Reputation: 16051
I have a NSString, for example:
"Had a #great time at the #party last night."
I want to separate this into an array, as so:
"Had a "
" time at the "
" last night."
How could i do this?
Upvotes: 0
Views: 930
Reputation: 52237
One-pass solution with NSScanner
NSString *string = @"Had a #great time at the #party last night.";
NSMutableArray *array = [@[] mutableCopy];
NSScanner *scanner = [NSScanner scannerWithString:string];
while (![scanner isAtEnd]) {
NSString *s;
[scanner scanUpToString:@"#" intoString:&s];
if(s) [array addObject:s];
s = nil;
[scanner scanUpToString:@" " intoString:&s];
if(s) [array addObject:s];
"Had a ",
"time at the ",
"last night."
if you want to preserve the leading whitespace, alter it slightly to
NSString *string = @"Had a #great time at the #party last night.";
NSMutableArray *array = [@[] mutableCopy];
NSScanner *scanner = [NSScanner scannerWithString:string];
BOOL firstSegment = YES;
while (![scanner isAtEnd]) {
NSString *s;
[scanner scanUpToString:@"#" intoString:&s];
if(s) [array addObject: (!firstSegment) ? [@" " stringByAppendingString:s] : s];
s = nil;
[scanner scanUpToString:@" " intoString:&s];
if(s) [array addObject:s];
firstSegment = NO;
"Had a ",
" time at the ",
" last night."
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 10201
NSString *string = @"Had a #great time at the #party last night.";
NSArray *components = [string componentsSeparatedByString:@" "];
NSMutableArray *formattedArray = [NSMutableArray array];
NSMutableString *mutableString = [NSMutableString string];
for (NSString *string in components)
if (![string hasPrefix:@"#"]){
if (!mutableString){
mutableString = [NSMutableString string];
[mutableString appendFormat:@" %@",string];
if (mutableString) {
[formattedArray addObject:mutableString];
mutableString = nil;
[formattedArray addObject:string];
if (mutableString) {
[formattedArray addObject:mutableString];
" Had a",
" time at the",
" last night."
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 8460
try like this it'l helps you,
NSString *str=@"how are #you #friend";
NSArray *arr=[str componentsSeparatedByString:@" "];
NSPredicate *p = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"not SELF contains '#'"];
NSArray *b = [arr filteredArrayUsingPredicate:p];
above predicate will returns the words which are not containg '#' symbol
NSPredicate *p = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"not SELF like '#*'"];
it'l returns the words which are not started with the letter '#'
NSString *str=@"how are #you #friend";
NSArray *arr=[str componentsSeparatedByString:@"#"];
NSMutableArray *result=[[NSMutableArray alloc]initWithObjects:[arr objectAtIndex:0], nil];
for(int i=1;i<[arr count];i++){
[result addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"#%@",[arr objectAtIndex:i]]];
"how are ",
"#you ",
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 4311
Try to use this regexp: (#.+?\\b)|(.+?(?=#|$))
It find words which begins with hashtag and subsequences which ends with hashtag
NSString * string = @"Had a #great time at the #party last night.";
NSError * error = nil;
NSRegularExpression* regex = [NSRegularExpression regularExpressionWithPattern:@"((#.+?\\b)|(.+?(?=#|$)))"
NSArray * matches = [regex matchesInString:string options:0 range:NSMakeRange(0, [string length])];
for (NSTextCheckingResult* match in matches ) {
NSLog(@"%@", [string substringWithRange:[match range]]);
2013-04-29 16:57:51.688 Had a
2013-04-29 16:57:51.689 #great
2013-04-29 16:57:51.690 time at the
2013-04-29 16:57:51.691 #party
2013-04-29 16:57:51.692 last night.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 39306
If you want to do it efficiently in a single pass on the string you can try something like (scratch code - test for bugs/boundary cases etc...):
int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
NSString *msg = @"Had a #great time at the #party last night.";
Boolean inTag = NO;
NSMutableArray *segments = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
NSUInteger idx = 0;
NSUInteger i=0;
for (; i < [msg length]; i++)
unichar ch = [msg characterAtIndex:i];
if (inTag && ch == ' ')
[segments addObject:[msg substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(idx, i - idx)]];
idx = i;
inTag = NO;
if (ch == '#')
[segments addObject:[msg substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(idx, i - idx)]];
idx = i;
inTag = YES;
if (i > idx)
[segments addObject:[msg substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(idx, i - idx - 1)]];
for(NSString *seg in segments)
NSLog(@"%@", seg);
This outputs:
2013-04-29 08:34:34.984 Craplet[95591:707] Had a
2013-04-29 08:34:34.986 Craplet[95591:707] #great
2013-04-29 08:34:34.986 Craplet[95591:707] time at the
2013-04-29 08:34:34.987 Craplet[95591:707] #party
2013-04-29 08:34:34.987 Craplet[95591:707] last night
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 2046
NSString *str = @"Had a #great time at the #party last night.";
NSMutableArray *arr = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
NSArray *array = [str componentsSeparatedByString:@"#"];
NSMutableString *retStr= [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithString:[array objectAtIndex:0]];
[arr addObject:retStr];
for(int i=1 ; i<[array count];i++)
NSArray *array1 = [[array objectAtIndex:i] componentsSeparatedByString:@" "];
NSMutableString *retStr= [[NSMutableString alloc]init];
for (int i = 0;i< [array1 count]; i++)
[retStr appendFormat:@" #%@ ",[array1 objectAtIndex:i]];
[arr addObject:retStr];
retStr= [[NSMutableString alloc]init];
[retStr appendFormat:@"%@ ",[array1 objectAtIndex:i]];
[arr addObject:retStr];
You will get the corect output as you want
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 5079
Try using regular expressions. With this code you'll be able to extract the hashtags:
NSString * string = @"Had a #great time at the #party last night.";
NSError * error = nil;
NSRegularExpression* regex = [NSRegularExpression regularExpressionWithPattern:@"((?:#){1}[\\w\\d]{1,140})" options:0 error:&error];
NSArray * matches = [regex matchesInString:string options:0 range:NSMakeRange(0, [string length])];
for ( NSTextCheckingResult* match in matches )
NSString * hashtag = [string substringWithRange:[match range]];
NSLog(@"match: %@", hashtag);
With this, you'll be able to build up the array result you're looking for.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 3015
try this code
for (int i=0;i<[YourArray count];i++) {
NSString * str=[YourArray objectAtIndex:i];
NSString *myString=[str substringToIndex:1];
NSString *stringfinal = [myString
stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"#" withString:@""];
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 3506
Try this:
for (int i=0;i<[YourArray count];i++) {
NSString * mystr=[YourArray objectAtIndex:i];
NSString *temp=[mystr substringToIndex:1];
if (![temp isEqualToString:@"#"]) {
//add your string in new array and use this arry.....
Upvotes: 0