Reputation: 3759
I have this line of R code:
croppedDNA <- completeDNA[,apply(completeDNA,2,function(x) any(c(FALSE,x[-length(x)]!=x[-1])))]
What it does is identify the sites (cols) in a matrix of DNA sequences (1 row = one seq) that are not universal (informative) and subsets them from the matrix to make a new 'cropped matrix' i.e. get rid of all the columns in which values are the same. For a big dataset this takes about 6 seconds. I don't know if I can do it faster in C++ (still a beginner in C++) but it will be good for me to try. My idea is to use Rcpp, loop through the columns of the CharacterMatrix, pull out the column (the site) as a CharacterVector check if they are the same. If they are the same, record that column number/index, continue for all columns. Then at the end make a new CharacterMatrix that only includes those columns. It is important that I keep the rownames and column names as they are in th "R version" of the matrix i.e. if a column goes, so should the colname.
I've been writing for about two minutes, so far what I have is (not finished):
#include <Rcpp.h>
#include <vector>
using namespace Rcpp;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
CharacterMatrix reduce_sequences(CharacterMatrix completeDNA)
std::vector<bool> informativeSites;
for(int i = 0; i < completeDNA.ncol(); i++)
CharacterVector bpsite = completeDNA(,i);
if(all(bpsite == bpsite[1])
CharacterMatrix cutDNA = completeDNA(,informativeSites);
return cutDNA;
Am I going the right way about this? Is there an easier way. My understanding is I need std::vector because it's easy to grow them (since I don't know in advance how many cols I am going to want to keep). With the indexing will I need to +1 to the informativeSites vector at the end (because R indexes from 1 and C++ from 0)?
Thanks, Ben W.
Upvotes: 6
Views: 756
Reputation: 89097
Sample data:
z <- matrix(sample(c("a", "t", "c", "g", "N", "-"), 3*398508, TRUE), 3, 398508)
OP's solution:
system.time(y1 <- z[,apply(z,2,function(x) any(c(FALSE,x[-length(x)]!=x[-1])))])
# user system elapsed
# 4.929 0.043 4.976
A faster version using base R:
system.time(y2 <- (z[, colSums(z[-1,] != z[-nrow(z), ]) > 0]))
# user system elapsed
# 0.087 0.011 0.098
The results are identical:
identical(y1, y2)
# [1] TRUE
It's very possible c++ will beat it, but is it really necessary?
Upvotes: 14