Reputation: 15979
I have a form where I add Input fields ( groups ) dynamically.
It is quite a complex form, and a PART can be seen here : FIDDLE
The actual error i get on the consul is :
Error: uncaught exception: query function not defined for Select2 s2id_autogen1
When I have fields already in the form ( the first two for example ) the EDIT
button will work just fine .
My problem is that the REMOVE
button ( styled input field ) is not working for the dynamically ADDED
fields ( actually "appended" by JS and populated from PHP )
NOTE on code: I know the code is a mess :-(. It was inherited and will be cleaned soon.
it was copied and pasted from the HTML output.
The ADD , REMOVE and EDIT are actually styled like buttons ( too long and irrelevant to paste )
The actual source is PHP and it is spanning over multiple files ( so is the JS ) , and thus a bit too complicated to show here .
UPDATE : The code as per popular request :-)
public function show_field_repeater( $field, $meta ) {
global $post;
// Get Plugin Path
$plugin_path = $this->SelfPath;
$this->show_field_begin( $field, $meta );
$class = '';
if ($field['sortable'])
$class = " repeater-sortable";
echo "<div class='at-repeat".$class."' id='{$field['id']}'>";
$c = 0;
$meta = get_post_meta($post->ID,$field['id'],true);
if (count($meta) > 0 && is_array($meta) ){
foreach ($meta as $me){
//for labling toggles
$mmm = isset($me[$field['fields'][0]['id']])? $me[$field['fields'][0]['id']]: "";
echo '<div class="at-repater-block at-repater-block-'.$c.$field['id'].'"><h3>'.$mmm.'
<span class="at-re-remove">
<input id="remove-'.$c.$field['id'].'" class="buttom button-primary" type="submitkb" value="Remove '.$field['name'].'" accesskey="x" name="removek">
echo '<script>
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
jQuery("#remove-'.$c.$field['id'].'").on(\'click\', function() {
var answer = confirm("Are you sure you want to delete this field ??")
echo '<span class="at-re-toggle">
<input id="edit-'.$field['id'].'" class="buttom button-primary" type="" value="Edit '.$field['name'].'" accesskey="p" name="editk"></h3>
<span style="display: none;">
<table class="repeate-box wp-list-table widefat fixed posts" >';
if ($field['inline']){
echo '<tr class="post-1 type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized alternate iedit author-self" VALIGN="top">';
foreach ($field['fields'] as $f){
//reset var $id for repeater
$id = '';
$id = $field['id'].'['.$c.']['.$f['id'].']';
$m = isset($me[$f['id']]) ? $me[$f['id']]: '';
$m = ( $m !== '' ) ? $m : $f['std'];
if ('image' != $f['type'] && $f['type'] != 'repeater')
$m = is_array( $m) ? array_map( 'esc_attr', $m ) : esc_attr( $m);
//set new id for field in array format
$f['id'] = $id;
if (!$field['inline']){
echo '<tr>';
call_user_func ( array( &$this, 'show_field_' . $f['type'] ), $f, $m);
if (!$field['inline']){
echo '</tr>';
if ($field['inline']){
echo '</tr>';
echo '</table></span>
<span class="at-re-toggle"><img src="';
if ($this->_Local_images){
echo $plugin_path.'/images/edit.png';
echo '';
echo '" alt="Edit" title="Edit"/></span>
<img src="';
if ($this->_Local_images){
echo $plugin_path.'/images/remove.png';
echo '';
echo '" alt="'.__('Remove','mmb').'" title="'.__('Remove','mmb').'"></div>';
$c = $c + 1;
echo '<img src="';
if ($this->_Local_images){
echo $plugin_path.'/images/add.png';
echo '';
echo '" alt="'.__('Add','mmb').'" title="'.__('Add','mmb').'" ><br/><input id="add-'.$field['id'].'" class="buttom button-primary" type="submitk" value="Add '.$field['name'].'" accesskey="q" name="addk"></div>';
//create all fields once more for js function and catch with object buffer
echo '<div class="at-repater-block">';
echo '<table class="wp-list-table repeater-table">';
if ($field['inline']){
echo '<tr class="post-1 type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized alternate iedit author-self" VALIGN="top">';
foreach ($field['fields'] as $f){
//reset var $id for repeater
$id = '';
$id = $field['id'].'[CurrentCounter]['.$f['id'].']';
$f['id'] = $id;
if (!$field['inline']){
echo '<tr>';
if ($f['type'] != 'wysiwyg')
call_user_func ( array( &$this, 'show_field_' . $f['type'] ), $f, '');
call_user_func ( array( &$this, 'show_field_' . $f['type'] ), $f, '',true);
if (!$field['inline']){
echo '</tr>';
$js_code2 ='<span class=\"at-re-remove\"><input id="remove-'.$c.$field['id'].'" class="buttom button-primary remove-'.$c.$field['id'].'" type="submi7" value="Removevv " accesskey="7" name="remove7"></span>';
if ($field['inline']){
echo '</tr>';
$js_code2 = str_replace("\n","",$js_code2);
$js_code2 = str_replace("\r","",$js_code2);
$js_code2 = str_replace("'","\"",$js_code2);
echo $js_code2;
echo '</table><img src="';
if ($this->_Local_images){
echo $plugin_path.'/images/remove.png';
echo '';
echo '" alt="'.__('Remove','mmb').'" title="'.__('Remove','mmb').'" ></div>';
$counter = 'countadd_'.$field['id'];
$js_code = ob_get_clean ();
$js_code = str_replace("\n","",$js_code);
$js_code = str_replace("\r","",$js_code);
$js_code = str_replace("'","\"",$js_code);
$js_code = str_replace("CurrentCounter","' + ".$counter." + '",$js_code);
echo '<script>
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
var '.$counter.' = '.$c.';
jQuery("#add-'.$field['id'].'").on(\'click\', function() {
'.$counter.' = '.$counter.' + 1;
// jQuery("#'.$field['id'].'").append(\''.$js_code2.'\');
// alert(\''.$js_code2.'\');
echo '<script>
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
jQuery(".remove-'.$c.$field['id'].'").on(\'click\', function() {
var answer = confirm("Are you sure you want to delete this field ??")
echo '<br/><style>
.at-inline{line-height: 1 !important;}
.at-inline .at-field{border: 0px !important;}
.at-inline .at-label{margin: 0 0 1px !important;}
.at-inline .at-text{width: 70px;}
.at-inline .at-textarea{width: 100px; height: 75px;}
.at-repater-block{background-color: #FFFFFF;border: 1px solid;margin: 2px;}
$this->show_field_end($field, $meta);
Upvotes: 0
Views: 5545
Reputation: 1140
OK so as you've already been told, the live is deprecated.
Here's the fiddle of the solution:
Basically give each new div that you dynamically create a unique ID based on your counter, then give data attribute to your remove counter which contains that ID.
Then you have your click handler:
$( document ).on( "click", ".at-re-remove", function( e ) {
} );
Upvotes: 1