We are using Asterisk (8.1.11)/FreePBX ( I am trying to modify voicemail.conf using AMI.
The line in voicemail.conf I'm trying to modify looks like:
2999 => 1234,Hotline,,[email protected],attach=no|saycid=yes|envelope=yes|delete=no
I'm trying to modify the notification email address.
Using telnet to port 5038 I enter the following:
Action: login
Username: username
Secret: password
Action: UpdateConfig
SrcFilename: voicemail.conf
DstFilename: vmtest.conf
Action-00000: Update
Cat-00000: default
Var-00000: 2999
Value-00000: >1234,Hotline,,[email protected],attach=no|saycid=yes|envelope=yes|delete=no
ActionID: 123456789
This results in:
Response: Success
ActionID: 123456789
This has the effect of creating the file "vmtest.conf", but the update does not occur. I've tried adding new categories, deleting variable, appending new variables - all report success, but nothing really changes.
I don't have much hair left to pull out at this point! Any suggestions?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1116
Reputation: 1
If that is your exact code, then you are missing a 0 for action-
Should be:
Action: UpdateConfig
SrcFilename: voicemail.conf
DstFilename: vmtest.conf
Action-000000: Update
// ^
Cat-000000: default
// ^
Var-000000: 2999
// ^
Value-000000: >1234,Hotline,,[email protected],attach=no|saycid=yes|envelope=yes|delete=no
// ^
ActionID: 123456789
I tried without the 6th 0 and I got success but it didn't change the file just like you are experiencing.
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