Reputation: 8402
I have a string which looks like a hash:
"{ :key_a => { :key_1a => 'value_1a', :key_2a => 'value_2a' }, :key_b => { :key_1b => 'value_1b' } }"
How do I get a Hash out of it? like:
{ :key_a => { :key_1a => 'value_1a', :key_2a => 'value_2a' }, :key_b => { :key_1b => 'value_1b' } }
The string can have any depth of nesting. It has all the properties how a valid Hash is typed in Ruby.
Upvotes: 171
Views: 262488
Reputation: 29098
I had a similar issue when trying to convert a string to a hash in Ruby.
The result from my computations was this:
"weather":[{"id":803,"main":"Clouds","description":"broken clouds","icon":"04d"}],
I checked the type value and confirmed that it was of the String type using the command below:
result =
"weather":[{"id":803,"main":"Clouds","description":"broken clouds","icon":"04d"}],
puts result.instance_of? String
puts result.instance_of? Hash
Here's how I solved it:
All I had to do was run the command below to convert it from a String to a Hash:
result_new = JSON.parse(result, symbolize_names: true)
And then checked the type value again using the commands below:
puts result_new.instance_of? String
puts result_new.instance_of? Hash
This time it returned true
for the Hash
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 226
Here is a method using whitequark/parser which is safer than both gsub
and eval
It makes the following assumptions about the data:
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'parser/current'
class HashParser
# Type error is used to handle unexpected types when parsing stringified hashes.
class TypeError < ::StandardError
attr_reader :message, :type
def initialize(message, type)
@message = message
@type = type
def hash_from_s(str_hash)
ast = Parser::CurrentRuby.parse(str_hash)
unless ast.type == :hash
puts "expected data to be a hash but got #{ast.type}"
rescue Parser::SyntaxError => e
puts "error parsing hash: #{e.message}"
rescue TypeError => e
puts "unexpected type (#{e.type}) encountered while parsing: #{e.message}"
def parse_hash(hash)
out = {}
hash.children.each do |node|
unless node.type == :pair
raise"expected child of hash to be a `pair`", node.type)
key, value = node.children
key = parse_key(key)
value = parse_value(value)
out[key] = value
def parse_key(key)
case key.type
when :sym, :str, :int
raise"expected key to be either symbol, string, or integer", key.type)
def parse_value(value)
case value.type
when :sym, :str, :int
when :true
when :false
when :nil
when :array { |c| parse_value(c) }
when :hash
raise"value of a pair was an unexpected type", value.type)
and here are some rspec tests verifying that it works as expected:
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'spec_helper'
RSpec.describe HashParser do
describe '#hash_from_s' do
subject { }
context 'when input contains forbidden types' do
where(:input) do
'def foo; "bar"; end',
'`cat somefile`',
'exec("cat /etc/passwd")',
'{"key"=>"value: #{send}"}'
with_them do
it 'returns nil' do
expect(subject).to be_nil
context 'when input cannot be parsed' do
let(:input) { "{" }
it 'returns nil' do
expect(subject).to be_nil
context 'with valid input' do
using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax
where(:input, :expected) do
'{}' | {}
'{"bool"=>true}' | { 'bool' => true }
'{"bool"=>false}' | { 'bool' => false }
'{"nil"=>nil}' | { 'nil' => nil }
'{"array"=>[1, "foo", nil]}' | { 'array' => [1, "foo", nil] }
'{foo: :bar}' | { foo: :bar }
'{foo: {bar: "bin"}}' | { foo: { bar: "bin" } }
with_them do
specify { expect(subject).to eq(expected) }
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 12592
This method works for one level deep hash
def convert_to_hash(str)
return unless str.is_a?(String)
hash_arg = str.gsub(/[^'"\w\d]/, ' ') { |x| x.gsub(/['"]/, '') }
> convert_to_hash("{ :key_a => 'value_a', :key_b => 'value_b', :key_c => '' }")
=> {"key_a"=>"value_a", "key_b"=>"value_b", "key_c"=>""}
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 1069
Ran across a similar issue that needed to use the eval().
My situation, I was pulling some data from an API and writing it to a file locally. Then being able to pull the data from the file and use the Hash.
I used to read the contents of the file into a variable. In this case creates it as a String.
Then used eval() to convert the string into a Hash.
read_handler ="Path/To/File.json")
puts read_handler.kind_of?(String) # Returns TRUE
a = eval(read_handler)
puts a.kind_of?(Hash) # Returns TRUE
puts a["Enter Hash Here"] # Returns Key => Values
puts a["Enter Hash Here"].length # Returns number of key value pairs
puts a["Enter Hash Here"]["Enter Key Here"] # Returns associated value
Also just to mention that IO is an ancestor of File. So you can also use instead if you wanted.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1243
Please consider this solution. Library+spec:
File: lib/ext/hash/from_string.rb
require "json"
module Ext
module Hash
module ClassMethods
# Build a new object from string representation.
# from_string('{"name"=>"Joe"}')
# @param s [String]
# @return [Hash]
def from_string(s)
s.gsub!(/(?<!\\)"=>nil/, '":null')
s.gsub!(/(?<!\\)"=>/, '":')
class Hash #:nodoc:
extend Ext::Hash::ClassMethods
File: spec/lib/ext/hash/from_string_spec.rb
require "ext/hash/from_string"
describe "Hash.from_string" do
it "generally works" do
# Basic cases.
['{"x"=>"y"}', {"x" => "y"}],
['{"is"=>true}', {"is" => true}],
['{"is"=>false}', {"is" => false}],
['{"is"=>nil}', {"is" => nil}],
['{"a"=>{"b"=>"c","ar":[1,2]}}', {"a" => {"b" => "c", "ar" => [1, 2]}}],
['{"id"=>34030, "users"=>[14105]}', {"id" => 34030, "users" => [14105]}],
# Tricky cases.
['{"data"=>"{\"x\"=>\"y\"}"}', {"data" => "{\"x\"=>\"y\"}"}], # Value is a `Hash#inspect` string which must be preserved.
].each do |input, expected|
output = Hash.from_string(input)
expect([input, output]).to eq [input, expected]
end # it
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 2756
I had the same problem. I was storing a hash in Redis. When retrieving that hash, it was a string. I didn't want to call eval(str)
because of security concerns. My solution was to save the hash as a json string instead of a ruby hash string. If you have the option, using json is easier.
redis.set(key, ruby_hash.to_json)
TL;DR: use to_json
and JSON.parse
Upvotes: 36
Reputation: 9457
Quick and dirty method would be
eval("{ :key_a => { :key_1a => 'value_1a', :key_2a => 'value_2a' }, :key_b => { :key_1b => 'value_1b' } }")
But it has severe security implications.
It executes whatever it is passed, you must be 110% sure (as in, at least no user input anywhere along the way) it would contain only properly formed hashes or unexpected bugs/horrible creatures from outer space might start popping up.
Upvotes: 159
Reputation: 35054
I built a gem hash_parser that first checks if a hash is safe or not using ruby_parser
gem. Only then, it applies the eval
You can use it as
require 'hash_parser'
# this executes successfully
a = "{ :key_a => { :key_1a => 'value_1a', :key_2a => 'value_2a' },
:key_b => { :key_1b => 'value_1b' } }"
# this throws a HashParser::BadHash exception
a = "{ :key_a => system('ls') }"
The tests in give you more examples of the things I've tested to make sure eval is safe.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 2073
The solutions so far cover some cases but miss some (see below). Here's my attempt at a more thorough (safe) conversion. I know of one corner case which this solution doesn't handle which is single character symbols made up of odd, but allowed characters. For example {:> => :<}
is a valid ruby hash.
I put this code up on github as well. This code starts with a test string to exercise all the conversions
require 'json'
# Example ruby hash string which exercises all of the permutations of position and type
# See
ruby_hash_text='{"alpha"=>{"first second > third"=>"first second > third", "after comma > foo"=>:symbolvalue, "another after comma > foo"=>10}, "bravo"=>{:symbol=>:symbolvalue, :aftercomma=>10, :anotheraftercomma=>"first second > third"}, "charlie"=>{1=>10, 2=>"first second > third", 3=>:symbolvalue}, "delta"=>["first second > third", "after comma > foo"], "echo"=>[:symbol, :aftercomma], "foxtrot"=>[1, 2]}'
puts ruby_hash_text
# Transform object string symbols to quoted strings
ruby_hash_text.gsub!(/([{,]\s*):([^>\s]+)\s*=>/, '\1"\2"=>')
# Transform object string numbers to quoted strings
ruby_hash_text.gsub!(/([{,]\s*)([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*)\s*=>/, '\1"\2"=>')
# Transform object value symbols to quotes strings
ruby_hash_text.gsub!(/([{,]\s*)(".+?"|[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*)\s*=>\s*:([^,}\s]+\s*)/, '\1\2=>"\3"')
# Transform array value symbols to quotes strings
ruby_hash_text.gsub!(/([\[,]\s*):([^,\]\s]+)/, '\1"\2"')
# Transform object string object value delimiter to colon delimiter
ruby_hash_text.gsub!(/([{,]\s*)(".+?"|[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*)\s*=>/, '\1\2:')
puts ruby_hash_text
puts JSON.parse(ruby_hash_text)
Here are some notes on the other solutions here
which is too scary for me (as Toms rightly points out).Upvotes: 26
Reputation: 1013
works in rails 4.1 and support symbols without quotes {:a => 'b'}
just add this to initializers folder:
class String
def to_hash_object
JSON.parse(self.gsub(/:([a-zA-z]+)/,'"\\1"').gsub('=>', ': ')).symbolize_keys
Upvotes: 12
Reputation: 7160
For different string, you can do it without using dangerous eval
hash_as_string = "{\"0\"=>{\"answer\"=>\"1\", \"value\"=>\"No\"}, \"1\"=>{\"answer\"=>\"2\", \"value\"=>\"Yes\"}, \"2\"=>{\"answer\"=>\"3\", \"value\"=>\"No\"}, \"3\"=>{\"answer\"=>\"4\", \"value\"=>\"1\"}, \"4\"=>{\"value\"=>\"2\"}, \"5\"=>{\"value\"=>\"3\"}, \"6\"=>{\"value\"=>\"4\"}}"
JSON.parse hash_as_string.gsub('=>', ':')
Upvotes: 216
Reputation: 5319
This short little snippet will do it, but I can't see it working with a nested hash. I think it's pretty cute though
STRING.gsub(/[{}:]/,'').split(', ').map{|h| h1,h2 = h.split('=>'); {h1 => h2}}.reduce(:merge)
Steps 1. I eliminate the '{','}' and the ':' 2. I split upon the string wherever it finds a ',' 3. I split each of the substrings that were created with the split, whenever it finds a '=>'. Then, I create a hash with the two sides of the hash I just split apart. 4. I am left with an array of hashes which I then merge together.
EXAMPLE INPUT: "{:user_id=>11, :blog_id=>2, :comment_id=>1}" RESULT OUTPUT: {"user_id"=>"11", "blog_id"=>"2", "comment_id"=>"1"}
Upvotes: 25
Reputation: 406
I prefer to abuse ActiveSupport::JSON. Their approach is to convert the hash to yaml and then load it. Unfortunately the conversion to yaml isn't simple and you'd probably want to borrow it from AS if you don't have AS in your project already.
We also have to convert any symbols into regular string-keys as symbols aren't appropriate in JSON.
However, its unable to handle hashes that have a date string in them (our date strings end up not being surrounded by strings, which is where the big issue comes in):
string = '{'last_request_at' : 2011-12-28 23:00:00 UTC }'
ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(string.gsub(/:([a-zA-z])/,'\\1').gsub('=>', ' : '))
Would result in an invalid JSON string error when it tries to parse the date value.
Would love any suggestions on how to handle this case
Upvotes: 12
Reputation: 2854
I came to this question after writing a one-liner for this purpose, so I share my code in case it helps somebody. Works for a string with only one level depth and possible empty values (but not nil), like:
"{ :key_a => 'value_a', :key_b => 'value_b', :key_c => '' }"
The code is:
the_string = '...'
the_hash =
the_string[1..-2].split(/, /).each {|entry| entryMap=entry.split(/=>/); value_str = entryMap[1]; the_hash[entryMap[0].strip[1..-1].to_sym] = value_str.nil? ? "" : value_str.strip[1..-2]}
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 58810
The string created by calling Hash#inspect
can be turned back into a hash by calling eval
on it. However, this requires the same to be true of all of the objects in the hash.
If I start with the hash {:a =>}
, then its string representation is "{:a=>#<Object:0x7f66b65cf4d0>}"
, and I can't use eval
to turn it back into a hash because #<Object:0x7f66b65cf4d0>
isn't valid Ruby syntax.
However, if all that's in the hash is strings, symbols, numbers, and arrays, it should work, because those have string representations that are valid Ruby syntax.
Upvotes: 86