Reputation: 33399
I am currently using Play version 2.1.1, and trying to modify Build.scala.
By default, it imports a package called play.Project._
I have been trying to find out the API of this package so that I could customize our Build.scala file.
The only thing I have is this link:
I also tried to find it from here:
Could anyone point me the location of this API?
Upvotes: 5
Views: 2110
Reputation: 4893
The Build.scala
uses a PlayProject
as described in the Play SBT documentation. This PlayProject
essentially is an sbt.Project, so you should have a closer look at the corresponding sbt API. The PlayProject
itself is defined here (line 147):
lazy val PlayProject = PlayRuntimeProject("Play", "play")
libraryDependencies := runtime,
sourceGenerators in Compile <+= sourceManaged in Compile map PlayVersion,
mappings in(Compile, packageSrc) <++= scalaTemplateSourceMappings,
parallelExecution in Test := false,
sourceGenerators in Compile <+= (dependencyClasspath in TemplatesCompilerProject in Runtime, packageBin in TemplatesCompilerProject in Compile, scalaSource in Compile, sourceManaged in Compile, streams) map ScalaTemplates
).dependsOn(SbtLinkProject, PlayExceptionsProject, TemplatesProject, IterateesProject, JsonProject)
The PlayRuntimeProject
is defined in the same file.
Upvotes: 3