Tahnoon Pasha
Tahnoon Pasha

Reputation: 6018

data munging in python compared with R (from an excel sheet)

I have a hypothetical example here with file attached (Excel File Link) where I'm loading in a file from excel and formatting it into something I can work with to either analyse or store more permanently.

In R I would use the following few lines to make it usable:

tmp = read.xls('~/Desktop/sample.xlsx',1,stringsAsFactors=F)
tmp = tmp[,!sapply(tmp,function(x)all(is.na(x)))]
tmp$date = tmp[1,2]
for(i in 2:ncol(tmp)){ifelse(tmp[2,i]=='',tmp[2,i]<-tmp[2,i-1],tmp[2,i]<-tmp[2,i])}

In python - I've gotten as far as

import xlrd


sheet = xlrd.open_workbook(myf).sheet_by_index(0)

r = sheet.nrows
c = sheet.ncols
for row in range(0,r):
    for col in range(0,c):

but then I've had very little success getting rid of empty rows and columns. All of the following fail.

>>> s1[0]
['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']
>>> s1[0] == []
>>> s1[0] == ''
>>> s1[0] == all('')

so I'm not even too clear how I check that the entire list is empty.

I can zip the rows 2 & 3 (5 & 6 in python)

>>> zip(s1[5],s1[6])
[('', ''), (u'cat1', u'a'), ('', u'b'), ('', ''), (u'cat2', u'c'), ('', u'd'), ('', ''), (u'cat3', u'e'), ('', u'f'), ('', ''), (u'cat4', u'g'), ('', u'h')]

but I don't know how I'd get that to paste forwards in a for-next loop.

Very n00b question reflective of my understanding of python as is. Any thoughts would be most welcome. Submitted with some trepidation because I recognize the question has a 'homework' feel even though it is actually a personal learning exercise. Thanks

after a bit of messing about I've worked up a rough and ready working example below: Would be grateful for pointers on how to do it more efficiently.

I had a try at pandas but found the learning curve quite steep. If someone could post a working MWE I'd be pleased to mark it answered.

import os
import xlrd
import pandas as pd
import pprint
import re
import csv

Create a few helper functions to save time 
finding things, picking empties and selecting items

def nulls(x):
    g = lambda r: all(i == '' for i in r)
    out = [i for i,j in enumerate(x) if g(j)]

def fill(x):
    for i in range(1,len(x)):
        if x[i] == '':
            x[i] = x[i-1]

def which(x,y):
    out = [i for i,j in enumerate(x) if y(j) ]

def T(x):
    out = map(list,zip(*x))

def rbind(x,y,sep=None):
    if sep is None:
    out = [str(i[0]) + sep + str(i[1]) for i in zip(x,y)]

# def csvit(x):
#   tmp = next(key for key,val in globals().items() if val == x and not key.startswith('_'))
#   f=open('/home/me/Desktop/csvs/'+tmp+'.csv','wb')
#   writer = csv.writer(f,quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL,dialect=csv.excel)
#   [writer.writerow(i) for i in x]
#   f.close()

# Load spreadsheet from file and convert to python list

sheet = xlrd.open_workbook('/home/me/Downloads/sample.xlsx').sheet_by_index(0)
s = [sheet.row_values(i) for i in range(sheet.nrows)]

# Get rid of unnecessary excel formatting and spacing

# rows first
s = [j for i,j in enumerate(s) if i not in nulls(s)]

# transpose & then columns (surely there is a more elegant way?)
s = T(s)
s = [j for i,j in enumerate(s) if i not in nulls(s)]

# get title for primary category column
title = s[0][0]

# get date for secondary category column
date = [j[1] for j in s if str(j[0]) == 'date']

# combine columns into a single category variable (could also have left them separate)

s = T(s)
s = s[4:len(s)] 

category = [str(i) for i in s[0]]

c1=[date for i in range(len(s[0]))] #create date column
c2=[title for i in range(len(s[0]))] #create title column

s = T(s)

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Views: 1165

Answers (1)

Manila Thrilla
Manila Thrilla

Reputation: 567

This is just a suggestion: if it's possible that you can export your excel worksheet as a csv, you might want to have a look at numpy.genfromtxt: http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/user/basics.io.genfromtxt.html

It seems to have similar capabilities to pandas but without the steep learning curve. has delimiter, autostrip, missing_values, filling_values, column names, and the columns are in numpy.array form.

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