Reputation: 9716
How do i scroll a UITableView down until i see a cell with label "Value" in Calabash/Cucumber. I've been trying to do it using:
Then I swipe down until I see "Value"
and using:
Then I scroll down until I see "Value"
but none of them seem to work. Thanks!
The message I get when I try with the above is obviously:
You can implement step definitions for undefined steps with these snippets:
Then(/^I swipe down until I see "(.*?)"$/) do |arg1| pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had end
Upvotes: 2
Views: 8369
Reputation: 229
following should also work
Then(/^I scrolldown until "(.*?)" is visible$/) do |arg1|
until query("lable text:'#{arg1}'").length > 0
scroll("tableView", :down)
Call this by following
Then I scrolldown until "XY" is visible
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 654
table have rows and sections, based how your code is organized use rows or sections in below code
def scroll_side_panel(text)
scroll_to_cell(:row => 0, :section => 0) # scroll to top of view
sleep 1 # wait for a second
#Scroll to each element and compare text, if there is a match break
each_cell(:animate => false, :post_scroll => 0.2) do |row, sec|
puts "#{query("tableViewCell indexPath:#{row},#{sec} label", :text)} #{text}"
if query("tableViewCell indexPath:#{row},#{sec} label", :text).first==text
puts "table view text found at element number:#{section}"
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 934
add step definitions
Then /^I scroll to cell with "([^\"]*)" label$/ do |name|
wait_poll(:until_exists => "label text:'#{name}'", :timeout => 20) do
scroll("tableView", :down)
to the ProjectName/features/step_definitions/my_first_steps.rb ruby file and In your calabash script add
Then I scroll to cell with "AAA" label
its working fine for me.
Upvotes: 11
Reputation: 130152
Every cucumber framework has a set of predefined steps. Of course, these steps don't cover all the possibilites. If you need additional functionality, you have to define your own steps:
When /^I scroll (up|down) until I see "([^\"]*)"$/ do |direction, something_to_see|
#implement the step here
I can't help you with the exact implementation (what is "Value"?) but you can find the core functions here
Probably you'll need function
scroll(uiquery, direction)
(where uiquery
will be tableView
If you take this function and element_is_not_hidden
you can create a while
cycle which will scroll down until you see the "Value".
Maybe something similar to the following (I don't know Calabash but I know Frank a little)
When /^I scroll (up|down) until I see "([^\"]*)"$/ do |direction, something_to_see|
max_scroll_tries = 10
[0..max_scroll_tries].each do
break if element_is_not_hidden("view marked:'#{something_to_see}'")
scroll("tableView", direction)
check_element_exists_and_is_visible("view marked:'#{something_to_see}'")
Upvotes: 2