Reputation: 970
I had a quick question. Is it possible to save a file without actually uploading it through a form?
For example, let's say I'm looking at attachments from emails, and I want to save them using a paperclip. How do I do this? Do I manually have to call a save_file(or something similar) somewhere?
Any help would be much appreciated!
Upvotes: 34
Views: 19770
Reputation: 16897
The file saved in Paperclip doesn't have to be uploaded directly through a form.
I'm using Paperclip in a project to save files from URLs from webcrawler results. I'm not sure how you'd get email attachments (are they on the local file system of the server? Is your app an email app like GMail?) but as long as you can get a file stream (via something like open(URI.parse(crawl_result))
in my case...) you can attach that file to your model field that's marked has_attached_file
This blog post about Easy Upload via URL with Paperclip helped me figure this out.
Since it now appears the original blog post is no longer available - here's the gist of it pulled from wayback machine:
This example shows a Photo model that has an Image attachment.
The technique we're using requires adding a *_remote_url
(string) column for your attachment, which is used to store the original URL. So, in this case, we need to add a column named image_remote_url
the photos table.
# db/migrate/20081210200032_add_image_remote_url_to_photos.rb
class AddImageRemoteUrlToPhotos < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
add_column :photos, :image_remote_url, :string
def self.down
remove_column :photos, :image_remote_url
Nothing special is required for the controller...
# app/controllers/photos_controller.rb
class PhotosController < ApplicationController
def create
@photo =[:photo])
redirect_to photos_path
render :action => 'new'
In the form, we add a text_field called :image_url
, so people can upload a file or provide a URL...
# app/views/photos/new.html.erb
<%= error_messages_for :photo %>
<% form_for :photo, :html => { :multipart => true } do |f| %>
Upload a photo: <%= f.file_field :image %><br>
...or provide a URL: <%= f.text_field :image_url %><br>
<%= f.submit 'Submit' %>
<% end %>
The meaty stuff is in the Photo model. We need to require open-uri
, add an attr_accessor :image_url
, and do the normal has_attached_file
stuff. Then, we add a before_validation
callback to download the file in the image_url
attribute (if provided) and save the original URL as image_remote_url
. Finally, we do a validates_presence_of :image_remote_url
, which allows us to rescue from the many exceptions that can be raised when attempting to download the file.
# app/models/photo.rb
require 'open-uri'
class Photo < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessor :image_url
has_attached_file :image # etc...
before_validation :download_remote_image, :if => :image_url_provided?
validates_presence_of :image_remote_url, :if => :image_url_provided?, :message => 'is invalid or inaccessible'
def image_url_provided?
def download_remote_image
self.image = do_download_remote_image
self.image_remote_url = image_url
def do_download_remote_image
io = open(URI.parse(image_url))
def io.original_filename; base_uri.path.split('/').last; end
io.original_filename.blank? ? nil : io
rescue # catch url errors with validations instead of exceptions (Errno::ENOENT, OpenURI::HTTPError, etc...)
Everything will work as normal, including the creation of thumbnails, etc. Plus, since we're doing all of the hard stuff in the model, "uploading" a file via URL works from within script/console as well:
$ script/console
Loading development environment (Rails 2.2.2)
>> => '')
=> #<Photo image_file_name: "logo.gif", image_remote_url: "">
Upvotes: 11
Reputation: 52718
I have a rake task that loads images (client logos) from a directory directly onto parperclip. You can probably adapt it to your needs.
This is my simplified Client model:
class Client < ActiveRecord::Base
:original => ['1024x768>', :jpg],
:medium => ['256x192#', :jpg],
:small => ['128x96#', :jpg]
has_attached_file :logo,
:styles => Client::LOGO_STYLES,
:url => "/clients/logo/:id.jpg?style=:style"
attr_protected :logo_file_name, :logo_content_type, :logo_size
Then on my rake task I do this:
# the logos are in a folder with path logos_dir
Dir.glob(File.join(logos_dir,'*')).each do |logo_path|
if File.basename(logo_path)[0]!= '.' and ! logo_path
client_code = File.basename(logo_path, '.*') #filename without extension
client = Client.find_by_code(client_code) #you could use the ids, too
raise "could not find client for client_code #{client_code}" if client.nil? do |f|
client.logo = f # just assign the logo attribute to a file
end #file gets closed automatically here
Upvotes: 49