1]
    let path = fnamemodify(path, ':~:.:h')
    let dirs = split(path, '/', 1)
    if len(dirs) >= 5
      let path = dirs[0] . '/.../' . dirs[-1]
    let tab.uniq_name = tab.name . ' - ' . path

function! GetCommonPath(path1, path2)
  let dirs1 = split(a:path1, '/', 1)
  let dirs2 = split(a:path2, '/', 1)
  let i_different = 0
  for i in range(len(dirs1))
    if get(dirs1, i) != get(dirs2, i)
      let i_different = i
  return join(dirs1[0:i_different-1], '/')

Upvotes: 5


Reputation: 6737

As Ingo suggests you can use guitablabel. On my installation its only configured to show the file name (:echo &guitablabel reports %M%t). To set this to show the relative path do :set guitablabel=%M%f. Like Ingo says, use :cd DIRECTORY to set the home directory, and :pwd to see where its currently set.

See :help statusline for (many) more formatting options.

Upvotes: 1

Ingo Karkat
Ingo Karkat

Reputation: 172698

In GVIM, you can customize the tab labels with the 'guitablabel' option.

In terminal Vim; there's no 'guitablabel' equivalent; one has to render the entire 'tabline'. Fortunately, the Vim help has an example which delegates the label rendering to a separate function, so re-using your custom function is pretty easy.

The help pages for the mentioned options link to examples; you probably have to use fnamemodify() to canonicalize all buffers' paths to full absolute paths, find the common base directory, and then strip that off the paths.

On the other hand, if it's okay for you to :cd to the base directory, you'll get that kind of tab label pretty much out-of-the-box.

Upvotes: 7

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